Log message #4223844

# At Username Text
# Jan 25th 2020, 20:17 luizcmarin @challgren Excuse me. I started the STI all over again. It is impossible to continue alone without overloading the support. Difficult to implement with readme.md and does not explain how to continue. I tried every dumb way I know. I will think of alternatives.
# Jan 25th 2020, 12:30 alexdd55976 its cake 3.6
# Jan 25th 2020, 12:29 alexdd55976 `NOT IN`??
# Jan 25th 2020, 12:29 alexdd55976 am i wrong with the statement?
# Jan 25th 2020, 12:29 alexdd55976 there are tracking_ids in the variable.
# Jan 25th 2020, 12:27 alexdd55976 but get this `Impossible to generate condition with empty list of values for field (tracking_id)`v
# Jan 25th 2020, 12:27 alexdd55976 trying to do this ```$Times->deleteAll([ 'Times.model_id' => 7, 'Times.model_primary_key' => $entity->id, 'Times.tracking_id NOT IN' => $tracking_ids ]);```
# Jan 25th 2020, 12:27 alexdd55976 hey fellows
# Jan 25th 2020, 10:24 challgren @luizcmarin we updated the README.md to include setTable instead of table. Also you may want to be looking at https://github.com/UseMuffin/Sti/tree/cake-4.x as thats more specific to Cake 4 and the master branch is for 3.6+
# Jan 25th 2020, 00:27 luizcmarin very complex, I am confused and tired. Tomorrow I try to start again. The plugin is good, congratulations to those who did it. But my knowledge and ability to understand are greatly reduced. Thanks for the help @challgren. Willing people like you and some of the support is what dignifies the "kitchen of the cake". Good evening.
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:44 luizcmarin examinando
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:43 challgren The tests show you how to use it in a more technical sense and what to expect
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:39 luizcmarin mamma mia.... moment, muuuch moments :tired_face:
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:33 challgren https://github.com/UseMuffin/Sti/blob/master/tests/TestCase/Model/Behavior/StiBehaviorTest.php#L36
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:33 challgren https://github.com/UseMuffin/Sti/blob/master/tests/test_app/Model/Table/CooksTable.php
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:32 challgren https://github.com/UseMuffin/Sti/blob/master/tests/TestCase/Model/Behavior/StiBehaviorTest.php#L46
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:30 challgren Yes, you just need to use the sti_caixas table to do your queries. The find/get will return the corrected entity type
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:29 luizcmarin but can i create a menu for each type? and the screens too?
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:28 challgren You wont have tables called caixa, caixapagar, and caixareceber. Those are entities. The sti_caixas table is what holds your data
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:27 luizcmarin now i'm really confused. Give me time to understand your concept and test it out.
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:24 challgren and add conditions => [‘type’ => ‘caixa’] to your paginate
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:23 challgren Yes so you need to change your $modelClass in your controller to be StiCaixas
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:23 slackebot       'caixa' _=>_ 'App\Model\Entity\Caixa',                 'caixapagar' _=>_ 'App\Model\Entity\CaixaPagar',                 'caixareceber' _=>_ 'App\Model\Entity\CaixaReceber',             ]         ]);         _$this->setEntityClass_('App\Model\Entity\Caixa'); _// default_
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:23 luizcmarin it's in StiCaixasTable: _public_ _function_ _initialize_(_array_ _$config_)_:_ _void_     {         _parent::initialize_(_$config_);         _$this->setTable_('sti_caixas');         _$this->setDisplayField_('id');         _$this->setPrimaryKey_('id');         _// sti_          _$this->addBehavior_('Muffin/Sti.Sti', [             'typeMap' _=>_ [          
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:22 challgren You need to use the StiTable you attached the behavior to
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:21 luizcmarin _public_ _function_ _index_()     {         _$this->paginate_ _=_ [             'contain' _=>_ ['Pessoas', 'PlanoContas', 'Pedidos'],         ];         _$Caixas_ _=_ _$this->paginate_(_$this->Caixas_);         _$this->set_(compact('Caixas'));     }
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:21 luizcmarin I created CaixasController.
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:20 challgren Ok so your reading data, whats that call to read the data?
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:16 luizcmarin when I try to access http: // localhost: 8765 / caixas
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:15 challgren What is causing the error are you trying to save, trying to read?
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:14 slackebot " Shouldn't he go to sti_caixas?
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:14 slackebot ------> THIS TABLE IS NOT REAL 'caixareceber' => 'App\Model\Entity\CaixaReceber', ------> THIS TABLE IS NOT REAL ] ]); $this->setEntityClass('App\Model\Entity\Caixa'); // default I created the entities box, box, box and box. I created the add, edit, view, index screens. However, I get the following error: " SQLSTATE [42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'ola_ney.caixas' doesn't exist
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:14 luizcmarin excuse me. I was writing the situation. $this->setTable('sti_caixas'); ------> THIS TABLE IS REAL $this->setDisplayField('id'); $this->setPrimaryKey('id'); // sti $this->addBehavior('Muffin/Sti.Sti', [ 'typeMap' => [ 'caixa' => 'App\Model\Entity\Caixa', ------> THIS TABLE IS NOT REAL 'caixapagar' => 'App\Model\Entity\CaixaPagar',
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:12 challgren @luizcmarin please stop saying it has errors and not including what the error thats not very conductive to figuring out your issue.
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:11 slackebot loaded via $this->addPlugin(), you may need to update bin/cake.php to match https://github.com/cakephp/app/tree/master/bin/cake.php In [/home/vagrant/code/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Console/ShellDispatcher.php, line 332]``` The migrations seems to be created successfully but marking it as done generates an error.
# Jan 24th 2020, 23:11 cakephp-slack I’m having an issue with migrations in a fresh CakePHP 4 install: ```$ bin/cake bake migration_snapshot Initial Creating file /home/vagrant/code/config/Migrations/20200124230841_Initial.php Wrote `/home/vagrant/code/config/Migrations/20200124230841_Initial.php` Marking the migration 20200124230841_Initial as migrated... Exception: Shell class for "Migrations" could not be found. If you are trying to use a plugin shell, that was
# Jan 24th 2020, 22:58 luizcmarin I followed all the guidelines of the STI. At least, I believe so. But I have doubts because of some errors
# Jan 24th 2020, 22:56 luizcmarin @challgren disponible?
# Jan 24th 2020, 21:43 wnasich @challgren thanks!
# Jan 24th 2020, 21:42 challgren https://github.com/burzum/cakephp-service-layer might be useful to you @wnasich you might need to update it for cake4
# Jan 24th 2020, 21:42 wnasich ops, thanks!