Log message #4218834

# At Username Text
# Dec 16th 2019, 10:01 neon1024 Hope the family are all good :)
# Dec 16th 2019, 10:00 megan Thanks @neon1024! Good to be back!!! Now to catch up :)
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:59 neon1024 Welcome back @megan
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:54 megan Morning everyone!
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:33 neon1024 `composer create-project cakephp/app:4.0.0 MyProject`
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:32 neon1024 Yes, so you might need to specify that https://github.com/cakephp/app/releases/tag/4.0.0
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:32 neon1024 I wonder if there is a 4.0.0 release of cakephp/app
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:19 yadav.manu36 ```composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app my_app_name``` I used this command for installation
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:18 martin Not sure if that is the problem :$
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:17 martin Dit You upgrade debug kit?
# Dec 16th 2019, 09:12 yadav.manu36 I have install cakePHP 4 and given below error
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:55 neon1024 Huge congratulations to the core team on the release of Cake 4 :clap:
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:34 jotpe @damiano What about? https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/controllers.html#loading-additional-models
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:29 challgren But without seeing your controllers cant really say what is wrong
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:27 jotpe Morning
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:22 challgren You using cake 3.8?
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:22 challgren If you need backends this-loadModel(backends) but you need modelawaretrait used
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:21 challgren It shouldn't be trying to load a model unless your interacting with it like $this-frontend-query
# Dec 16th 2019, 08:10 damiano @challgren sounds too strange my solution? i mean, is it mandatory that a specific controller has an associated table too ?
# Dec 16th 2019, 07:59 challgren https://api.cakephp.org/3.8/class-Cake.Datasource.ModelAwareTrait.html#_setModelType
# Dec 16th 2019, 07:58 challgren https://api.cakephp.org/3.8/class-Cake.Datasource.ModelAwareTrait.html#$modelClass
# Dec 16th 2019, 07:56 challgren I think $this->model = backends but I'm mobile so trying to think off the top of my head
# Dec 16th 2019, 07:54 damiano hello everybody, how can i disable auto-tables in controller? i have created two controllers, FrontendController and BackendController, but cakephp is looking for "frontends" table, can i disable this lookup?
# Dec 16th 2019, 07:54 challgren @conehead bake 2.0.0 should be compatible
# Dec 16th 2019, 07:45 conehead Yes, good job to all hard working people out there
# Dec 16th 2019, 07:40 javier.villanueva congrats for 4.0.0
# Dec 16th 2019, 06:50 conehead Cannot upgrade: ```php composer.phar require --update-with-dependencies "cakephp/cakephp:4.0.*"``` Results in ``` - cakephp/bake 1.12.0 requires cakephp/cakephp ^3.8.0 -> satisfiable by cakephp/cakephp[3.8.0, 3.8.0-RC1, 3.8.0-RC2, 3.8.0-RC3, 3.8.0-beta1, 3.8.1, 3.8.2, 3.8.3, 3.8.4, 3.8.5, 3.8.6, 3.8.7, 3.x-dev] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability.```
# Dec 16th 2019, 04:34 challgren CakePHP 4.0.0 is out! https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/releases/tag/4.0.0
# Dec 16th 2019, 00:06 jh gnite
# Dec 16th 2019, 00:06 jh you can use array_values to force a rebuild of numerical indexes
# Dec 16th 2019, 00:06 jh if you tinker with the numerical indexes in php arrays the latter will need to be done
# Dec 16th 2019, 00:05 jh cause then u can either have ["foo", "bar"] or {"0": "foo, "1": "bar"}
# Dec 16th 2019, 00:05 jh and the mixed data type can be confusing when converting to json
# Dec 16th 2019, 00:04 jh php arrays can be numerical or hash based
# Dec 16th 2019, 00:04 jh there is only one thing that doesnt work so well afaik
# Dec 15th 2019, 17:33 noel turns out it's just good 'ol `json_decode` making a mess of things. JSON doesn't work so well with PHP.
# Dec 15th 2019, 15:34 inoas_ gut: JsonDataType, Entity
# Dec 15th 2019, 15:27 noel Does anyone know what might be causing JSON objects to be converted to arrays before saving JSON data types?
# Dec 15th 2019, 07:47 noel Morning all
# Dec 15th 2019, 00:38 luizcmarin ops... # 14021, # 14022, # 14023 .... it's novel..
# Dec 14th 2019, 23:13 luizcmarin I put the problem in issues. # 14022