Log message #3902388

# At Username Text
# Jun 30th 2016, 07:40 dariolap spriz, finally i resolved with this https://gist.github.com/anonymous/a98d7a5dcb0376f158a605541ddfd08e
# Jun 30th 2016, 07:38 spriz Oh, nvm, you were doing that. Then I think you need `true` as second argument to `url()`
# Jun 30th 2016, 07:37 spriz morning dariolap, Iâ??d use Router::url() instead :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jun 30th 2016, 07:09 dariolap Good morning, i want to build url like to https://example.com/users/login?token=1234andr=scheda/5678. This is, for now, my code: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/b5ef75e7a5089e8d7e7682931c366fdd what's wrong?
# Jun 30th 2016, 07:08 voycey no need to keep posting it
# Jun 30th 2016, 07:07 Toni_ HIRIN! We want to find a freelance who can help us to improve our current software solution. We need someone who can work remotely part time. We are a cool SAAS company!
# Jun 30th 2016, 06:59 Toni_ I want to find a freelance who can help us to improve our current software solution. We need someone who can work remotely part time. We are a cool SAAS company!
# Jun 30th 2016, 06:57 Toni_ Hi good morning everyone!
# Jun 30th 2016, 05:41 unorthodox Morning
# Jun 30th 2016, 00:24 majidsportback ask your question
# Jun 29th 2016, 23:43 Devwmm no one
# Jun 29th 2016, 23:40 Devwmm please simple question
# Jun 29th 2016, 23:40 Devwmm Hi everyOne
# Jun 29th 2016, 22:20 crazycoder ok now it works... removing the cache
# Jun 29th 2016, 22:19 crazycoder @ndm json type (custom cakephp type)
# Jun 29th 2016, 22:10 ndm AFAIR `json` isn't supported yet out of the box by CakePHP, it's coming in 3.3 https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/pull/8498
# Jun 29th 2016, 22:07 ndm What does "json field" mean? The native database type `json`? Or have you create a custom CakePHP database type?
# Jun 29th 2016, 22:02 crazycoder i remove the cache...something is telling me that's the problem
# Jun 29th 2016, 21:59 crazycoder and oauth_token is a json field
# Jun 29th 2016, 21:59 crazycoder where the $token is an array
# Jun 29th 2016, 21:59 crazycoder @ndm i am simply doing $this->MyTable->updateAll(['oauth_token' => $token], ['id' => $this->Auth->user('id')]);
# Jun 29th 2016, 21:57 ndm @crazycoder You may want to explain what "_doesn't work_" means in that context.
# Jun 29th 2016, 21:38 crazycoder i have a json field, is it possible that updateALl() does not work with this type ?
# Jun 29th 2016, 21:25 Casmooo Fixed... You will need the associated table... AddressesTable.php in /Model/Table :)
# Jun 29th 2016, 21:15 Casmooo Even without the typo it's not working (MainAddresses)
# Jun 29th 2016, 21:05 tlmarker where can i find a documentor scrip, like ApiGen, the will work from Netbeans 8.1?
# Jun 29th 2016, 21:04 Casmooo How can I get this MainAddressess relation to use the Address Entity class intead of the default "Cake\ORM\Entity" ?
# Jun 29th 2016, 21:03 Casmooo I've the following hasOne relation: Buildings->hasOne('MainAddressess', ['className' => 'Addressess']));
# Jun 29th 2016, 20:54 ndm ugh... no... it's late, sorry, there is no `newEntity()` on an entity, it's a method of the table class
# Jun 29th 2016, 20:51 ndm Or you haven't contained the association...
# Jun 29th 2016, 20:51 ndm http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/associations.html#hasmany-associations
# Jun 29th 2016, 20:50 ndm @salik most probably because you haven't explicitly configured that name for your association property, so the default will apply, which is the underscored plural of the association name, wich would probably be either `labels` or `thermal_labels`.
# Jun 29th 2016, 20:43 saliak in my app ShipmentHandlingUnits haveMany Labels. when iâ??m iterating through a list of ShipmentHandlingUnits ($shu), I get an error when i try to do $shu->ThermalLabels->newEntity() (the error is that $shu->ThermalLabels is a non-object). why would that be? this is in my test case
# Jun 29th 2016, 19:31 harry1 has anyone used this: https://github.com/luisdias/CakePHP-Report-Manager-Plugin
# Jun 29th 2016, 19:18 majidsportback please can you help me, thanks
# Jun 29th 2016, 19:17 majidsportback And i get Class 'PredisAutoloader' not found
# Jun 29th 2016, 19:17 majidsportback PredisAutoloader::register(); $redis = new PredisClient();
# Jun 29th 2016, 19:16 majidsportback App::import('Vendor', 'Predis', array('file' => 'predis' . DS . 'predis' . DS . 'autoload'));
# Jun 29th 2016, 19:16 majidsportback But I can not load the package
# Jun 29th 2016, 19:16 majidsportback https://scotch.io/tutorials/getting-started-with-redis-in-php
# Jun 29th 2016, 19:15 majidsportback Hi all, i need to use Predis on Cakephp