Log message #4212852

# At Username Text
# Nov 8th 2019, 10:26 dev.cyrusjayson it just seems cake don’t know user_id added
# Nov 8th 2019, 10:26 dev.cyrusjayson there is no error though
# Nov 8th 2019, 10:26 dev.cyrusjayson I cant see it also. and I have association that gives user as null. but the user_id is not also there
# Nov 8th 2019, 10:25 challgren Check `$entity>errors()`
# Nov 8th 2019, 10:25 dev.cyrusjayson I added new field name user_id in table [11:14 AM] it is not saving [11:14 AM] even I was passing the data
# Nov 8th 2019, 10:12 jotpe Hey :wave:
# Nov 8th 2019, 09:31 dereuromark If they can be null why are they relevant for the query? ;) i think this is a design issue in most cases.
# Nov 8th 2019, 09:25 spriz I would assume the performance of such query is not great :) :)
# Nov 8th 2019, 09:25 roel Oh thanks :)
# Nov 8th 2019, 09:24 roel @spriz the date columns can be `null`
# Nov 8th 2019, 09:19 spriz @roel but one way could be this: https://gist.github.com/Spriz/3862a1bee5a8d67ef7b85434e61be9ad
# Nov 8th 2019, 09:14 noel @martonmiklosqdev I suggest you use xdebug in that case. Not sure why the line numbers aren't showing up correctly for you. This happens to me in JavaScript quite often and it's very annoying. I've never seen it in PHP.
# Nov 8th 2019, 09:13 spriz @roel does the date column really have `0` and not `null` in the DB?
# Nov 8th 2019, 08:59 roel `SELECT * FROM `<table>` WHERE `<fk_id>` IN (1,2)` ` ORDER BY GREATEST(COALESCE(`<date_column_1>`, 0), COALESCE(`<date_column_2>`, 0)) DESC` ` LIMIT 10`
# Nov 8th 2019, 08:59 roel The query is as follows:
# Nov 8th 2019, 08:59 roel Hello everyone, I have a SQL query that I would like to convert to a cakephp (3.6) query, but I have no clue how to do it and if it is even possible.
# Nov 8th 2019, 08:19 javier.villanueva I think that your models are different than the models im thinking
# Nov 8th 2019, 08:18 javier.villanueva morning all
# Nov 8th 2019, 06:36 conehead Morning!
# Nov 8th 2019, 06:17 alexdd55976 Morning
# Nov 8th 2019, 01:50 ndm Check `$context['newRecord']`
# Nov 8th 2019, 01:47 francisdoydora thanks in advance for your help :slightly_smiling_face:
# Nov 8th 2019, 01:47 francisdoydora if update, allowEmptyFile. Else if create, follow the validator rule I posted.
# Nov 8th 2019, 01:37 slackebot1 (isset($context['data']['academic_level_id'])) { return $context['data']['academic_level_id'] === '1'; } return true; })```
# Nov 8th 2019, 01:37 francisdoydora if anyone could help me figure out how to return 'update' as default. But needs to return true or false on create. Right now allowEmptyFile returns false if academic_level_id is not equal to 1. But I didn't take into account if I want to edit. In edit it should always allow empty files. ```$validator ->allowEmptyFile('gmrc', 'Please upload a GMRC', function ($context) { if
# Nov 7th 2019, 23:24 mrfeedback is there a way to disable a virtual field when a query is returning entities? In my case I dont need that specific field as it generates s3links which I wouldn´t use in that case. I tried to not select the field. but for some reason it still triggers
# Nov 7th 2019, 22:41 slackebot1 <martonmiklosqdev>
# Nov 7th 2019, 22:40 martonmiklosqdev I can see the problematic line in the variables pane:
# Nov 7th 2019, 22:40 martonmiklosqdev the view errors a bit better
# Nov 7th 2019, 22:40 martonmiklosqdev where the problem is in the view
# Nov 7th 2019, 22:40 slackebot1 <martonmiklosqdev>
# Nov 7th 2019, 22:39 martonmiklosqdev here is an another example
# Nov 7th 2019, 22:39 martonmiklosqdev the problematic ItemTypesAttributesController only has 183 lines
# Nov 7th 2019, 22:39 martonmiklosqdev refers to the Core/Controller.php
# Nov 7th 2019, 22:38 martonmiklosqdev the line 609
# Nov 7th 2019, 22:22 noel @martonmiklosqdev As far as I can see there are line numbers... have you looked at line 609 of your Controller?
# Nov 7th 2019, 22:05 martonmiklosqdev I will read back the messages tomorrow
# Nov 7th 2019, 22:05 martonmiklosqdev if anyone has any idea please let me know
# Nov 7th 2019, 21:40 martonmiklosqdev is it a configuration problem of the apache/PHP or is it a CakePHP config issue?
# Nov 7th 2019, 21:40 martonmiklosqdev error_reporting = E_ALL
# Nov 7th 2019, 21:39 martonmiklosqdev in the php.ini I set all error/debug flags