
# Keyword Message At
# beingadick when you should STOP BEING A DICK 2/22/10, 3:25 AM
# singularity when I write my own framework to program even smarter bots 10/7/11, 7:32 PM
# ninjahash when Auth kills your password silently in the night 8/27/08, 5:59 PM
# gofuckyourself what you should do now 11/7/12, 9:56 PM
# infiniteRedirects what noobs do! 3/20/15, 6:54 PM
# gin what happens when you type 'bin' too fast 3/3/09, 4:27 PM
# ignore what happens to people that ask for support, get support, but ignore what has been said. They will get ignored back. 6/15/12, 3:40 PM
# www What did you try? What did you get? What did you expect? 5/18/09, 1:44 AM
# firstThing What are you trying to do, and why are you trying to do it? 7/31/08, 9:29 PM
# poLK waving from middle of 12/31/08, 12:18 PM
# github Visit for the latest CakePHP code 1/8/10, 2:52 PM
# virtualfields Virtual fields allow you to create arbitrary SQL expressions and assign them as fields in a Model. See for more information. 8/31/12, 3:28 PM
# jrod violent 8/19/09, 1:16 PM
# holywar Vim is better than Emacs 1/14/10, 6:13 AM
# gays velus 4/26/13, 1:51 AM
# gay velus 4/26/13, 2:14 AM
# badint using ints to store information that does not have an integer type. Status fields, roles, and enumerable options should all be strings in your database. Yes, this means you should probably be using UUIDs, too. 6/21/13, 4:12 PM
# caching use varnish and an opcode cache like APC 1/25/13, 8:44 AM
# querystrings Use querystrings instead of named params - 8/9/13, 9:15 AM
# cakeentity Use objects in your models with the CakeEntity plugin 10/3/12, 7:14 AM