Log message #4210032

# At Username Text
# Oct 22nd 2019, 17:43 slackebot1 Cake\ORM\Query::_all() - CORE\src\Datasource\QueryTrait.php, line 289 Cake\ORM\Query::all() - CORE\src\ORM\Query.php, line 1046 Cake\ORM\Query::first() - CORE\src\Datasource\QueryTrait.php, line 443 App\Controller\AppController::initialize() - APP/Controller\AppController.php, line 106 Cake\Controller\Controller::__construct() - CORE\src\Controller\Controller.php, line 212 ReflectionClass::newInstance() - [internal], line ??
# Oct 22nd 2019, 17:43 coreus Hmm, the FileEngine cacher is complaining with a notice after going from 4.0.0-beta3 to 4.0.0-beta4: ``` Notice (8): unserialize(): Error at offset 24 of 1206 bytes [CORE\src\Cache\Engine\FileEngine.php, line 201] Code Context unserialize - [internal], line ?? Cake\Cache\Engine\FileEngine::get() - CORE\src\Cache\Engine\FileEngine.php, line 201 Cake\Datasource\QueryCacher::fetch() - CORE\src\Datasource\QueryCacher.php, line 78
# Oct 22nd 2019, 17:40 johizzle @javier.villanueva try $user = $this->get($user_id, ['contain' => ['Groups']]); if that doesn't work, you can try creating the field in the form as groups._ids, it should work straight forward from there
# Oct 22nd 2019, 16:42 noel Must be routing I guess
# Oct 22nd 2019, 16:40 noel Hi guys. I'm bashing my head against something with crud-json-api. I have it working perfectly on one application but on the other (which is configured in the same way unless I'm missing something) when I send a post request to insert a new record it instead acts as if I've sent a GET request to fetch all records. Any idea what might be wrong?
# Oct 22nd 2019, 16:28 rochasmarcelo @daniel.upshaw have you followed https://github.com/CakeDC/users/blob/master/Docs/Documentation/Extending-the-Plugin.md?
# Oct 22nd 2019, 16:15 daniel.upshaw Anyone use `cakedc/users` and successfully extended the `UsersController`? https://github.com/CakeDC/users/issues/823
# Oct 22nd 2019, 14:16 dev.cyrusjayson got it
# Oct 22nd 2019, 14:10 dereuromark need to refactor IdeHelper to support all those new ide directives, pretty neat to have (method) argument autocomplete working now.
# Oct 22nd 2019, 14:09 dereuromark whuz up
# Oct 22nd 2019, 13:56 neon1024 No idea I’m afraid, I’ve never needed to use that
# Oct 22nd 2019, 13:56 dev.cyrusjayson Hey if I do this way, still okay? $this->con->execute("INSERT profiles (id)VALUES(?)",[$id]);
# Oct 22nd 2019, 13:52 neon1024 Oh, hey @dereuromark :wave:
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:56 dereuromark You can, sure
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:56 jotpe So i guess it should be fine to have it more specific.
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:56 dereuromark In those cases best to ignore those then.
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:55 jotpe It's a upload Behavior I use several times in my application.
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:55 jotpe The IDeHelper CLI doesn't handle Behaviors
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:55 dereuromark But for project level ones those are OK to have IMO.
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:54 dereuromark I dont think my helper fixes behaviors yet. Usually, if you need this then the behavior is not as "agnostic" as behaviors usually are supposed to be.
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:53 jotpe Hm
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:50 dereuromark no this one: https://github.com/cakephp/bake/issues/456 and the linked ideHelper code
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:47 jotpe THanks @dereuromark you mean this? https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-ide-helper/blob/master/src/Annotator/ModelAnnotator.php#L127
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:38 dereuromark see also what Ide Helper here does for other callbacks in model code.
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:37 dereuromark that works usually
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:37 javier.villanueva @johizzle problem is that dont save the relationship in users_groups
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:37 dereuromark to please phpstan you can set the concrete object into the docblock
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:35 jotpe Is there a way to declare a property of a entity in a Behavior? F.e. I use this in my Behaviors `beforeSave()`: `$entity->storage_filename` PHPStan now says: `Access to an undefined property Cake\ORM\Entity::$storage_filename.` I set the storage_filename in `beforeMarshal()`
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:32 johizzle $user->setDirty('groups', true); - you can try this
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:26 javier.villanueva I use it, but always groups in user is [ ]
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:25 javier.villanueva $data = []; $data['groups'] = $groups; $user = $this->get($user_id); $user = $this->patchEntity($user, $data); $this->save($user);
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:17 javier.villanueva (is not a new entity)
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:16 javier.villanueva I understand the simple association, but when there are multiple groups
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:16 javier.villanueva I the https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/saving-data.html#saving-belongstomany-associations example
# Oct 22nd 2019, 12:15 javier.villanueva I dont understand a simple way to save belongsToMany associations (for instance users_groups) having user_id and array with groups_ids. I have read the doc... but
# Oct 22nd 2019, 11:36 jotpe Thanks @ndm I did another find in the Table method. It's a bit hacked, because I already have that data in my user Identity but it works ...
# Oct 22nd 2019, 11:31 dev.cyrusjayson thanks
# Oct 22nd 2019, 11:16 neon1024 https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/saving-data.html#inserting-data
# Oct 22nd 2019, 11:16 neon1024 Yeah, you could do that if you wanted to. I prefer working with Entities
# Oct 22nd 2019, 11:13 ndm @jotpe There's no direct way, tables don't really care about the outside world. Depending on for what you need it, you'd usually either pass it to the table methods that you're calling, inject it into the table object (for example via a setter, or as an option via the table locator config), or pass it into the event flow via `Model.*` events options.
# Oct 22nd 2019, 11:02 dev.cyrusjayson ok. I am following this $query = $articles->query(); $query->insert(['title', 'body']) ->values([ 'title' => 'First post', 'body' => 'Some body text' ]) ->execute();