
# Keyword Message At
# phillaf a confused man! 7/29/15, 6:02 AM
# world a cruel place where people are making fun of you, mishehu 3/27/09, 3:10 PM
# ScottO_ a douche 5/10/11, 10:32 PM
# friskd a fan of CakePHP 6/3/10, 9:35 PM
# trollin a frownable offence. 7/27/09, 3:01 AM
# link a general purpose method for creating HTML links 7/13/10, 4:53 PM
# password a good solution to handle the hashed password by auth in 1.3, check the bin for a nice example: 6/7/13, 6:50 PM
# confirm_password a good solution to handle the hashed password by auth, check the bin for a nice example: 4/28/11, 9:05 PM
# MarkWalters a guy who should probably be working a Subway 4/2/12, 1:44 PM
# btx a guy with two broken arms from reddit 4/29/15, 7:33 PM
# Hyra a hater of magento 6/10/11, 8:16 PM
# modalbox a JavaScript technique for creating modern (Web 2.0-style) modal dialogs 8/6/08, 10:54 PM
# reading a little more involved than looking at the screen, you need to understand it too - 2/24/13, 1:06 AM
# ! a lot of joy! 3/17/10, 3:54 PM
# jamiemill a macho bloke who dances only to Beyonce 10/21/11, 1:29 PM
# dakota a mythical genius who skulks through mist and dark alleyways solving the world's problems 9/16/11, 11:49 AM
# apis a nifty base plugin to quickly setup support for almost any API 1/7/13, 7:04 PM
# copula a nifty base plugin to quickly setup support for almost any API 1/7/13, 7:04 PM
# 250 a number, larger than 200. 8/8/12, 2:57 AM
# rating a plugin which will allow you by simply adding the ratings component to your controller to rate anything 4/6/13, 5:46 PM