
# Keyword Message At
# environments Use Environments in CakePHP with 10/3/12, 7:12 AM
# cake2-cake3 Use CakePHP if you are very new to CakePHP or don't want the hazzle of not knowing whether is a cake bug or your fault you are encountering. Cake3 is still alpha after all. 7/27/14, 5:49 PM
# baddocs Unwilling to contribute to the docs efforts precludes the right to complain about the docs efforts. 1/25/09, 4:00 PM
# tree-alt Unless you're trying to work with the sibling relations, Tree Behavior is probably not what you want. Most of the time, all you want is a couple of aliased self relations: $hasMany Children and $belongsTo Parent, see this gist for an example: 10/19/13, 11:08 PM
# ceeram undercover as programmer 3/24/11, 9:37 AM
# tyas Try it Yourself And See 4/27/09, 1:47 AM
# try try it and you'll see 11/24/10, 6:55 AM
# tias Try It And See. If you want to know if or how something works, try it first. "Testing Is Absolutely Simple" 3/16/10, 10:46 AM
# clear-cache try !clear_cache 2/8/12, 3:18 PM
# clearcache try !clear_cache 2/8/12, 3:18 PM
# benchmark try !benchmarks 6/13/13, 5:13 PM
# mdunham918 totally awesome. 4/14/11, 4:09 PM
# CakeBot too good to me 10/16/11, 10:31 PM
# macterminal To prevent ^H when hitting backspace, go to Preferences > Settings > Advanced and change "Declare terminal as" from xterm-color to vt100 7/2/09, 11:07 AM
# json To get json responses, you need to add RequestHandler component to your (App)Controller(s). Additionally to skip view templates you can set the special view variable: $this->set(´_serialize´, [´varsto´, ´serialize´]); Optional and handy to debug you can enable json extensions in your routes.php 4/10/15, 1:03 PM
# passwordable tips and solutions on how to handle passwords in cake: 6/25/13, 11:41 AM
# segnotes the_batman is dumb and goes off-topic + pms for no reason etc, so I have ignored him, again 12/9/11, 4:29 AM
# ldap There are examples of LDAP datasources in both the bakery, and the pastebin 3/17/10, 2:09 PM
# xy The X-Y problem is when you want to do X, but you don't know how. You think you can hack X if you can just do Y, but you don't know how to do Y either. You ask (us) for help with Y. We think Y is a strange problem to want to solve... So just ask us about X. (from ##php) 10/21/11, 6:36 AM
# wizard The Wizard Component can be used for multi-page forms and is found at 2/2/09, 11:07 AM