Log message #4217790

# At Username Text
# Dec 8th 2019, 15:13 luizcmarin Hi. I'm working on the portuguese translation. But the current Portuguese translation is somewhat confusing. It is different from the original in English. For example, https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/intro/conventions.html uses "UsersController and ArticleCategoriesController" and "/ users / view maps to view () method of the UsersController" in controller conventions. In documentation 4.x follows the same. Already in Portuguese appears
# Dec 8th 2019, 12:18 dereuromark yeah, dev prefix only works with string (non numeric) branch names. thus my recommendation to always call cake4 branches as such, to avoid this confusion
# Dec 8th 2019, 11:39 challgren 4.x-dev?
# Dec 8th 2019, 11:23 dereuromark The latter is only valid afaik.
# Dec 8th 2019, 03:50 challgren THe guide might be too updated
# Dec 8th 2019, 03:49 challgren Did you try dev-4.x or 4.x-dev?
# Dec 8th 2019, 02:22 niel45 I give up looking for where that dependency is coming from. Guess I'll wait until 4.0.0 final is released ;-)
# Dec 8th 2019, 02:01 niel45 ffs. finally get to doing: php composer.phar require --update-with-dependencies "cakephp/cakephp:4.0.*" and it fails because cakephp/bake requires 3.8.*
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:41 challgren Thats what I did when it failed
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:41 challgren A simple solution is find and replace in the dir
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:17 niel45 it SHOULD fix the ones in app code though and it failed at that
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:17 challgren It would only throw fatals if its trying to execute the code. Rector I believe doesnt execute the code. But I may be wrong
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:17 niel45 it's not. PHP is trowing the fatal error because the classes don't match
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:16 challgren Yeah it shouldnt be trying to mess with stuff in vendor
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:16 niel45 it's in the dependencies, so it can't really
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:15 challgren Ohh well rector should have done that for yah
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:09 niel45 yup, just needed a bunch of tests to be updated to have return type added to them.
# Dec 8th 2019, 01:02 niel45 fixes look pretty simple
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:47 niel45 thanks any way
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:43 challgren Im not sure at this point. I’d open an issue with cakephp/upgrade
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:42 niel45 yes
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:42 challgren Is that the full error?
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:40 niel45 yes
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:40 challgren Is your original app 3.8?
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:39 niel45 not quite. the final path there is slightly different /home/newapp/app/tests
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:38 challgren So your running `bin/cake upgrade rector --rules phpunit80 /home/otherapp/tests`
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:35 niel45 I'm trying to do this from the instructions: bin/cake upgrade rector --rules phpunit80 <path/to/app/tests>
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:35 challgren Whats the command your running?
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:35 niel45 no
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:34 challgren Are you trying to run your tests?
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:34 niel45 .../app/tests isn't it?
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:33 challgren Your not running it on the correct path
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:32 niel45 it's failing to fix though. crashes with a fatal error: Fatal error: Declaration of Cake\TestSuite\TestCase::setUp() must be compatible with PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase::setUp(): void in /home/niel/dev/www/nzedb-cake/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/TestSuite/TestCase.php on line 35
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:31 challgren Rector will try to fix stuff in your vendor if you do /home/otherapp/
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:30 challgren it should be only on the src or tests directories
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:27 corey.taylor.fl vendor is where the dependencies live so you need them until you're done.
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:17 niel45 hmmm apparently not
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:10 niel45 is it ok to delete the contents of .../vendor
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:09 niel45 damnit. fatal error running rector
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:02 challgren Yeah my app didnt have a locales either
# Dec 8th 2019, 00:02 challgren Ahh ok, I trashed my 4.x upgrade branch and I did it like 3 days ago so my paths may not be 100% correct