Log message #3913242

# At Username Text
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:52 Meowcate About contain() and this 4th example : http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/retrieving-data-and-resultsets.html#eager-loading-associations , will the query return datas about products, countries and managers, or also about shops and cities ?
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:40 Neon1024 Np
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:37 joris_ i regenerated the migrations file but not the table class xD
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:37 joris_ the first time i generated the migrations file, it auto created the id field
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:36 Neon1024 Ahok :D
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:36 joris_ neon1024: you owned it, primaryKey was pointing to id
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:36 Neon1024 As your system will fail with two readings taken at the same time
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:35 Neon1024 Or create your own data type class which does that conversion for you
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:35 Neon1024 You might need to manually cast the datetime object to a string
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:35 Neon1024 Also Iâ??m not sure how that will work, as DateTime in Cake is an object, whereas the primaryKey will probably be assumed to be an int or string
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:35 Neon1024 Did you configure the Table class Measurements to know that the datetime field is the primary key?
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:34 joris_ you can see the migrations file in the gist, i only used datetime and float
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:33 Neon1024 Probably ENUM would be my guess
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:33 Neon1024 Then your database has a column type which cake doesnâ??t understand
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:33 joris_ I created a small gist to show the used code: https://gist.github.com/jorisvaesen/8950df804da8b7bdf0565932efc1456b
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:32 joris_ The db gets created correctly, but when i want to save a new record it gives me the unknown type error on Database/Type.php
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:31 joris_ I'm using migrations to create the tables (1 at the moment for testing)
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:31 joris_ Anyone who can help with setting up cake 3 with an sqlite db ?
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:28 joris_ Hello all
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:27 mirec thanks. dynamic binding sounds good enough
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:26 Neon1024 Which just means, loading the behavior as and when you need it, rather than using the Table classes initialize() method
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:26 Neon1024 If you need multiple configs of the same behavior, Iâ??d be thinking more about doing dynamic binding
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:25 Neon1024 As behaviors in cake 3 are not indexed by model any more
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:25 Neon1024 Otherwise BehaviorCollection::name() would return just one instance
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:24 Neon1024 Plus, I donâ??t think it is possible without aliasing it as another name in the BehaviorCollection
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:24 Neon1024 Why would you want to?
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:18 ra7bi i think yes
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:16 mirec it is possible to bind the same behavior on a table multiple times with different configuration?
# Jul 26th 2016, 08:16 mirec hello guys
# Jul 26th 2016, 07:11 braguzz hi
# Jul 26th 2016, 06:57 anujsharma9196 how can I implement Instamojo payment gateway
# Jul 26th 2016, 06:17 braguzz I seen a couple of chart plugin, the question is: how to retrieve data from a 'user defined' query? (and then plot the results?)
# Jul 26th 2016, 06:16 braguzz good morning
# Jul 26th 2016, 05:30 slackebot2 $this->set('participants', $this->paginate($query)); } ```
# Jul 26th 2016, 05:30 slackebot2 'message' => 'Number only ' ] ]); $participant = $this->Participants->newEntity(); if($this->request->is("post")) { $errors = $validator->errors($this->request->data()); if (!empty($errors)) { debug($errors); } } $query = $this->Participants->find('all')->where(['id !=' => 0]); $this->set('participant', $particip
# Jul 26th 2016, 05:30 ra7bi ``` public function search() { $validator = new Validator(); $validator->requirePresence('mobile') ->notEmpty('mobile', 'We need your name.') ->add('mobile', [ 'length' => [ 'rule' => ['minLength', 9], 'message' => 'Titles need to be at least 10 characters long', ] ,'number' => [ 'rule'=>
# Jul 26th 2016, 05:17 ra7bi how i can display custom validation errors in view
# Jul 26th 2016, 05:02 unorthodox Morning
# Jul 26th 2016, 04:13 ra7bi What is the best way to keep track of stock items for shop that have sales and purchased with example ?
# Jul 26th 2016, 02:27 hanminh1203 Hi, i have a case like this: a user can like many posts, a post can be liked by many users (many-to-many relationship). I want to make a virtual field in PostEntity that check if the post is liked by the current user (saved by CakePHP's Authentication function). I want it to be a virtual field so that I don't need to manually add this virtual field for every query. What is the good way to implement in this case?
# Jul 26th 2016, 00:04 moose517 Wowzers am i drawing a blank right now on something