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emocakes |
http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/a5e8wVE_700b.jpg |
5/7/13, 8:15 AM |
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empty-pw-hashed |
create another field like confirm_password and validate that, saving only the 'password' field when all the data validates |
7/23/10, 1:24 PM |
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english |
http://i.imgur.com/9bBHBRL.png |
7/28/13, 11:23 AM |
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enum |
Possible way to make enums in cake 1.x-2.x: http://www.dereuromark.de/2010/06/24/static-enums-or-semihardcoded-attributes/ |
1/16/13, 3:40 PM |
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env |
http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/global-constants-and-functions.html#global-functions |
11/30/12, 3:10 AM |
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environments |
Use Environments in CakePHP with https://github.com/OctoBear/cakephp-environments |
10/3/12, 7:12 AM |
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Erny |
Sexy |
4/24/15, 9:27 AM |
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error |
https://twitter.com/ceeram/status/19262364810 |
3/8/13, 5:05 PM |
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error500 |
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-hD87kePT7w4/U5kPi_S8sOI/AAAAAAAA2bQ/ARPYMqzMEZI/w800-h670-no/daily_picdump_15512_1FMj9_101.jpg |
6/12/14, 2:46 AM |
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eval |
I wish I did'nt know about it |
12/2/11, 10:46 AM |
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Excel |
http://phpexcel.codeplex.com/ PHP Excel Writer |
11/9/10, 12:52 AM |
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excel-reader |
https://github.com/dereuromark/tools/blob/master/Lib/ExcelReaderLib.php |
1/24/13, 4:32 PM |
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executionorder |
https://github.com/dereuromark/executionorder A demo app to display execution order of files and callbacks in a CakePHP app |
1/23/15, 10:15 PM |
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facebook |
a Technickality |
4/26/13, 2:27 PM |
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facepalm |
http://skepticalteacher.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/facepalm1.jpg |
6/2/10, 7:46 AM |
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fail |
Someone get the newbie bin |
1/26/10, 3:10 AM |
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failed-save |
caused by 1) incorrect data array structure, debug data passed for saving 2) failing validation, debug($this->SomeModel->validationErrors) 3) beforeSave/beforeValidate callback in model or attached behavior not returning true 4) sql error, turn up debug to 2 |
5/23/12, 2:50 PM |
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faq |
http://groups.google.com/group/cake-php/web/faq |
6/21/08, 3:49 AM |
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feio |
Filter Input - Escape Output |
3/12/12, 8:54 AM |
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fieo |
Filter Input - Escape Output |
3/12/12, 8:55 AM |