Log message #4217443

# At Username Text
# Dec 5th 2019, 12:33 angelxmoreno :eyes:
# Dec 5th 2019, 12:30 challgren Its basically a workflow for an entity?
# Dec 5th 2019, 12:30 dereuromark Yeah wanted to blog post about it actually...^^ since months
# Dec 5th 2019, 12:28 challgren @dereuromark you have a cakephp-statemachine sample?
# Dec 5th 2019, 12:02 dereuromark crowd-sourcing ftw
# Dec 5th 2019, 12:01 dereuromark told u :slightly_smiling_face: Lean QA
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:56 challgren OMG so many tickets!
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:53 dereuromark haha, my False positive on null|void ticket is already lost in the other tickets opened since yesterday.... https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan/issues
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:51 challgren Ok, the BrokerAwareExtension is in 0.11
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:50 challgren $this->paginate[‘conditions’] was messing things up
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:50 dereuromark @challgren Can you maybe make a PR?
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:50 challgren Yeah I think Im going to wait this one out
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:50 dereuromark They use lean QA: Let the developers do all the beta testing and stuff...^^ A bit annoying usually to work with the .0 release, I usually wait till the first 2 patch releases.
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:45 gianmarxgagliardi so it works `$this->DogsCats->find()->count();`
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:42 challgren Gah did they fuck up the editor again!
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:41 challgren Doesn’t like `if (!$this->Auth->user(‘is_superuser’)) { unset($data[‘tenant_id’]); }` now
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:40 admad 0.12 spews some annoying false positives
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:40 challgren Change `BrokerAwareClassReflectionExtension` to `BrokerAwareExtension` and its fixed
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:38 challgren More `Method App\Controller\SuperAdmin\TenantsController::view() should return Cake\Http\Response|void but return statement is missing.` than anything
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:37 challgren From ide-helper
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:37 challgren Yeah I got 77. Your AssociationTableMixinClassReflectionExtension is also broken with 0.12
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:32 dereuromark The relative path change is the only issue so far. and usual false positives after a fresh major^^
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:32 gianmarxgagliardi ```$total = $this->DogsCats->find('count')?```
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:32 dereuromark @challgren I did for one plugin :P why?
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:30 gianmarxgagliardi how to count the number of table cells in cakephp?
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:27 admad you can through db connection config
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:27 jh can we add something like this to cakephp4 by default? 'SET SESSION sql_mode = "STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY";',
# Dec 5th 2019, 11:24 challgren Mr Plugin you update to phpstan 0.12 yet?
# Dec 5th 2019, 10:57 fhxfhx we try to install an old cake-app and receive the 403 error, not sure what steps to take
# Dec 5th 2019, 10:57 fhxfhx what can be the reason for a 403 error when otherwise a test file works properly ?
# Dec 5th 2019, 10:50 gianmarxgagliardi morning
# Dec 5th 2019, 10:50 gianmarxgagliardi I have a doubt -> https://pastebin.com/FHwvEbAW instead of adding the data is overwritten how can I make the value field dynamic? avoiding that I always overwrite the data with id 1
# Dec 5th 2019, 10:39 spriz @noel in a controller :slightly_smiling_face:
# Dec 5th 2019, 10:39 neon1024 Morning @spriz :waew
# Dec 5th 2019, 10:37 noel ok cool but what is `foo.php`?
# Dec 5th 2019, 10:25 spriz maybe even without the `action` part
# Dec 5th 2019, 10:25 spriz something like https://gist.github.com/Spriz/a33cd766a458f8c61f3ebe7bc6002160 should suffice :slightly_smiling_face:
# Dec 5th 2019, 10:19 spriz @noel maybe you are looking for `$this->viewBuilder()->setTemplatePath()` ?
# Dec 5th 2019, 10:16 noel Is there a global way to change the default template folder path for controller actions? E.g. instead of defaulting to `src/Template/ControllerName/` to default to `src/Template/Extension/ControllerName`
# Dec 5th 2019, 09:41 jotpe I'm not using any of this, so I can't help in detail. My approach would be to look at httpd error logs, look at httpd directory permissions/symlinks then look at croogo's acl: https://github.com/croogo/croogo/tree/master/Acl
# Dec 5th 2019, 09:30 cibyjohn we are using cakephp and croogo for this project