Log message #4217004

# At Username Text
# Dec 2nd 2019, 15:32 neon1024 I feel like you need to revise the basics, have you completed the tutorial? https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/tutorials-and-examples.html
# Dec 2nd 2019, 15:28 neon1024 Help me Obi-wan, you’re my only hope.
# Dec 2nd 2019, 15:21 gianmarxgagliardi @neon1024 help me please
# Dec 2nd 2019, 15:07 gianmarxgagliardi `table cats:` `id name surname` `1 tony may` `table dogs:` `id name surname` `1 pop gray` `table dogs_cats:` `id id_dogs id_cats info` `1 1 1 pop and tony` `but I would like to display:` `id name_dogs name_cats info` `1 pop tony pop and tony`
# Dec 2nd 2019, 15:05 gianmarxgagliardi this is in controller DogsCatsController.php
# Dec 2nd 2019, 15:05 gianmarxgagliardi public function index() { $this->set('field',$this->Dogscats->find('all')); }
# Dec 2nd 2019, 15:03 gianmarxgagliardi they are not like taking the fields of the other two tables from the dogs_cats controller
# Dec 2nd 2019, 15:02 gianmarxgagliardi https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59141547/cakephp-displays-the-id-display-table-name-from-two-different-tables-with-relati
# Dec 2nd 2019, 15:02 gianmarxgagliardi this would be the problem in detail
# Dec 2nd 2019, 15:02 gianmarxgagliardi hi I should enter IDs from two tables and show the name in the view
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:39 dereuromark dunno, only did plugins so far, that worked out all right
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:37 maymeow or ... how hard is to upgrade whole app to Cakephp 4 :D
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:33 neon1024 ..but you do lose the validation messages
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:33 neon1024 I tend to skip creating a whole widget and just manually write a tag
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:32 dereuromark See https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/bootstrap-ui/tree/master/src/View/Widget
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:32 alexmax That's good to hear that it's fixed in 4.x. Thanks for hipping me about the 3.x status, I can just swap a template on a text field, I just didn't know if there was a magic happy path that I hadn't seen in the documentation.
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:32 dereuromark Using custom widgets you can get this.
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:31 alexmax Oh I was scrolled up.
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:31 alexmax But from perusing the documentation it seems like the three-select is default, I don't see a way off-hand to generate HTML5 date inputs.
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:31 ndm It should generate that out of the box in CakePHP 4.x now. In 3.x you'd need a workaround, for example use `'type' => 'text'` and custom templates, or a custom datetime widget, or a custom form helper, or...
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:26 alexmax If you're saying that that is what you get out of the box, then I think maybe I have some form templates to rework.
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:26 alexmax Well, I can't figure out how to generate it. If I do `type => 'date'` from the form helper, it gives me three select dropdowns. What I'm looking for is literally `<input type="date">`.
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:25 dereuromark it should work out of the box for supporting browsers, and should display fallback string. make sure you have validation in place here.
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:24 dereuromark ah gotcha. whats your issue with this element?
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:24 alexmax @dereuromark Sorry for my terseness. By HTML5 datepicker, I mean a `type="date"` input tag.
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:22 maymeow hmm
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:20 dereuromark See https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-shim/pull/61 - still not resolved yet
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:20 dereuromark i know :slightly_smiling_face:
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:19 maymeow cakephp doing good but problem are tests (phpunit 6 is unsupported on 7.4.0)
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:18 dereuromark @alexmax That is vage. it depends on what css (framework) etc. I have apps that use the cake select dropdowns ( https://sandbox.dereuromark.de/sandbox/js-examples/datepicker ), but most usually prefer a string input field here.
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:17 dereuromark try it out
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:17 maymeow What about CakePHP and compatibility with php 7.4 Can i upgrade?
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:15 alexmax What is the intended way to create a form element that uses an HTML5 datepicker?
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:13 ndm If you look at the source, it seems that it cannot resolve an associated tables class name to a repository name. Inspecting the involved/generated values might help to figure where things are going wrong. https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/crud-json-api/blob/0.5.4/src/Schema/JsonApi/DynamicEntitySchema.php#L306-L309 https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/crud-json-api/blob/0.5.4/src/Schema/JsonApi/DynamicEntitySchema.php#L356
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:03 noel The resolves to the CRUD `add` action, which I'm intercepting with crud's `beforSave` to do an associated insert (which succeeds) but then it seems to redirect or something.
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:01 noel It's cake 3.8.x
# Dec 2nd 2019, 14:01 noel @dereuromark but the thing is that the URL that the request is being sent to resolves to a controller and actually successfully INSERT's a record. So I'm at a loss as to where why an empty route is being triggered and by what?
# Dec 2nd 2019, 13:59 dereuromark otherwise the controller and plugin being empty string and not null is sure causing this.
# Dec 2nd 2019, 13:58 dereuromark if that is cake4
# Dec 2nd 2019, 13:57 dereuromark prefix => Api (case sensitive)
# Dec 2nd 2019, 13:56 slackebot /Users/noeldacosta/repo/mnr-be/vendor/neomerx/json-api/src/Representation/BaseWriter.php(182): Neomerx\JsonApi\Parser\IdentifierAndResource->parseLinks(Object(CrudJsonApi\Schema\JsonApi\DynamicEntitySchema), Object(App\Model\Entity\Enquiry), 'enquiry-type', Array, true, false)``` and it seems to be routing to a view (although it shouldn't as it's the CRUD action.