Log message #4213051

# At Username Text
# Nov 12th 2019, 07:51 mehov okay then why do all these hashes and tokens have autocomplete="off" even though they're hidden? (not being a dick, just learning)
# Nov 12th 2019, 07:51 admad in 4.x you won't even have the `_method` named input for post forms
# Nov 12th 2019, 07:50 admad there's no need, the input already has a value and is hidden, it's not going to be autocompleted
# Nov 12th 2019, 07:48 mehov I looked at the end of the form and "_Token[unlocked]" has explicit autocomplete="off" as well, even though it's value doesn't seem to be a hash Should I contribute autocomplete="off" to the _method as well to keep it consistent?
# Nov 12th 2019, 07:45 admad it wont
# Nov 12th 2019, 07:44 mehov Hi everyone, When I use FormHelper, it adds these hidden inputs: "_method" and "_csrfToken". The token has autocomplete="off" for obvious reasons, but the method doesn't. Can I be sure it won't interfere with browser remembering the login form data if I use FormHelper there? Source code for the _method here: https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/9e14905eba24497a26e8ab5bdf192941086385c8/src/View/Helper/FormHelper.php#L479
# Nov 12th 2019, 05:08 admad @spriz you won't have this problem in 4.0 https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/blob/4.x/src/I18n/functions.php#L29
# Nov 11th 2019, 23:25 cake101 anyone here?
# Nov 11th 2019, 23:13 cake101 I am trying to add to an input with the type of select a class or id and both will not work. I have tried both Form->input and Form->select. cakephp v 2.10. please someone assist
# Nov 11th 2019, 22:44 dereuromark @spriz As long as we dont have a clean __() to always return string, I just https://github.com/spryker/cakephp-statemachine/blob/master/tests/phpstan.neon#L9
# Nov 11th 2019, 21:29 spriz Also do I miss something or do I need to do this? ```
# Nov 11th 2019, 21:26 spriz @admad how about `Parameter #1 $message of method Cake\Controller\Component\FlashComponent::success() expects string, string|null given.` when doing `$this->Flash->succes(__('Great success!'));` ?
# Nov 11th 2019, 21:24 spriz Much love @admad!
# Nov 11th 2019, 19:39 admad @spriz https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/crud/blob/master/phpstan.neon#L4
# Nov 11th 2019, 19:11 spriz and avoid `Access to an undefined property object::$query.`
# Nov 11th 2019, 19:10 spriz How do you make phpstan happy about this one?! :) $this->Crud->on('beforePaginate', function (Event $event) { $event->getSubject()->query->find('NonDraft'); });
# Nov 11th 2019, 13:16 pieceof join /#composer
# Nov 11th 2019, 09:53 conehead Did you try with sudo? Seems to be permissions
# Nov 11th 2019, 09:36 peter349 Hi, When i run the shell command i get this `Warning Error: default cache was unable to write 'test_data' to Cake\Cache\Engine\FileEngine cache in [/home/halftome/PhpstormProjects/name-of the_project/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Cache/Cache.php, line 286] `
# Nov 11th 2019, 08:53 spriz @angelxmoreno Yeah I know that :slightly_smiling_face: But I am using the `Autnetication` plugin :+1:
# Nov 10th 2019, 23:40 angelxmoreno looks like `email` was not a field. all works now!
# Nov 10th 2019, 23:33 ndm Ah, I see. I'm not very familiar with elastic, sorry.
# Nov 10th 2019, 23:31 angelxmoreno whoops, forgot to mention the import part: this is using https://github.com/cakephp/elastic-search
# Nov 10th 2019, 23:28 ndm Anyhow... look at the generated SQL
# Nov 10th 2019, 23:28 ndm `QueryBuilder`? What even is that?
# Nov 10th 2019, 23:18 slackebot1 $builder->regexp('email', '~.*' . $match . '.*~i') ); }); } return $query; } ```
# Nov 10th 2019, 23:18 angelxmoreno Anyone see anything wrong with this? I am not getting results when combining via `or` ``` public function findMatch(Query $query, array $options) { $match = Hash::get($options, 'match'); if ($match) { $query->where(function (QueryBuilder $builder) use ($match) { return $builder->and( $builder->regexp('name', '~.*' . $match . '.*~i'),
# Nov 10th 2019, 23:14 angelxmoreno @spriz `AuthComponent` <> `Authentication Plugin`
# Nov 10th 2019, 22:45 spriz I have a weird issue where `_setCurrentUser` is run twice, second time `$this->request->getAttribute('identity')` returns null :S
# Nov 10th 2019, 22:45 spriz Anyone using https://github.com/UseMuffin/Footprint with Cake 3 and Authentication middleware? :slightly_smiling_face:
# Nov 10th 2019, 18:43 wYm @ndm Oh thinks it works like a charm :)
# Nov 10th 2019, 18:35 ndm You'd have to override the type. Use the second argument of `where()` to supply a type accordingly: `where(['field LIKE' => '%value%'], ['field' => 'string'])`
# Nov 10th 2019, 18:29 wYm hi all, how can I add where clause for Json type column ? I tried 'field LIKE' => '%value%' but I didn't work
# Nov 10th 2019, 16:46 graziel no need for base64 encode
# Nov 10th 2019, 16:45 graziel you can access file with usual cake way `$this->request->getData('cv_file');`
# Nov 10th 2019, 16:45 graziel ```a = new FormData() a.append('cv_file', document.getElementById('main_page').files[0]) a.append('additional_files[]', document.getElementById('id0').files[0]) a.append('additional_files[]', document.getElementById('id1').files[0]) a.append('query', 'mutation { apply(offer_id: "1", cv_file: "cv_file", additional_files: "additional_files") }') axios.post('http://example.com/api', a)```
# Nov 10th 2019, 16:45 graziel @mrfeedback im using combo of vue+axios as front and graphql+jose/upload to handle file upload but same principle
# Nov 10th 2019, 14:52 mrfeedback but im wondering if there is already any plugin which addresses base64 encoded streams yet
# Nov 10th 2019, 14:52 mrfeedback im using it in combination with angular. so at the moment I guet a base64 file stream when the file gets uploaded
# Nov 10th 2019, 14:46 luizcmarin @mrfeedback https://www.startutorial.com/articles/view/how-to-build-a-file-upload-form-using-dropzonejs-and-php maybe...
# Nov 10th 2019, 14:39 mrfeedback or is therer any recommended upload plugin for such a case?