Log message #4218140

# At Username Text
# Dec 10th 2019, 16:52 jotpe @koeller Did you set *fullBaseUrl* in your config?
# Dec 10th 2019, 16:44 damiano basically i have to load a select based on an option of another selectù
# Dec 10th 2019, 16:44 damiano guy i have to load a select with javascript, how can i avoid problem with Security component?
# Dec 10th 2019, 16:38 koeller Hi everybody, Anyone knows why Router::fullBaseUrl() returns false. I would expect ```Router::url(['controller' => 'posts'], true)``` to return full url, like: www.mypage.com/posts but it only returns, /posts.
# Dec 10th 2019, 16:10 gianmarxgagliardi @neon1024 thanks I owe you an espresso
# Dec 10th 2019, 16:08 neon1024 Dot notation only works in methods which take a string as parameter generally. Such as the `read()` method you pasted above
# Dec 10th 2019, 16:08 gianmarxgagliardi it works
# Dec 10th 2019, 16:08 gianmarxgagliardi `$loggedInUser[nome]`
# Dec 10th 2019, 16:08 neon1024 Your pasted data, looks like an array. So perhaps you meant `$loggedInUser['name']`
# Dec 10th 2019, 16:07 neon1024 This isn’t even valid PHP
# Dec 10th 2019, 16:07 neon1024 Why do you think this is valid? `$loggedInUser.nome`
# Dec 10th 2019, 16:01 gianmarxgagliardi `<?php debug($loggedInUser.nome);?>`: Use of undefined constant nome - assumed 'nome' `<?php debug($loggedInUser->nome);?>`:Trying to get property 'nome' of non-object
# Dec 10th 2019, 15:57 slackebot2 'fixedNowTime' => false }, 'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) { 'time' => '2019-12-10T14:17:56+00:00', 'timezone' => 'UTC', 'fixedNowTime' => false } ]```
# Dec 10th 2019, 15:57 gianmarxgagliardi from this data structure how do i get the _nome_ field? `<?php $loggedInUser= $this->request->session()->read('Auth.User')?>` `<?php debug($loggedInUser);?>` I print the following data structure: ``` 'id' => (int) 1, 'email' => 'bigben@gmail.com', 'cognome' => 'Siffredi', 'nome' => 'Rocco', 'role' => 'admin', 'created' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) { 'time' => '2019-12-10T14:17:56+00:00', 'timezone' => 'UTC',
# Dec 10th 2019, 13:33 martin @ndm we here at work al surprised that it was 2.x documentation. but we missed it that it was a special cookbook only for migrations :P
# Dec 10th 2019, 13:26 javier.villanueva https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/development/testing.html
# Dec 10th 2019, 13:26 javier.villanueva do you know IntegrationTestTrait ?
# Dec 10th 2019, 13:22 damiano i cannot write/read sessions
# Dec 10th 2019, 13:22 damiano when i test my website with bin/cake server do the sessions work correctly?
# Dec 10th 2019, 13:16 yadav.manu36 No, it is not stored in session, it is like $_GET. you can say getQuery() provide clean data
# Dec 10th 2019, 13:15 martin @ndm oh ok haha :P
# Dec 10th 2019, 13:13 damiano to avoid showing parameters
# Dec 10th 2019, 13:13 damiano maybe store the getQuery() in session ?=
# Dec 10th 2019, 13:13 damiano @yadav.manu36 can i create more "user/seo friendly querystring parameters?
# Dec 10th 2019, 13:11 damiano thanks!
# Dec 10th 2019, 13:11 damiano @yadav.manu36
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:58 ndm @martin It's the Migrations plugin Cookbook, not the CakePHP Cookbook, ie it's the Migrations plugin version 2.x docs
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:49 kiwi_46 hello
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:48 neon1024 Maybe open a ticket on cakephp/docs
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:47 neon1024 Even 1.0.0 depends on 3.x
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:47 neon1024 https://packagist.org/packages/cakephp/migrations#1.0.0
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:47 neon1024 No, you’re right there @martin
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:44 neon1024 That was pre-Phinx though I think :thinking_face:
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:44 neon1024 Migrations worked with 2.x
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:41 martin https://book.cakephp.org/migrations/2/en/index.html# << why is this in the 2.x cookbook? this is 3.x right?
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:37 yadav.manu36 @damiano use query string with view detail URL <?= $this->Html->link("View Detail", ['action' => 'view', $user->id, '?' => $this->request->getQuery()], ['alt' => __('View user'), 'title' => __('View user')]) ?> and when you want to go back then use below url <?= $this->Html->link("Back", ['action' => 'index', '?' => $this->request->getQuery()], ['alt' => __('Go Back'), 'title' => __('Go Back')]) ?>
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:32 damiano to go back without using the browser i mean
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:32 damiano guys what is the best way to "remember" the page (pagination) when i go to the detail of a product of the list i have paginated?
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:22 ashish_onmobile I am not able to instal intl extension
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:22 ashish_onmobile did anyone try latest xampp vm update
# Dec 10th 2019, 12:01 yadav.manu36 can anyone help me?