Log message #4205277

# At Username Text
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:20 ricksaccous which is completely different as it's technical
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:20 ricksaccous I'm not much of a fan of those questions either, I don't mind people asking me to show code samples though
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:16 ricksaccous lollll
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:16 alexdd55976 maybe.. but we know that those "analysis" are made from ppl who read this crap in books
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:15 ricksaccous maybe some of them are doing some weird psychoanalysis thing where they judge you based on your reaction to the question moreso than the answer
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:14 alexdd55976 i also keep thinking, if you are in HR and have to ask those questions then you know shit about your job
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:14 ricksaccous it's not really "standard" here but it's asked sometimes
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:14 ricksaccous i'd probably say something like i get tunnel vision working on a task sometimes and lose sight of the bigger picture or something like that
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:13 alexdd55976 ppl liked my honesty
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:13 ricksaccous lmao
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:13 alexdd55976 in germany there was some standard to ask "what is your greatest weakness" during job interviews. i kept answering that i do not answer those questions anymore because its either a standard answer or some bullcrap nobody really cares about
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:11 ricksaccous if you do know it's a technical guy you'd probably rate yourself lower to say, hey i know i don't know everything but i can do the work
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:11 ricksaccous if you know it's not a technical guy even looking at your resume you'd rate yourself higher to show, hey i'm confident i can do the work you want me to do
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:11 ricksaccous I think those self-rates on interviews are always kind of weird, most people just want to rate themselves whatever they think their employer wants to hear
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:10 ricksaccous lol
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:09 ron.rattie under cut yourself and everything you do will always seem awesome.. I'm a 3/10
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:07 alexdd55976 i am a 9/10 if we talk other skills too... but this is always...
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:05 alexdd55976 yeah same.
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:04 ricksaccous wew
# Sep 23rd 2019, 13:04 ricksaccous I'd rate myself a 7/10
# Sep 23rd 2019, 12:12 alexdd55976 @birdy247 ask him to write a simple `if` and why he is writing it - says a lot about programmers. then ask him about unit tests and if his `if` was a good or bad idea
# Sep 23rd 2019, 12:07 alexdd55976 :)
# Sep 23rd 2019, 12:07 alexdd55976 perfect for a programmer
# Sep 23rd 2019, 12:01 javier.villanueva maybe he thinks 9 is worse than 1
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:51 alexdd55976 our new colleague never used a framework.. from what i heard i would him rate 9/10 too ... so hard to tell
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:50 alexdd55976 @birdy247 my experience is that talking about basic stuff and understanding conceptual workflows shows a lot more then code itself.
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:37 conehead Or new time instances
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:37 conehead And you could ask him how he would handle unit testing times :P
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:37 conehead @birdy247 I would ask for Traits as well. Callables and Closures and what the difference is.
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:23 jotpe Thanks @ndm, just found this one ;)
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:23 ndm @jotpe https://github.com/cakephp/authorization/issues/80
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:23 javier.villanueva data protection! xD
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:22 javier.villanueva in 10 have hear of Laravel
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:22 birdy247 I sent you a snapshot of their CV
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:21 birdy247 @neon1024 I would say you are ;)
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:21 jotpe Any suggestions? `The request to `/debug-kit/toolbar/c5cf31e3-096a-49b3-88ce-49bb5a8998aa` did not apply any authorization checks.`
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:21 neon1024 `$result < 9`
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:21 neon1024 Yes, I just did
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:21 challgren @neon1024 have you tried reflecting on it? :P
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:20 neon1024 @birdy247 I’m not even sure on reflection, if I’d rate myself 9/10
# Sep 23rd 2019, 11:20 jotpe Btw. I have the same issue with Debigkit