Log message #4217315

# At Username Text
# Dec 4th 2019, 15:04 neon1024 They then fixed it to be inline with other database engines, even MariaDB has it fixed too
# Dec 4th 2019, 15:03 neon1024 MySQL, the old versions, just allowed it even though it was invalid
# Dec 4th 2019, 14:59 dereuromark and then: why not just allowing this useful shim to actually be present/available for usability? apparently everyone seems to strive for an alternative that does with great costs maybe cover it eventually, maybe...^^
# Dec 4th 2019, 14:58 dereuromark "logically not correct" => but how do you explain it working then for mysql here? They must be shimming it inside then.
# Dec 4th 2019, 14:43 neon1024 No matter how often I read about it, I can’t seem to get the query correct
# Dec 4th 2019, 14:42 neon1024 I never got around this either and tend to turn it off also :man-shrugging:
# Dec 4th 2019, 14:36 val I meant "must be present in GROUP BY"
# Dec 4th 2019, 14:27 val @dereuromark when `GROUP BY` is used all non-aggregated columns must be present in `SELECT` . Explained in the docs - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/group-by-handling.html. `SELECT summary FROM database_logs GROUP BY summary ORDER BY id;` is logically not correct as it is not possible to determine the order because the rows that have the same `summary` value have different `id` values.
# Dec 4th 2019, 14:05 ndm It shouldn't, as it's an aggregate function
# Dec 4th 2019, 14:02 dereuromark ndm: max() etc doesnt count into the isssue here? interesting
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:44 noel Is it possible to set layout based on route, rather than action?
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:43 ndm `->orderDesc('MAX(id)')`
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:31 graziel when you do `sql_mode=''` you can change other things also - i dont know which never bothered to check
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:28 dereuromark Too bad this intuitive way of grouping is not allowed (by DB types in general) anymore
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:28 dereuromark @info315 Jep, thats my default usually. But not all users have that.
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:27 dereuromark haha, if you delete the code, the error also goes away. Does not solve it though keeping the functionality (which should be the aim)
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:27 graziel but when you do `->group(['summary', 'id'])` error goes away
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:26 graziel dont ask me im not mastermind behind this change
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:26 info315 @dereuromark you can set `sql_mode=''` :)
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:25 dereuromark wouldnt that kill the idea of grouping?
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:21 graziel what about adding `id` to `->group`
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:13 dereuromark Does anyone have a good idea how you can solve the (annoying) SQL problem of "nonaggreated columns" without losing the order? https://github.com/dereuromark/CakePHP-DatabaseLog/pull/36 I usually silence those as I am too lazy to fix it, but maybe there is a simple and good solution to this.
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:09 noel Probably because I'm using CRUD and I need to inject that into an event listener somewhere rather than just in the action.. lemme see...
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:08 graziel would need to see whole code at this point
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:07 noel hmm... no matter what I put in there it gives the same error; ```Confirm you have created the file: "Customer/Enquiries/index.ctp" in one of the following paths: /Users/noeldacosta/repo/mnr-be/src/Template/Customer/Enquiries/index.ctp```
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:06 graziel so try `setTemplatePath('`Enquiries')``
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:05 graziel then 'setTemplatePath' is relative to it
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:05 graziel iirc in app.php you have setting to templates in general
# Dec 4th 2019, 13:04 noel Cool.. what would go in the path though? I tried all the combinations I could think of. E.g. `'\App\Templates\Enquiries\index.ctp'`, `'\Templates\Enquiries\index.ctp'` , `'\App\Templates\Enquiries'` , , `'\Templates\Enquiries'` , `'\App\Templates\Enquiries\index'`, `'\Templates\Enquiries\index'` .... none of those works.
# Dec 4th 2019, 12:58 graziel maybe ```$this->viewBuilder() ->setTemplatePath('path');```
# Dec 4th 2019, 12:58 info315 You can pass a path like so: `$this->render('/Errors/error403');` maybe this helps
# Dec 4th 2019, 12:57 noel I tried using `$this->render()` but it seems always to default to the subfolder.
# Dec 4th 2019, 12:56 noel Let's say I have a controller in a subfolder: `\App\Controller\Customer\MyController.php` which is an extension of a controller in the main folder `\App\Controller\MyController.php`. Is there a way I can point the extension to the Template of it's parent controller, rather than having to create folders and duplicate Template files?
# Dec 4th 2019, 12:24 neon1024 Looks like some people posted solutions in the comments to get it without a namespace though
# Dec 4th 2019, 12:23 neon1024 Ah, it returns the namespace!
# Dec 4th 2019, 12:23 neon1024 Isn’t that get_class? https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.get-class.php
# Dec 4th 2019, 12:22 admad App::shortName()
# Dec 4th 2019, 12:17 val Hi, is there a function in 3.x that gets the class name of an object stripping a namespace?
# Dec 4th 2019, 11:28 info315 Thanks @ndm, this seems to work: ``` $this->set('error', $command->getErrors()); $this->viewBuilder()->setOption('serialize', ['error']); $this->response = $this->response->withStatus(400); return;```
# Dec 4th 2019, 11:27 ndm And as mentioned the status can then be set by reassigning the response, like `$this->response = $this->response->withStatus(400);`