
# Keyword Message At
# botsnack almost as delicious as cake! 2/3/12, 5:19 PM
# your-mom almost as good as good cake 7/7/10, 12:58 PM
# phpunit also possible to setup with a nice installer: 11/11/11, 1:49 PM
# vritual-fields Always use virtual fields for custom fields: 10/25/13, 9:19 PM
# outdated_pdo_mysql an alias for alias 10/27/12, 9:21 PM
# authsome an alternative authentication component. 9/2/10, 2:26 PM
# sushil an assclown 5/5/13, 2:36 PM
# forkmaster An awesome game - 8/28/09, 10:17 AM
# packages an efficient resource to search through up-to-date code snippets online 3/8/12, 12:47 AM
# cakepackages an efficient resource to search through up-to-date code snippets online - plugin / maintainer missing? let savant know! 3/5/12, 7:05 AM
# m-w an excellent resource at 3/13/09, 3:41 PM
# codedive an exciting activity that you should engage in on a regular basis. 2/14/09, 9:40 PM
# randallj an idiot 5/5/13, 7:46 AM
# yo an informal greeting 12/2/08, 9:41 PM
# NetersLandreau an old man but awesome in his age :P 6/2/10, 9:09 PM
# primeminister Andy! 8/30/10, 5:00 PM
# someprimetime angry 4/29/12, 6:26 AM
# croogo another CMS built with CakePHP: 10/29/09, 10:20 AM
# anyfool Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. (c) Martin Fowler 1/19/12, 5:14 PM
# help API for everything, book for usage assistance, here for complex head-scratchers 9/2/08, 12:57 PM