Logs for #cakephp-bakery

Page 8 of 134, showing 100 records out of 13,394 total, starting on record 701, ending on 800

# At Username Text
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:56 AD7six alkemann: the intention is to use the users plugin from the book and enhance it as needed.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:56 alkemann we dont require complex rules though, so I dont see what we gain for the price
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:56 jperras e.g. record-based fine-grained permissions, or complex logic schemes
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:56 AD7six alkemann: as far as I understand
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:57 jperras alkemann: price?
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:57 alkemann yes, the queries to the acl table
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:57 AD7six ini based acl doesn't have any
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:58 AD7six what's described on the group permissions page is basically ini based acl
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:58 alkemann well gwoo ok'ed this approach so it cant be THAT bad :p
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:58 jperras no one is saying it's bad
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:58 markstory iniAcl is ninja fast.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:59 markstory has some issues with Auth, but barring that its ninja fast.
# Feb 19th 2009, 14:59 jperras I'm just trying to prevent us from writing a whole permissions system + testing when one is available that does exactly what we want
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:01 alkemann jperras: pretty sure all the code is there in the specc. what writing do you mean?
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:01 ADmad jperras: this "whole permission system" is barely half a dozen lines of code ;)
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:02 ADmad but if its almost identical to ini based acl as you guys say (i have never used it) then maybe we can use that
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:02 jperras even so, I just don't get why we'd want to write something that already exists and works
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:03 jperras if the consensus is that we want to go with the one in the spec, I'm fine with that. I simply want to raise that flag.
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:04 AD7six personally I'm very "if there's something in the core to use - use it"
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:04 AD7six what about the future and extensibility for example
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:04 alkemann i didnt know acl had a little brother. i just dont want to use a sledgehammer when a pencil is required
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:05 ADmad we definately need to seperate permissions/roles from users so that specs needs to be updated anyways
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:06 ADmad alkemann: you only started with cake 1.2 i guess ;)
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:06 AD7six ADmad: I added this as a start point http://thechaw.com/forks/AD7six/bakery/commits/view/7bc18220ca9167ebaf4428d9eefeea5e22852561#highlight
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:06 alkemann ADmad: yes
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:07 AD7six role would be the equivalent of group_id in the spec doc
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:07 AD7six since it's currently seemingly fluid I left as is
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:09 AD7six and.. that's all that would be needed in the users table: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/50458369
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:09 AD7six afais
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:10 alkemann have have a users table then?
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:10 alkemann we*
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:10 AD7six alkemann: there must be a users table, it's just not on the app side of things.
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:11 AD7six thats a lot slimmer than the current bakery's users table
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:11 alkemann a plugin that is installed in all cakephp.org apps?
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:11 AD7six yes, or designed to be so.
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:11 alkemann and each of these apps have a separate users_profile model instead?
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:12 AD7six alkemann: that's what I'm currently thinking
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:12 AD7six any (other) suggestions
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:13 AD7six user_profile is maybe the wrong name. in the users _plugin_ would be users and profiles.
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:13 ADmad why is it not user_profiles :)
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:13 AD7six but each app needs something to point at a user and hold the app's settings etc.
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:14 ADmad nvm.. its user_profiles in the AD7six's schema
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:14 AD7six ADmad: so I could during this conversation (effectively) refer to both with a different name
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:14 alkemann AD7six: think the plugin is a bit greedy if it also claims UserProfile
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:14 AD7six alkemann: look at the current bakery profiles table
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:15 AD7six it's in the current bakery's schema because the bakery was the first app but it's entirely generic.
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:15 AD7six so user + profile < big fence > (role|user_profile|aname) + rest of app data
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:16 AD7six design for no joins across <big fence> and we're golden :)
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:16 alkemann ok
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:25 AD7six users plugin schema: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/1054466554 old_passwords to allow us to transparently change from current md5 -> sha1 without affecting users
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:25 AD7six seem ok?
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:27 alkemann why change?
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:27 ADmad do we need all those messenger fields ?
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:28 AD7six why change what?
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:28 alkemann md5.
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:28 AD7six ADmad: I don't think anyone uses them, but they currently exist
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:29 AD7six alkemann: it's currently md5 with no salt
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:29 alkemann i say we drop em.. unless there are lots of ppl using them
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:29 ADmad AD7six: i say scrap all the extra crap
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:29 AD7six I have an old dump, let's see what's in there
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:29 alkemann there is a freefield ppl can write contact info if they want
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:29 ADmad interests, occupations .... dont need all these social networkng kinda crap
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:31 AD7six <5% of users have a profile (323 profiles, 6k users), ~40 of each im
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:31 AD7six so practically nobody
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:31 ADmad so i says just id, user_id, published and some_free_field where they can put whatever they want to share if anything at all
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:32 AD7six and my db is way old, so I'm sure there are more users and the same profiles :)
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:34 alkemann location might be useful thought.
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:35 alkemann yes they could put it in free text, but many wouldnt think to do so. and being international community, it can be useful to know where ppl are.. time zone wise
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:36 AD7six I think that's a happy medium: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/1880086530
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:36 alkemann agreed. except not call it bio :p
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:37 AD7six how about 'favorite_color'
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:37 ADmad seriously lets put in a random field :)
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:38 jperras favourite_star_wars_movie
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:39 AD7six http://bin.cakephp.org/view/884063986
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:39 ADmad description is worse than bio
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:40 AD7six I am minutes away from falling asleep ;)
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:40 alkemann heh, doesnt have to be nailed now :)
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:40 ADmad just leave it to bio for now
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:40 AD7six ko
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:41 AD7six alkemann: do you still think changing hte password hash isn't necessary?
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:42 alkemann if it isnt useing salt that seems like a good idea :) i thought u were just changing method
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:42 AD7six good to hear ;)
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:48 AD7six anyone know what happend to this article's text/contents? http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/view/pagination-recall
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:48 AD7six oh old problem (apparnetly)
# Feb 19th 2009, 15:53 AD7six nite
# Feb 20th 2009, 07:52 AD7six where should the repo (?) for the users plugin, common the book, bakery and anything else in the future, reside.
# Feb 20th 2009, 07:56 alkemann we could include it as plugins in bakery and branch away later?
# Feb 20th 2009, 07:56 AD7six coolio - I'll upload it to my fork after some tweaking
# Feb 20th 2009, 07:59 alkemann do we need to work with forks though?
# Feb 20th 2009, 08:02 AD7six I don't know, I created a fork for myself since it's probably easier to manage experiments than via branches. I don't know if I have commit access the the parent
# Feb 20th 2009, 08:02 alkemann if u dont have. make gwoo give u access to commit to http://thechaw.com/bakery/source/branches/2.0.x.x
# Feb 20th 2009, 08:02 AD7six probalby I do
# Feb 20th 2009, 08:02 AD7six I'll check a little later
# Feb 20th 2009, 08:03 alkemann u forked the master, not 2.0.x.x though ?
# Feb 20th 2009, 08:11 AD7six I forked the repo, yo ucan't fork a branch
# Feb 20th 2009, 08:12 alkemann oh.. well the master wont have any code before after cycle one
# Feb 20th 2009, 08:12 AD7six at the time I didn't know there was a 2.0 branch, so that's the active dev?
# Feb 20th 2009, 08:12 alkemann yes
# Feb 20th 2009, 08:13 alkemann schema and baked files there
# Feb 20th 2009, 09:58 jperras good news about graphic design