Log message #4223424

# At Username Text
# Jan 22nd 2020, 20:10 luizcmarin I will change this to start
# Jan 22nd 2020, 20:09 luizcmarin https://github.com/Xety/Cake3-Upload
# Jan 22nd 2020, 20:09 ricksaccous are you using a plugin or writing file handling on your own?
# Jan 22nd 2020, 20:09 ricksaccous make sure you can reference it
# Jan 22nd 2020, 20:08 ricksaccous @luizcmarin generally you want to store the name of the file (maybe filesize/mimetype) and then move the file into a local directory
# Jan 22nd 2020, 20:07 luizcmarin I'm trying to upload my first files. The fields are varchar (255) (mysql). It returns the image error. As I said, it is my first test and I do not know how to solve this type of error. Please, any guidance?
# Jan 22nd 2020, 19:48 FredSavagely Oh, looks like you might be right: https://github.com/cakephp/authentication/blob/master/src/View/Helper/IdentityHelper.php
# Jan 22nd 2020, 19:46 ndm Views have access to the request via `$this->request` too
# Jan 22nd 2020, 19:43 ricksaccous you might as well do that, i think they had an identity helper
# Jan 22nd 2020, 19:42 FredSavagely Like, assign the response of `$this->request->getAttribute('identity')` to the view?
# Jan 22nd 2020, 19:42 FredSavagely Do I just need to assign the identity to the view and then use that to check?
# Jan 22nd 2020, 19:41 ricksaccous they have that but if it doesn't have what you want then you should figure out a way to handle it on your own
# Jan 22nd 2020, 19:41 ricksaccous https://book.cakephp.org/authorization/2/en/middleware.html#identity-decorator
# Jan 22nd 2020, 19:40 ricksaccous oh, within the view...
# Jan 22nd 2020, 19:40 ricksaccous https://github.com/cakephp/authorization
# Jan 22nd 2020, 19:39 ricksaccous yeah, there's docs for the authorization plugin
# Jan 22nd 2020, 19:37 FredSavagely Is there a resource somewhere that can show me how to use authorization within the view in CakePHP 4?
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:56 jslamka5685 I am already ordering the query. I will make sure I am not overlooking something
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:55 ricksaccous show what you're attempting if you want
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:55 ricksaccous or you can simply ->order() the query you are paginating
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:55 ricksaccous you can set it in the paginator settings via 'order'
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:54 jslamka5685 How can I grab the latest 20 sort ASC?
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:54 ricksaccous why not just sort by created ASC
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:53 jslamka5685 I planned to sort by created DESC then reverse the order so the conversation appears like what youd see in your SMS app on a phone
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:53 ricksaccous if you don't care about sorting by other means
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:53 ricksaccous also you can either use paginator links or simply order the query you are paginating
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:52 ricksaccous this doesn't explain why you have to reverse the item order
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:52 ricksaccous ok...
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:50 jslamka5685 messaging between two users
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:50 jslamka5685 It is to display a conversation
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:50 ricksaccous @jslamka5685 this is the problem you are trying to solve right?
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:49 ricksaccous are you wanting to reverse them because of possible nulls?
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:49 ricksaccous ....
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:49 mark.mikkelson couldn't you just use ?sort=dateanddirection=desc
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:40 jslamka5685 How can I reverse the item order in a pagintor object?
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:39 jslamka5685 To do this, I believe I need to select records in descending order and then reverse them
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:39 jslamka5685 When working with Cake3x paginator, I am looking to get the latest records in ASC order.
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:25 slackebot my end point ( /tickets/update ) . I have this in my routes.php : `Router::scope('/tickets', function (RouteBuilder $routes) {` `});`
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:25 mark.mikkelson Afternoon all. (in 3.7.7) I'm trying to disable the CSRF middleware for a route or just entirely for the full cake app, but having no joy. I've implemented what's documented here: https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/controllers/middleware.html#cross-site-request-forgery-csrf-middleware (ie. modified application.php and config/routes.php) however, end up getting the same error "Error: Missing CSRF token cookie" when im making json posts to
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:19 matt thanks for helping guys
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:18 matt deleting the table i felt was a good approch