Log message #4213314

# At Username Text
# Nov 14th 2019, 14:56 slackebot1 /var/www/my_tools/webvol/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Controller/Component/FlashComponent.php:112 - /var/www/my_tools/webvol/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Controller/Component/FlashComponent.php:155 - /var/www/my_tools/webvol/src/Controller/CategoriesController.php:126 - /var/www/my_tools/webvol/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Controller/Controller.php:524 - /var/www/my_tools/webvol/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Controller/ControllerFactory.php:79 -
# Nov 14th 2019, 14:56 slackebot1 /var/www/my_tools/webvol/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Http/BaseApplication.php:229 - /var/www/my_tools/webvol/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Http/Runner.php:77 - /var/www/my_tools/webvol/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Http/Runner.php:77 - /var/www/my_tools/webvol/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Http/Middleware/CsrfProtectionMiddleware.php:136 - /var/www/my_tools/webvol/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Http/Runner.php:73 -
# Nov 14th 2019, 14:56 kevin.pfeifer ``` [TypeError] Argument 1 passed to Cake\Http\Session::_overwrite() must be of the type array, null given, called in /var/www/my_tools/webvol/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Http/Session.php on line 485 in /var/www/my_tools/webvol/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Http/Session.php on line 531 Stack Trace: - /var/www/my_tools/webvol/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Http/Session.php:485 -
# Nov 14th 2019, 14:47 kevin.pfeifer this doesnt happen inside my docker dev environment
# Nov 14th 2019, 14:46 kevin.pfeifer Quick Question: I just tested my CakePHP 4 instance on my live server and i get the following message when i try to delete any entry inside any table. ``` Argument 1 passed to Cake\Http\Session::_overwrite() must be of the type array, null given, called in /var/www/my_tool/webvol/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Http/Session.php on line 485 ``` This happens on all my controllers inside the delete action. Any ideas?
# Nov 14th 2019, 14:42 sumitsehgal What can be the best schema for making schedule based todos. And tasks can be recurring in nature.. Like daily, monthly, weekly,  2nd and 4th days of the week etc... ?
# Nov 14th 2019, 14:00 alexmax ughhhhhh, I'm not calling the parent constructor, that's why
# Nov 14th 2019, 13:52 alexmax I have an old form that overrides `_buildValidator` and it validates just fine in 3.5. However, when upgrading to 3.8, the form now always passes validation. I suppose I can just change the validation method to the new one, but is the old one completely breaking intentional? Usually Cake just warns me about deprecated stuff but it continues working.
# Nov 14th 2019, 13:27 scuadra Hello. I have the following issue. I am using this plugin (https://github.com/UseMuffin/Slug) to create slug for my products. But I want to use both `id` and `title` as `displayField`. Since the `id` field is not present when the slug is build I got an error and cannot save my records. Is it possible somehow to make this work or I should remove `id` from `displayField`?
# Nov 14th 2019, 12:50 frank @rk.thedigifrog What @admad said
# Nov 14th 2019, 12:31 pieceof id remove parenthesis from where
# Nov 14th 2019, 12:29 admad you might have whitespace in the saved value
# Nov 14th 2019, 12:28 pieceof try like ?
# Nov 14th 2019, 12:12 rk.thedigifrog @frank ^
# Nov 14th 2019, 12:09 rk.thedigifrog Not working means query is not working even if I hit same query in MYSQL console
# Nov 14th 2019, 12:08 rk.thedigifrog Expected result:
# Nov 14th 2019, 12:07 frank @rk.thedigifrog Not working..? What’s happening and what were you expecting to happen?
# Nov 14th 2019, 12:05 javier.villanueva thanks @dereuromark
# Nov 14th 2019, 12:02 slackebot1 `Campaigns__created`, Campaigns.modified AS `Campaigns__modified` FROM messages Messages LEFT JOIN campaigns Campaigns ON Campaigns.id = (Messages.campaign_id) WHERE (Messages.sent_from = '+15104221247' AND Messages.sent_to = '+14242576491') ORDER BY Messages.created DESC LIMIT 1
# Nov 14th 2019, 12:02 slackebot1 `Campaigns__start_date`, Campaigns.template AS `Campaigns__template`, Campaigns.company_id AS `Campaigns__company_id`, Campaigns.status AS `Campaigns__status`, Campaigns.message_time AS `Campaigns__message_time`, Campaigns.day_of_week AS `Campaigns__day_of_week`, Campaigns.messages_limit AS `Campaigns__messages_limit`, Campaigns.offer_code AS `Campaigns__offer_code`, Campaigns.is_deleted AS `Campaigns__is_deleted`, Campaigns.created AS
# Nov 14th 2019, 12:02 slackebot1 `Messages__messageSid`, Messages.message_sent AS `Messages__message_sent`, Messages.sent_from AS `Messages__sent_from`, Messages.sent_to AS `Messages__sent_to`, Messages.delivery_status AS `Messages__delivery_status`, Messages.created AS `Messages__created`, Messages.modified AS `Messages__modified`, Campaigns.id AS `Campaigns__id`, Campaigns.title AS `Campaigns__title`, Campaigns.user_id AS `Campaigns__user_id`, Campaigns.start_date AS
# Nov 14th 2019, 12:02 rk.thedigifrog Hi Guy's, cakephp query not working: $this->Messages->find()->contain(['Campaigns'=>['campaignResponses']])->where(['Messages.sent_from '=> $get_array['To'], 'Messages.sent_to '=> $get_array['From']])->order(['Messages.created' => 'DESC'])->first(); Raw Query in log: SELECT Messages.id AS `Messages__id`, Messages.campaign_id AS `Messages__campaign_id`, Messages.customer_id AS `Messages__customer_id`, Messages.messageSid AS
# Nov 14th 2019, 11:07 dereuromark if you modify courses in loop, then student entitiy doesnt know that. that is the case where you have to manually $student->setDirty('courses') then for the ORM to know
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:57 javier.villanueva problem is that I dont know assign this days_attended. ¿Where I must assign?, in course? in student? in other?
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:56 javier.villanueva if I do foreach $courses . $course->days_attended. Then I have a dirty field days_attended in dd($student)
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:54 dereuromark in some cases you need to manually setDirty() those. but shouldnt be the case for direct assignment here
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:54 dereuromark check why the fields are not dirty after you set them
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:48 javier.villanueva not really, but I can do it
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:48 dereuromark no need to validate the info?
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:48 dereuromark why are you not patching it?
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:47 javier.villanueva cause I dont see nothing
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:47 javier.villanueva then I have a mistake lol
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:44 javier.villanueva yes $student sorry
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:44 dereuromark dd() the result and you will see
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:43 dereuromark and yes, you can directly modify fields
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:43 dereuromark $student (singular)
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:42 javier.villanueva ``` $students = $this->Students->newEntity(); $students->courses = $courses; ¿and days_attended? ```
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:41 javier.villanueva if I have a belongsToMany (with through option cause I have metadata in this relation https://book.cakephp.org/3/en/orm/associations.html#using-the-through-option). Could I save this metadata infomation directly when I save one of the models? for instance In the doc example how to save days_attended
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:39 javier.villanueva morning all
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:34 challgren Im not sure, I never use deliver I always do ->send()
# Nov 14th 2019, 10:32 mehov you mean it should use the *default transport*, not the whatever transport defined for the *default profile*, correct? i.e. this is the intended behaviour, and if i want `deliver()` to use my custom transport configuration, i should overwrite the default transport with it, instead of putting it into a separate transport and choosing it for the default profile