Log message #4218098

# At Username Text
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:55 gianmarxgagliardi @jotpe @steinkel thanks I hope I haven't forgotten anyone
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:55 gianmarxgagliardi solved big boys
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:53 gianmarxgagliardi it was a problem of fields
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:52 gianmarxgagliardi ok it works
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:50 steinkel your `$fields` are matching the form field names?
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:49 steinkel well, it says the credentials are not found
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:48 gianmarxgagliardi @steinkel yes, but it says that they are not valid even if they are
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:48 yadav.manu36 I want to use only vendor plugin templates in root plugin structure but it is not working. can anyone help me?
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:46 slackebot2 <gianmarxgagliardi>
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:45 steinkel are you using valid credentials and submitting the form?
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:45 gianmarxgagliardi yes
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:45 steinkel you should see the login form right?
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:45 steinkel go to /users/login page
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:44 gianmarxgagliardi @steinkel I didn't understand what I should do
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:41 steinkel @gianmarxgagliardi try posting the credentials to the users/login form
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:40 neon1024 I feel like if @gianmarxgagliardi application starts working we’ll open a portal to Final Space and unleash the Titans upon our Universe
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:35 slackebot2 _\src\Controller\UsersController.php (line 136)_ ```object(Authentication\Authenticator\Result) { [protected] _status => 'FAILURE_CREDENTIALS_MISSING' [protected] _data => null [protected] _errors => [ (int) 0 => 'Login credentials not found' ] }```
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:35 gianmarxgagliardi in _Application.php_ I changed as follows: ```$service->loadAuthenticator('Authentication.Form', [ 'fields' => $fields, 'loginUrl' => \Cake\Routing\Router::url([ 'plugin' => null, 'prefix' => null, 'controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'login' ]) ]);``` *does not login* yet but the error has changed:
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:28 damiano got it
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:28 damiano ok
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:28 damiano then i need to check if the url startswith.. my path
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:28 damiano @dereuromark $this->request->getPath()
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:26 jotpe It's from a Helper
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:26 dereuromark i dont think you should use ::url() here, etc. Why not using only request data?
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:26 jotpe ```if (Router::url($route) === $this->getView()->getRequest()->getPath()) { $options['class'] = 'active'; }```
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:26 jotpe @damiano I use this in a Helper to check the current page against a route:
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:25 conehead ```if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('controller') === 'Pages' andand $this->getRequest()->getParam('action') === 'home'```
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:22 damiano i need to add a clas sin a link (current page)
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:22 damiano is that possible somehow?
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:21 damiano guys how can i check if the current page is ['controller' => 'Pages', 'action' => 'home'] ?
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:21 ndm https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59065494/cakephp-3-authentication-plugin-login-url-did-not-match/59089086#59089086
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:18 gianmarxgagliardi @yadav.manu36 gives me this error, with your solution
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:15 slackebot2 null [protected] _errors => [ (int) 0 => 'Login URL `http://localhost/users/login` did not match `/users/login`.' ] }```
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:15 gianmarxgagliardi I solved the path problem. as follows: // Redirect User to login page if not authenticated ```$service->setConfig('unauthenticatedRedirect', '/testlogin/users/login');``` The problem of login remains, when I register I enter the system when I try to log in it doesn't let me in ```src\Controller\UsersController.php (line 135)object(Authentication\Authenticator\Result) { [protected] _status => 'FAILURE_OTHER' [protected] _data =>
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:08 yadav.manu36 @gianmarxgagliardi you can use _REQUEST_URI in the_ loginUrl like: $service->loadAuthenticator('Authentication.Form', [ 'fields' => $fields, 'loginUrl' => $request->getUri()->base."".$request->getUri()->getPath(), 'urlChecker' => [ 'checkFullUrl' => false, _//'finder' => 'active'_ ], ]); it is working with me
# Dec 10th 2019, 11:00 gianmarxgagliardi @dereuromark how do I find that path ?
# Dec 10th 2019, 10:53 challgren Xdebug 2.9 fixes the slowness introduced in 2.8
# Dec 10th 2019, 10:48 gianmarxgagliardi @steinkel thanks you were very kind. This community is fantastic
# Dec 10th 2019, 10:47 dereuromark To your App.fullBaseUrl config probably
# Dec 10th 2019, 10:46 gianmarxgagliardi ```[protected] _errors => [ (int) 0 => 'Login URL `http://localhost/users/login` did not match `/users/login`.' ]``` that is a problem related to wamp ? @jotpe
# Dec 10th 2019, 10:44 neon1024 https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/master/src/View/Helper/PaginatorHelper.php#L66-L76