Log message #4218543

# At Username Text
# Dec 13th 2019, 11:10 jh @lorenzo just wanted to say thanks for https://github.com/lorenzo/cakephp-redis ... i was a bit confused at first because I had to manually add a repo to composer.json and then there was nothing much but transactional mapping to multi... but it seems it just supports whatever redis does magically, such as calling ->append()
# Dec 13th 2019, 10:26 javier.villanueva ahm sorry... already response by neon
# Dec 13th 2019, 10:26 javier.villanueva @bancer $entity->source() ?
# Dec 13th 2019, 10:26 jh @k4t I;d look at what cakephp/app version was up to date back then
# Dec 13th 2019, 10:25 jh any of you using https://github.com/lorenzo/cakephp-redis ?
# Dec 13th 2019, 09:56 neon1024 Will return a string alias of the Table class
# Dec 13th 2019, 09:56 neon1024 `$this->getSource()`
# Dec 13th 2019, 09:49 val Hi, what would be the simplest way to get the reference to the table class from an entity object in 3.x?
# Dec 13th 2019, 09:25 yadav.manu36 my problem is same as below so please suggest me what we need to do https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50858021/cakephp3-cookie-value-not-being-kept I am not getting proper solution and also CakePHP Book Doc is not clear https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/controllers/request-response.html#cookies
# Dec 13th 2019, 09:19 dereuromark Joe: you can do that. I use a helper wrapper for it to make things easier
# Dec 13th 2019, 08:58 k4t how can I install latest CakePHP App Skeleton which is compatible with CakePHP 3.1.14?
# Dec 13th 2019, 08:58 k4t Hi
# Dec 13th 2019, 08:54 yadav.manu36 I am not getting proper solution and also CakePHP Book Doc is not clear https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/controllers/request-response.html#cookies
# Dec 13th 2019, 08:52 yadav.manu36 @conehead @challgren my problem is same as below https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50858021/cakephp3-cookie-value-not-being-kept
# Dec 13th 2019, 08:15 javier.villanueva morning all
# Dec 13th 2019, 07:40 challgren Have you checked to see if the request actually has the cookie, using postman or chrome inspector
# Dec 13th 2019, 07:21 conehead Maybe it IS null
# Dec 13th 2019, 07:21 conehead Probably it is just not set anymore
# Dec 13th 2019, 07:20 conehead Seems like there is the problem
# Dec 13th 2019, 07:20 yadav.manu36 No idea :)
# Dec 13th 2019, 07:19 conehead how?
# Dec 13th 2019, 07:19 yadav.manu36 @conehead yes
# Dec 13th 2019, 07:15 conehead How does the cookie look like when ```$this->request->getCookie('referralCode');``` returns NULL?
# Dec 13th 2019, 06:48 slackebot ->withHttpOnly(true); $cookies = $cookies->add($cookie); $this->response = $this->response->withCookie($cookie); } And after some time i come on this page again and get cookie but getting NULL $referralCode = $this->request->getCookie('referralCode'); Please help me
# Dec 13th 2019, 06:48 yadav.manu36 I am post this issue again, can anyone help me. I have created cookie on signup page like below: if($this->request->getQuery('referral') andand !$cookies->has('referralCode')){ $cookie = (new \Cake\Http\Cookie\Cookie('referralCode')) ->withValue($this->request->getQuery('referral')) ->withExpiry(new \DateTime('+1 year')) ->withPath('/') ->withSecure(false)
# Dec 13th 2019, 06:04 kgb.acct.personal Is it not recommended to use Configure class in view?
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:49 sdevore So one can always build a local version of the docs for offline use… I’ve done it in the past with the docker images https://github.com/cakephp/docs#build-the-documentation-with-docker
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:41 savant can only vouch for the rest of the subsites :)
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:41 savant Yeah I dont really have access to either :)
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:39 challgren Ahh ok, yeah not a very pleasant experience with my.cakephp.org and cakefest.org
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:38 savant @challgren I’ll get that fixed up - that site isn’t managed by me so I cant do much about it, but we’ll get it fixed regardless :)
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:38 savant @luizcmarin?
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:37 luizcmarin whole family together ... good time to rethink the manual .... :face_with_rolling_eyes:
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:35 challgren Yep one of the 3 links on my.cakephp.org/user/username
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:34 savant is that a website linked from somewhere?
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:32 challgren http://community.cakephp.org/ is coming back name not resolved
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:31 savant sites should be coming back online, im checking each one one-by-one
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:23 savant GhostPHP
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:23 savant I did not
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:23 challgren He probably posted that tweet :P
# Dec 12th 2019, 22:23 savant :)