Log message #4223400

# At Username Text
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:53 ricksaccous if you don't care about sorting by other means
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:53 ricksaccous also you can either use paginator links or simply order the query you are paginating
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:52 ricksaccous this doesn't explain why you have to reverse the item order
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:52 ricksaccous ok...
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:50 jslamka5685 messaging between two users
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:50 jslamka5685 It is to display a conversation
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:50 ricksaccous @jslamka5685 this is the problem you are trying to solve right?
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:49 ricksaccous are you wanting to reverse them because of possible nulls?
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:49 ricksaccous ....
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:49 mark.mikkelson couldn't you just use ?sort=dateanddirection=desc
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:40 jslamka5685 How can I reverse the item order in a pagintor object?
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:39 jslamka5685 To do this, I believe I need to select records in descending order and then reverse them
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:39 jslamka5685 When working with Cake3x paginator, I am looking to get the latest records in ASC order.
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:25 slackebot my end point ( /tickets/update ) . I have this in my routes.php : `Router::scope('/tickets', function (RouteBuilder $routes) {` `});`
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:25 mark.mikkelson Afternoon all. (in 3.7.7) I'm trying to disable the CSRF middleware for a route or just entirely for the full cake app, but having no joy. I've implemented what's documented here: https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/controllers/middleware.html#cross-site-request-forgery-csrf-middleware (ie. modified application.php and config/routes.php) however, end up getting the same error "Error: Missing CSRF token cookie" when im making json posts to
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:19 matt thanks for helping guys
# Jan 22nd 2020, 17:18 matt deleting the table i felt was a good approch
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:33 neon1024 ..and allows easier re-indexing
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:26 ricksaccous that would invalidate the key constraint though, but i don't know if that wuold stop you from destroying/recreating the table
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:26 ricksaccous that's what i tend to do
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:26 ricksaccous after that use logic to refill the data if the data is necessary
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:26 ricksaccous destroy the table in a migration and recreate it
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:25 ricksaccous when trying to change the primary key to another column it's usually not worth it
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:25 matt i think it worked but when it tried to backfill the table it sets all to 0
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:25 matt PDOException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' in /home/vagrant/Apps/clubtrac.local/vendor/robmorgan/phinx/src/Phinx/Db/Adapter/PdoAdapter.php:16
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:24 ndm https://book.cakephp.org/phinx/0/en/migrations.html#working-with-foreign-keys
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:24 matt will try that
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:23 ndm So there's a foreign key constraint that you need to drop first
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:23 matt gives me this error
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:22 matt DOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1553 Cannot drop index 'PRIMARY': needed in a foreign key constraint in /home/vagrant/Apps/clubtrac.local/vendor/robmorgan/phinx/src/Phinx/Db/Adapter/PdoAdapter.php:16
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:22 ndm Also what does "doesn't work" mean exactly?
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:22 ndm Have you changed your respective CakePHP table class accordingly too?
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:21 matt doesnt work
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:21 matt i tried this
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:21 matt ``` $table->addColumn('id','integer', [ 'length' => 11, 'null' => false, 'default' => null, ]); $table->changePrimaryKey(['id']);```
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:20 ndm @matt There's the `changePrimaryKey()` method: https://book.cakephp.org/phinx/0/en/migrations.html#changing-the-primary-key
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:15 matt ```attendees(id,member_id,occ_id) - new table```
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:15 em That could clarify this situation a little bit i think
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:15 matt ```attendees(member_id,occ_id) - old table```
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:14 matt i need the new primary key to be a 'id' column
# Jan 22nd 2020, 16:14 matt How do i change the primary key of table that was earlier using a composite key from a migration?