Log message #4208429

# At Username Text
# Oct 11th 2019, 11:25 jotpe If I use Authentication with Authorization Plugin with a custom Deocrator on my User I get `Call to undefined method Authentication\Identity::setAuthorization()`
# Oct 11th 2019, 09:59 jotpe (E.g. If I have different user groups)
# Oct 11th 2019, 09:59 johnwayne @ndm thanx, `$getAllOpenOrders->toArray()` was the problem (it was not the array
# Oct 11th 2019, 09:59 jotpe For the Authorization Plugin: I have several Policies and a AdminPolicy which implements BeforePolicyInterface to grant Admin Access. For now I extend all my Policies, but I wonder if there's a more advanced solution?
# Oct 11th 2019, 09:32 ndm Are you sure that this is the query that is causing it? Also are you sure `$getAllOpenOrders` is an array (and not maybe a query)? And what is `$status`? What exactly does the generated SQL look like? That error usually happens when the table that you want to update is referenced in for example a join or a subquery.
# Oct 11th 2019, 09:23 slackebot1 update in FROM clause`
# Oct 11th 2019, 09:23 johnwayne Hi to all, if I try to update multiple records in the single table I am getting error... There is my Query ``` $updateAll = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Items') ->query() ->update() ->set(['status' => $status]) ->where(['order_id IN ' => $getAllOpenOrders]) ->execute(); $getAllOpenOrders = array with all relevant ids ``` The error is `You can't specify target table 'items' for
# Oct 11th 2019, 09:07 peter im using cakephp 3
# Oct 11th 2019, 09:06 peter Hi, how do I get the the authenticated user id when i use cakedc/users plugin
# Oct 11th 2019, 08:17 neon1024 Morning all :wave:
# Oct 11th 2019, 07:56 nk-sonu Issue has been solved using recursive =3
# Oct 11th 2019, 07:36 slackebot1 'foreignKey' => 'lead_id'` ` )` ` )` ` )` `);` `$this->paginate = array(` ` 'conditions' => array('FollowupMaildeliver.user_id' => 2),` ` 'contain' => array('Lead'),` ` 'limit' => 20, ` ` 'order' => 'FollowupMaildeliver.id DESC'` `);` `$data = $this->paginate('FollowupMaildeliver');`
# Oct 11th 2019, 07:36 nk-sonu hi, i was working on a CakePHP 2 project, its an old project. i am trying to fetch association data but "Lead" model data not coming under "FollowupEmail" model. please guide. `$this->loadModel('FollowupMaildeliver');` `$this->loadModel('FollowupEmail');` `$this->loadModel('Lead');` `$this->FollowupEmail->bindModel(` ` array('belongsTo' => array(` ` 'Lead' => array(` ` 'className' => 'Lead',` `
# Oct 11th 2019, 07:05 jotpe Morning
# Oct 11th 2019, 06:44 alexdd55976 morning
# Oct 11th 2019, 05:48 spriz especially for larger stuff :)
# Oct 11th 2019, 05:48 spriz it's tough job for PHP to do that
# Oct 11th 2019, 05:48 spriz I do not believe one will make this too easy
# Oct 11th 2019, 05:48 kgb.acct.personal I thought there's something like `$collection->sortBy(['field1', 'field2'])`
# Oct 11th 2019, 05:48 spriz I see - then I would do something like that :slightly_smiling_face:
# Oct 11th 2019, 05:48 kgb.acct.personal Nope. The collection is from request data.
# Oct 11th 2019, 05:46 spriz no way to do this in SQL/
# Oct 11th 2019, 05:46 spriz and do something like `return $fieldOne . '-' . $fieldTwo` but that can get messy and slow pretty quickly for lager collections :S
# Oct 11th 2019, 05:45 spriz I guess you would need to use a function in the `->sort()`
# Oct 11th 2019, 05:45 kgb.acct.personal @spriz Yes. Also assuming that those fields have different types
# Oct 11th 2019, 05:44 spriz first by field 1, and then by field 2?
# Oct 11th 2019, 05:44 spriz @kgb.acct.personal how would that be sorted?
# Oct 11th 2019, 05:39 kgb.acct.personal How do I sort Collection using two fields?
# Oct 11th 2019, 03:04 arai.mio.i Thank you!
# Oct 11th 2019, 02:53 challgren @arai.mio.i `$query->enableHydration(false)` https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/query-builder.html#getting-arrays-instead-of-entities
# Oct 11th 2019, 02:20 Fastidius you can just use php to pull data
# Oct 11th 2019, 02:19 Fastidius is it for display or manipulation? ie can you paginate?
# Oct 11th 2019, 02:18 arai.mio.i Hello. I need your help. Is it possible to get DB data without convert to ResultSet and Entity? When getting 50K records including datetime column, it seems it takes a long time because all data is converted into Frozentime.
# Oct 11th 2019, 02:18 Fastidius my new thing is that when we go into a record to view there are add pages which open to a new page. the page has a drop down for client but the client we were in is not selected.. is there an easy way to pass the index item number to a drop down on the opened form? it uses the same client ID value
# Oct 11th 2019, 02:16 Fastidius hi all, as some of you know i am slowly getting my head around cakephp by playing with UI changes to make life better for users.
# Oct 10th 2019, 19:22 ricksaccous best way imo
# Oct 10th 2019, 19:22 risingtide So would I put it in my Posts model then?
# Oct 10th 2019, 19:13 ricksaccous would be the "cleaner" way
# Oct 10th 2019, 19:13 ricksaccous and just call that in your controller and be done with it
# Oct 10th 2019, 19:13 ricksaccous $this->Posts->getLatestPost(int $projectId);
# Oct 10th 2019, 19:13 ricksaccous if you just had it as a model method though you could just say