Log message #4218344

# At Username Text
# Dec 12th 2019, 09:04 neon1024 Morning everyone
# Dec 12th 2019, 08:02 jotpe Morning!
# Dec 12th 2019, 05:40 jpramirez And got my first review: https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/awesome-cakephp/pull/333
# Dec 12th 2019, 00:42 jpramirez Pull requested
# Dec 12th 2019, 00:33 dev.cyrusjayson good morning
# Dec 12th 2019, 00:33 dev.cyrusjayson thanks marco
# Dec 11th 2019, 22:20 jpramirez Thanks, I will!
# Dec 11th 2019, 22:15 voycey Submit this to awesome-cakephp :ok_hand:
# Dec 11th 2019, 22:12 storkovo @jpramirez nicely done!
# Dec 11th 2019, 21:49 slackebot2 https://github.com/pabloelcolombiano/cake-dm Fell free to try it and to contribute! Happy baking, Juan-Pablo
# Dec 11th 2019, 21:49 slackebot2 framework. But I could not find anything really convincing. So I started implementing something for our CakePHP app. And it turned out that the way Cake is built, we could pretty easily split the MVC structure into mini MVC structures. At once, we started understanding our code again. I wanted to share my experience on that in a package. If you have or expect having an ever growing app, this could be of interest to you:
# Dec 11th 2019, 21:49 jpramirez Hi channel, here is a little announcement, a kind of support hint for monster apps. Cake makes you build fast and grow solid. But over the years, my company's app has become too big and too rigid. The problem would have occurred with any framework. We postponed again and again, but at some point it had become impossible, we had to rethink our architecture. I searched for domain driven design approaches for CakePHP, or any other
# Dec 11th 2019, 20:24 japerlman Thank you!
# Dec 11th 2019, 20:24 japerlman Ok, thanks. That makes sense, it still isn't 100% clear but I'm sure I can figure it out from that page you linked.
# Dec 11th 2019, 20:20 ndm To the memory, it's non-persistent runtime configuration. It can be persisted by using `Configure::store()` https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/development/configuration.html#storing-runtime-configuration
# Dec 11th 2019, 20:18 japerlman so not sure where it's writing it to
# Dec 11th 2019, 20:17 japerlman I just need it to persist, I restarted sql and it still has the value
# Dec 11th 2019, 20:16 ricksaccous basically if you write it in a certain controller/certain controller action, anything outside of that, the configs won't apply
# Dec 11th 2019, 20:16 ricksaccous i think not anywhere, that's why you can over-ride config values
# Dec 11th 2019, 20:15 japerlman I don't see any files in /config/ being modified
# Dec 11th 2019, 20:15 japerlman Where are things being written if I define 'use Cake\Core\Configure;' in my controller then use 'Configure::write('KEY','VALUE')
# Dec 11th 2019, 20:15 ricksaccous there that's better
# Dec 11th 2019, 20:15 ricksaccous you can do this via adding validation to field b and writing a custom rule where you check the context and actually just validate field a
# Dec 11th 2019, 20:14 ricksaccous that was confusing
# Dec 11th 2019, 20:14 ricksaccous you can do this via adding validation to the other field and writing a custom rule where you check the context and actually just validate the other field
# Dec 11th 2019, 20:14 ricksaccous yeah
# Dec 11th 2019, 19:15 jotpe Is it possible to add a validation message to another field than the validation is run on? E.g. I have a file upload and validate if the file is already uploaded (via sha1 hash of the file = storage_filename). If the storage_filename exists, validation fails, but the validation message is not applied to the form field.
# Dec 11th 2019, 16:17 ricksaccous so wasn't getting the set values
# Dec 11th 2019, 16:17 ricksaccous i wasn't using default
# Dec 11th 2019, 16:17 ricksaccous nevermind i figured it out
# Dec 11th 2019, 16:09 ricksaccous this is what i tried
# Dec 11th 2019, 16:09 slackebot2 <ricksaccous>
# Dec 11th 2019, 16:08 ricksaccous this party mainly, because all this is deprecated and the code i am attempting isn't working
# Dec 11th 2019, 16:08 slackebot2 <ricksaccous>
# Dec 11th 2019, 16:07 ricksaccous I'm having trouble with https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/core-libraries/validation.html#using-custom-validation-rules
# Dec 11th 2019, 16:07 noel ok nvm I see it
# Dec 11th 2019, 16:04 noel I am a bit confused by it though because it seems to be including just a file name, not a full path. How does it know the path?
# Dec 11th 2019, 15:58 storkovo flashback to php4
# Dec 11th 2019, 15:53 noel wow.. I didn't know one could use PHP like that. I mean I've used include before but I didn't realise that you could use it within a class and it would pick up context from the class. And the buffering picks up the output neatly too.
# Dec 11th 2019, 15:47 dereuromark see View class and how it gets rendered there
# Dec 11th 2019, 15:46 noel How is it that Templates have a `$this` context when they are not classes?