
# Keyword Message At
# anybody ~anyone 8/18/11, 6:30 AM
# uses-testimonial [00:53] <nicknosis> Well, that is it! changes $uses = array(); and no more lag 4/20/11, 11:57 PM
# welcome Your're welcome. 7/24/08, 1:59 PM
# blackhole Your request is blackholed if: 1) You didn't generate your form completely using form helper 2) You are modifying form fields (or hidden field values) using javascript without adding it to SecurityComponent::disabledFields 3/11/11, 3:08 PM
# tPl0ch your daddy! 4/27/10, 7:51 AM
# idiot you: 2/20/13, 2:54 PM
# yw You're Welcome. 2/2/10, 4:15 PM
# indirect You tried to do $this->foo[] = 'bar'; but since "foo" is an overloaded property (dynamically created property available through magic method __set()) you must first do $this->foo = array() 6/21/12, 8:05 PM
# slapped You know it when you feel it 4/28/11, 8:14 PM
# declarations You can't use functions or variables in class member declarations! 6/14/09, 6:02 PM
# Learn you can only lead a horse to water, from that point all you can do is kill it 7/4/08, 12:18 AM
# teaching you can only lead a horse to water, from that point all you can do is kill it 1/8/10, 2:32 PM
# bootstap You can do better 9/14/14, 2:31 PM
# friday yesterday was Thursday 9/23/11, 8:16 PM
# savant-advice Y U NO PATRIOT ALE? 8/18/13, 9:12 PM
# bhosie wondering 7/14/11, 9:59 PM
# wildflower WildFlower CMS :: Repository - :: Home - 12/3/09, 6:56 PM
# whitespace Whitespace or BOMs at the beginning/ending of PHP files causes problems - jperras whitespace detection shell - - petteyg shell - 12/8/09, 8:45 PM
# internet where people come together to share pornography with each other, 9/19/11, 6:45 PM
# shin Whenever you are tempted to do something you know is wrong to save a couple minutes, kick yourself in the shin. 12/19/08, 4:55 PM