Log message #4223917

# At Username Text
# Jan 27th 2020, 11:01 neon1024 Are you using Cake 4?
# Jan 27th 2020, 11:01 neon1024 It would need to be loaded
# Jan 27th 2020, 11:01 lpj145 have a method to test injected plugins ?
# Jan 27th 2020, 11:01 lpj145 ok, can't work = work nothing, not pause execution, not add routes or commands...
# Jan 27th 2020, 11:01 neon1024 Can you explain your issue in more detail
# Jan 27th 2020, 11:00 neon1024 “Can’t work” is confusing and not very descriptive
# Jan 27th 2020, 11:00 lpj145 have a magic method ? or follow the docs is sufficient ?
# Jan 27th 2020, 11:00 lpj145 Guy's, i tried create a plugin with bake command, but when addPlugin on application, plugin cant work routes, commands, anything, simple dd on bootstrap method can't work...
# Jan 27th 2020, 09:39 slackebot Time::setToStringFormat($dateTimeFormat); Type::build('date')->useLocaleParser(); Type::build('datetime')->useLocaleParser();```
# Jan 27th 2020, 09:39 conehead I added this to the bottom of my bootstrap file: ` ```$dateFormat = 'dd.MM.yyyy'; $dateTimeFormat = 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm'; FrozenDate::setJsonEncodeFormat($dateFormat); Date::setJsonEncodeFormat($dateFormat); FrozenTime::setJsonEncodeFormat($dateTimeFormat); Time::setJsonEncodeFormat($dateTimeFormat); FrozenDate::setToStringFormat($dateFormat); Date::setToStringFormat($dateFormat); FrozenTime::setToStringFormat($dateTimeFormat);
# Jan 27th 2020, 09:38 conehead usually you do not need to convert it
# Jan 27th 2020, 09:38 conehead hm
# Jan 27th 2020, 09:30 andre.karner ```->date('invoice_date', ['dmy'])``` ['dmy'] did the trick - at first dmY threw an exception, debugging lead me to the solution :)
# Jan 27th 2020, 09:25 andre.karner might be in the validator? ```public function date(string $field, array $formats = ['ymd'], ?string $message = null, $when = null)```
# Jan 27th 2020, 09:23 andre.karner does not change things :(
# Jan 27th 2020, 09:23 andre.karner already done
# Jan 27th 2020, 09:19 javier.villanueva In your app.php you must configure: ```'defaultLocale' => env('APP_DEFAULT_LOCALE', 'de-DE'),```
# Jan 27th 2020, 09:11 andre.karner hey guys! someone know how to force specific datetime format? I've set the locale of Date / Time to "de-DE" but validation always says that the provided value is invalid. MySQL needs YYYY-MM-dd but I let my users provide the value in following format: dd.MM.yyyy - do I have to cast this manually?
# Jan 27th 2020, 07:30 alexdd55976 morning
# Jan 27th 2020, 06:46 javier.villanueva morning al
# Jan 27th 2020, 00:03 slackebot ] ], ]);``` If I don’t pass company variables, it passes. Although I have `requirePresence` in the `CompaniesTable`.
# Jan 27th 2020, 00:03 latenal Hi there! How to require associated tables validation? I have the following code: ``` $entity = $this->Users->newEmptyEntity(); $entity->setAccess('username', true); $entity->setAccess('password', true); $entity = $this->Users->patchEntity($entity, $data, [ 'validate' => 'register', 'associated' => [ 'Companies' => [ 'validate' => 'register'
# Jan 26th 2020, 22:36 challgren Here @luizcmarin https://github.com/challgren/luiz-martin-example
# Jan 26th 2020, 22:33 Jaime hi guys
# Jan 26th 2020, 21:21 challgren Standby
# Jan 26th 2020, 21:18 luizcmarin should i create locally? https://github.com/UseMuffin/Sti/blob/master/tests/Fixture/CooksFixture.php
# Jan 26th 2020, 21:17 luizcmarin @challgren I really don't understand the basics yet, because it's all different from my knowledge. But I'm struggling to learn. At this point, I thank you for your patience and effort.
# Jan 26th 2020, 21:11 luizcmarin @admad I used ctrl + H to speed up the changes. But I will pay attention to what you said.
# Jan 26th 2020, 21:08 challgren I dont want to fully make his solution because then he wont understand the basics
# Jan 26th 2020, 21:08 challgren Yeah I saw that, thats why I figured a walkthru might be better
# Jan 26th 2020, 21:07 admad for starters he's using `$this->cooks` everywhere instead of `$this->Cooks` for referring to the model in his updated gist
# Jan 26th 2020, 21:05 challgren https://github.com/UseMuffin/Sti/blob/master/tests/Fixture/CooksFixture.php this is our database
# Jan 26th 2020, 21:05 challgren Ok lets walk through this then
# Jan 26th 2020, 20:52 luizcmarin DONE. I removed some codes and comments for easier reading. Whatever you need, and what's best for you, ask me to do it here
# Jan 26th 2020, 20:33 luizcmarin _"I dont speak whatever language you speak"_ nobody is perfect :D
# Jan 26th 2020, 20:30 luizcmarin I agree. I'll fix
# Jan 26th 2020, 20:12 challgren https://github.com/UseMuffin/Sti/tree/master/tests/test_app/Model
# Jan 26th 2020, 20:12 challgren That way its a common language and knowledge between both of us
# Jan 26th 2020, 20:11 challgren @luizcmarin I dont speak whatever language you speak so I would prefer if we looked at the test cases and use the terms Cooks, Chefs, and AssistantChefs
# Jan 26th 2020, 19:43 luizcmarin @challgren https://gist.github.com/LuizMarin/f92b5ab916e7a7cb3e6b61f3a73c9152
# Jan 26th 2020, 16:33 m_mck Or did I miss some marvelous way of actually getting what I want via a plugin? (and then each integration = plugin=