Log message #4218851

# At Username Text
# Dec 16th 2019, 12:04 challgren Is @bcrowe still doing cake dev?
# Dec 16th 2019, 11:44 slackebot !awesome
# Dec 16th 2019, 11:44 slackebot Command sent from Slack by neon1024:
# Dec 16th 2019, 11:22 megan On it!
# Dec 16th 2019, 11:19 neon1024 @megan If you’d like an easy starter, perhaps the cake logo could be updated on Openhub? https://www.openhub.net/p/cakephp :)
# Dec 16th 2019, 11:12 sami.silen I am refurbishing old database frontend and there are tables without keys defined and I cannot even define those because old frontend is created with polymorphic associations so that link table can reference to many different tables defined in one columns, what are my options to achieve these belongsToMany relations?
# Dec 16th 2019, 11:10 neon1024 In which case @yadav.manu36 I’m not sure why you are seeing a missing datasource error for debugkit
# Dec 16th 2019, 11:07 neon1024 Ahok, I wasn’t sure @admad as when I was trying it out with RC1 there was no tagged release for 4.0.0-RC1 in cakephp/app
# Dec 16th 2019, 11:00 admad @neon1024 since 4.0.0 is tagged for the skeleton `composer create-project cakephp/app myapp` will get you 4.0.0, there's no need to specify the version in command
# Dec 16th 2019, 10:20 megan haha it has been that long - thanks! :) @dakota is definitely trying :,)
# Dec 16th 2019, 10:20 challgren You teach her to code yet? :P
# Dec 16th 2019, 10:19 challgren Man its been that long!!! Well congrats!
# Dec 16th 2019, 10:19 megan I did! She's just turned 4 months old. Was off on maternity leave, which has flown by! Feel like I've missed a ton
# Dec 16th 2019, 10:15 challgren Didnt you just have a kiddo? *my memory is a little fuzzy*
# Dec 16th 2019, 10:15 megan Thanks @challgren! :grinning:
# Dec 16th 2019, 10:13 challgren WB @megan
# Dec 16th 2019, 10:01 megan @neon1024 I've passed your msg onto the dev team
# Dec 16th 2019, 10:01 neon1024 Hope the family are all good :)
# Dec 16th 2019, 10:00 megan Thanks @neon1024! Good to be back!!! Now to catch up :)
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:59 neon1024 Welcome back @megan
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:54 megan Morning everyone!
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:33 neon1024 `composer create-project cakephp/app:4.0.0 MyProject`
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:32 neon1024 Yes, so you might need to specify that https://github.com/cakephp/app/releases/tag/4.0.0
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:32 neon1024 I wonder if there is a 4.0.0 release of cakephp/app
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:19 yadav.manu36 ```composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app my_app_name``` I used this command for installation
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:18 martin Not sure if that is the problem :$
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:17 martin Dit You upgrade debug kit?
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:12 yadav.manu36 I have install cakePHP 4 and given below error
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:55 neon1024 Huge congratulations to the core team on the release of Cake 4 :clap:
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:34 jotpe @damiano What about? https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/controllers.html#loading-additional-models
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:29 challgren But without seeing your controllers cant really say what is wrong
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:27 jotpe Morning
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:22 challgren You using cake 3.8?
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:22 challgren If you need backends this-loadModel(backends) but you need modelawaretrait used
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:21 challgren It shouldn't be trying to load a model unless your interacting with it like $this-frontend-query
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:10 damiano @challgren sounds too strange my solution? i mean, is it mandatory that a specific controller has an associated table too ?
# Dec 16th 2019, 07:59 challgren https://api.cakephp.org/3.8/class-Cake.Datasource.ModelAwareTrait.html#_setModelType
# Dec 16th 2019, 07:58 challgren https://api.cakephp.org/3.8/class-Cake.Datasource.ModelAwareTrait.html#$modelClass
# Dec 16th 2019, 07:56 challgren I think $this->model = backends but I'm mobile so trying to think off the top of my head
# Dec 16th 2019, 07:54 damiano hello everybody, how can i disable auto-tables in controller? i have created two controllers, FrontendController and BackendController, but cakephp is looking for "frontends" table, can i disable this lookup?
# Dec 16th 2019, 07:54 challgren @conehead bake 2.0.0 should be compatible