Log message #4217809

# At Username Text
# Dec 9th 2019, 00:19 luizcmarin I will throw firewood into the fire .... How do I feel by accessing the help page "https://help.windev.com/en-US/?1410087237andname=webdev_24_tutorial_summary" and click on lesson 2.3 of "Part 02 - My first database "?   - "wow ... 40 minutes to learn how to create my database within cakephp standards, conventions, relationships etc ... show!" I read the entire manual and do all the lessons with pleasure, because that's what I expect from
# Dec 8th 2019, 23:51 luizcmarin @corey.taylor.fl you're right. I've been a little discouraged too with the confusion and little didactics in the documentation, things that I really miss ..
# Dec 8th 2019, 18:58 corey.taylor.fl But, we also have some very rough english in our docs which makes it hard for any non-native speakers to follow.
# Dec 8th 2019, 18:58 corey.taylor.fl For localized documents, usually people pay attention to it for a few days and then never again. Even examples are hard to update because you can't just replace the names of classes.
# Dec 8th 2019, 18:56 corey.taylor.fl There are not many people working on the portuguese translations. We have one active contributor who is translating new pages in the 3.0 branch. The best we can do is ask other users to review changes.
# Dec 8th 2019, 16:23 luizcmarin Have you seen the documentation of the giant https://windev.com? wow !! I read the entire manual of almost 1000 pages in French. I didn't understand half, but the other half was show.
# Dec 8th 2019, 16:18 dereuromark We should delete all localized config for 4.x IMO and keep making main docs more meaningful.
# Dec 8th 2019, 16:18 dereuromark "examples and tips are lacking, it is not very didactic and there are things that no longer reflect the current reality." That is exactly what should be focused on, and improved.
# Dec 8th 2019, 16:15 slackebot2 only in English. And how sad to see that it refers to documentation 1.1 or 1.2 or 2. Have you considered improving the 4.x documentation to become a standard going forward? Soon they will have 4.1 4.xx and 5.x, 6.x Have you ever imagined the Babylon of confusion that the documentation will turn pointing links to everywhere? So we ended up asking obvious questions in the forums and support: the documentation kills us!
# Dec 8th 2019, 16:15 slackebot2 translate with google. That's what I'm doing now to post this message here. If it is well translated I do not know ... the problem of understanding is no longer mine ...;) But back to the point: No feature available in any language is useful if it is not kept up to date. The parts that I had the most difficulty, and still have, have never been translated into Portuguese. I read the entire manual and when I got to the part that interested me most:
# Dec 8th 2019, 16:15 luizcmarin I don't want to throw a bucket of cold water on the idea of ​​having the documentation translated .... but .... The English documentation also leaves something to be desired ... examples and tips are lacking, it is not very didactic and there are things that no longer reflect the current reality. For us non-English speakers, if we are programmers we are required to live with English terms. It is standard. What we don't understand we
# Dec 8th 2019, 15:29 ndm I'd image that would be much more beneficial for the project overall... I mean, if people would then actually go and do that :upside_down_face:
# Dec 8th 2019, 15:25 dereuromark instead people should use that time to improve actual docs and stuff.
# Dec 8th 2019, 15:24 dereuromark have been saying that for years.
# Dec 8th 2019, 15:23 ndm I was never a fan of localized documentations, they _always_ get out of date. _Always_. If it were up to me, I'd delete them and never look back.
# Dec 8th 2019, 15:15 luizcmarin hummmm .... until the message above didn't get that big ... I thought it would get worse ...:,)
# Dec 8th 2019, 15:13 slackebot2 But in Portuguese it says: "ApplesController (...‘ ApplesController.php ') is accessed by http://example.com/apples. " Now the example used is 'users' in English, which agrees with the general context. Already in Portuguese we have 'people', 'users' and 'apples'! In addition, the documentation in Portuguese is not following the documentation in English. Compare the following topic "View Conventions" in English and Portuguese. You can see that ther
# Dec 8th 2019, 15:13 slackebot2 are more things. So I ask, so that my collaboration is not in vain and ends up in a maze that no one else understands anything: how to proceed? I've worked with documentation and text editing, and it was not easy for me to understand cakephp with the documentation that now said one thing then exemplified another ....
# Dec 8th 2019, 15:13 slackebot2 "PeopleController and LatestArticlesController" and "/ articles / view maps to ArticlesController view () method", which is different: 'People' and 'Users', for Brazilian programmers refer to different things. See another example on the same link, now under the topic "URL Considerations for Controller Names". The first sentence ends with "file name UsersController.php) is accessed from http://example.com/users." in the 3.x and 4.x documentation.
# Dec 8th 2019, 15:13 luizcmarin Hi. I'm working on the portuguese translation. But the current Portuguese translation is somewhat confusing. It is different from the original in English. For example, https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/intro/conventions.html uses "UsersController and ArticleCategoriesController" and "/ users / view maps to view () method of the UsersController" in controller conventions. In documentation 4.x follows the same. Already in Portuguese appears
# Dec 8th 2019, 12:18 dereuromark yeah, dev prefix only works with string (non numeric) branch names. thus my recommendation to always call cake4 branches as such, to avoid this confusion
# Dec 8th 2019, 11:39 challgren 4.x-dev?
# Dec 8th 2019, 11:23 dereuromark The latter is only valid afaik.
# Dec 8th 2019, 03:50 challgren THe guide might be too updated
# Dec 8th 2019, 03:49 challgren Did you try dev-4.x or 4.x-dev?
# Dec 8th 2019, 02:22 niel45 I give up looking for where that dependency is coming from. Guess I'll wait until 4.0.0 final is released ;-)
# Dec 8th 2019, 02:01 niel45 ffs. finally get to doing: php composer.phar require --update-with-dependencies "cakephp/cakephp:4.0.*" and it fails because cakephp/bake requires 3.8.*
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:41 challgren Thats what I did when it failed
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:41 challgren A simple solution is find and replace in the dir
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:17 niel45 it SHOULD fix the ones in app code though and it failed at that
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:17 challgren It would only throw fatals if its trying to execute the code. Rector I believe doesnt execute the code. But I may be wrong
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:17 niel45 it's not. PHP is trowing the fatal error because the classes don't match
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:16 challgren Yeah it shouldnt be trying to mess with stuff in vendor
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:16 niel45 it's in the dependencies, so it can't really
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:15 challgren Ohh well rector should have done that for yah
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:09 niel45 yup, just needed a bunch of tests to be updated to have return type added to them.
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:02 niel45 fixes look pretty simple
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:47 niel45 thanks any way
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:43 challgren Im not sure at this point. I’d open an issue with cakephp/upgrade
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:42 niel45 yes
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:42 challgren Is that the full error?