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acl-alt |
acl-alt is Alternatives to DB based ACL are using a) ini or php acl files (check app/Config/acl.php and acl.ini.php), b) Controller based authorization through AppController::isAuthorized() (http://goo.gl/JFFid), c) custom Authorize adapter |
6/30/13, 5:15 PM |
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acl-first |
The first question to ask yourself before using ACL is: "Do i really need db based ACL?" |
2/24/13, 7:31 PM |
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acl-problem |
"allow('*') fixes acl problems" - dogmatic69 |
11/22/11, 2:00 PM |
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acl-revised |
http://www.dereuromark.de/2015/01/06/acl-access-control-lists-revised/ |
1/27/15, 10:01 AM |
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acl-rules |
The First Rule of Using ACL : Don't use ACL. The Second Rule of Using ACL (for experts only): Don't use it yet. |
1/19/13, 10:19 PM |
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AclExtras |
https://github.com/markstory/acl_extras |
3/25/14, 3:51 PM |
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aclperms |
http://www.neilcrookes.com/2009/02/26/get-all-acl-permissions/ |
1/7/11, 12:07 PM |
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acl_extras |
http://github.com/markstory/acl_extras |
6/15/10, 2:31 PM |
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acl_menu |
http://mark-story.com/posts/view/acl-menu-component |
10/12/10, 9:19 AM |
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ad7six |
https://github.com/ad7six |
7/15/15, 2:46 PM |
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AD7six-advice |
If something seems hard with cakephp, you're doing it wrong. |
8/15/09, 5:42 PM |
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admad |
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mch8hr7UZp1rneib6o1_500.gif or https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-HrkUUCWN1OY/UfhdrukBDsI/AAAAAAAAA2U/xglZIMY3ZPE/w426-h639/photo.jpg |
7/31/13, 11:30 AM |
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adminrouting |
http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/routing.html#prefix-routing |
11/30/12, 2:40 AM |
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adodb |
moved out from CakePHP core http://github.com/cakephp/datasources |
5/13/10, 8:16 AM |
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advanced |
http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/installation/advanced-installation.html |
6/10/13, 12:34 PM |
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age |
Calculate someone's age from a date http://bin.cakephp.org/view/1320101360 |
8/19/10, 6:34 PM |
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Aggregatable |
http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/kher/2008/07/07/aggregator-aggregatable-behaviors-if-you-think-that-you-need-a-group-by-statement |
11/17/10, 5:07 PM |
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aggregator |
http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/kher/2008/07/07/aggregator-aggregatable-behaviors-if-you-think-that-you-need-a-group-by-statement |
11/17/10, 5:07 PM |
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ajax |
http://www.dereuromark.de/2014/01/09/ajax-and-cakephp/ |
4/7/15, 7:46 AM |
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akebo |
bot |
4/2/13, 6:45 PM |