Log message #4209991

# At Username Text
# Oct 22nd 2019, 10:55 neon1024 `$example = $this->Examples->newEntity(); $this->Examples->save($example)`
# Oct 22nd 2019, 10:54 neon1024 You should be building and entity and saving it
# Oct 22nd 2019, 10:54 neon1024 Don’t do that.
# Oct 22nd 2019, 10:45 dev.cyrusjayson how to do it in insert and update? This is my current code $output = $this->con->execute("INSERT INTO users (email, password)VALUES('$email', '$haspassword')");
# Oct 22nd 2019, 10:39 jotpe Or the Identity Object?
# Oct 22nd 2019, 10:38 jotpe Is there a way to access the Authentication Service from the Authentication Plugin within a Table class? https://book.cakephp.org/authentication/1.1/en/identity-object.html#the-identity-object
# Oct 22nd 2019, 10:00 dev.cyrusjayson @neon1024 I love you man! :kissing_heart: :P
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:59 neon1024 If you know the scalar type expected
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:58 neon1024 You can still do a little sanitization by casting values and such though
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:58 neon1024 https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/query-builder.html#sql-injection-prevention
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:57 neon1024 `$this->Examples->find()->where(['thing' => $this->getRequest()->getData('something')])`
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:57 neon1024 As long as they’re assigned as array values
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:57 neon1024 The ORM will sanitize things for you
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:55 dev.cyrusjayson it is an API
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:55 david when I validate an input, the Form helper add the "Form.errorClass" to the input. But if I validate a select multiple, it doesn't add de "Form.errorClass" to the select. I am looking at the templates (https://api.cakephp.org/3.8/source-class-Cake.View.Helper.FormHelper.html#79-171) but I don't know how to do that
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:54 dev.cyrusjayson I know it is not nice.
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:54 dev.cyrusjayson in cake 2 there is a module call sanitize and they removed it in 3. any alternative that I can do something like this $email = CleanerSample($this->request->data['email'])
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:53 alexdd55976 @dev.cyrusjayson you could iterate and clean things up or validate againt some madeup validation rules
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:50 dev.cyrusjayson Guys, I accept parameters and directly put in my query builder so it is vulnerable in SQL Injection. is there a way to clean the $this->request->data in the middleware or appcontroller.php ? "$this->request->data['email']" 3.4.13
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:07 jotpe Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:06 jotpe ok
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:06 savant that’ll be more or less instant
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:06 savant import it into a temporary table and execute sql to do two table renames in a single statement
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:05 savant so ingest that data once a week or whatever
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:05 jotpe Yes, they're known in advance. But i don't want end up managing zip code data, if something changes
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:05 admad use a db table and update from time to time as required
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:04 admad ditto
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:04 savant if they are known in advance, i’d probably have them in a database so I can do a quick lookup
# Oct 22nd 2019, 09:01 jotpe Off-Cake Question: Do you use a Lib or Service to resolve zip codes to cities (especially german postleitzahlen)?
# Oct 22nd 2019, 08:33 admad *none
# Oct 22nd 2019, 08:32 admad no besides 2.10 in 2.x series
# Oct 22nd 2019, 08:31 tokam how about 2.1.1?
# Oct 22nd 2019, 08:30 admad 2.9 won't have any new bugfix release
# Oct 22nd 2019, 08:30 admad okay, like i said upgrade to latest 2.10.x and if issue persists submit a bug report
# Oct 22nd 2019, 08:30 tokam but this is not enough.
# Oct 22nd 2019, 08:29 tokam I tries to do this validation with if ( (!isset($this->_values[$this->name][$firstName])
# Oct 22nd 2019, 08:29 tokam and be also backwards compatible
# Oct 22nd 2019, 08:29 tokam and if I use an api that manages cookies, the API should do that.
# Oct 22nd 2019, 08:29 tokam it comes from $_COOKIES
# Oct 22nd 2019, 08:29 tokam no
# Oct 22nd 2019, 08:28 admad you should validate user input