Log message #4205128

# At Username Text
# Sep 23rd 2019, 08:07 conehead Well if you actually want to get rid of cookies, yes
# Sep 23rd 2019, 08:05 chupa i think i already saw this one and thought of implementing it, but frontend is easy, i thought there was more to do controller-wise
# Sep 23rd 2019, 08:03 conehead https://cookieconsent.osano.com/documentation/about-cookie-consent/
# Sep 23rd 2019, 08:02 chupa yeah, will do that, but i think it should be enough due to the nature of the project
# Sep 23rd 2019, 08:01 conehead Well I am not a lawyer haha. Your company better double checks it with their lawyer if that is alright for you. As far as I know this is currently enough
# Sep 23rd 2019, 07:54 chupa Awesome, so I just need a notification bar and that's it :) ty
# Sep 23rd 2019, 07:51 conehead Without the need to actually disable them. Especially for stuff like logging in
# Sep 23rd 2019, 07:50 conehead But currently I think it is allowed to just add a notice that some cookies are required for the homepage to work
# Sep 23rd 2019, 07:50 conehead Sure it can work without cookies
# Sep 23rd 2019, 07:44 chupa Hey, how are you handling GDPR cookies policy? What do I need to if someone opts out of using cookies? Can CakePHP even work without them?
# Sep 23rd 2019, 07:23 alexdd55976 nah. not really
# Sep 23rd 2019, 07:22 conehead Don't think so. You want to create one?
# Sep 23rd 2019, 07:19 alexdd55976 is there a cakephp podcast?
# Sep 23rd 2019, 06:54 alexdd55976 morning fellows
# Sep 23rd 2019, 06:42 conehead Can't say there is not. I would guess there is not :P
# Sep 23rd 2019, 06:42 jotpe :slightly_smiling_face:
# Sep 23rd 2019, 06:42 jotpe Okay, that's what I also considered, but thought there's a easier way.
# Sep 23rd 2019, 06:41 conehead So might wanna extend FormHelper, check if field is required and append a `*`?
# Sep 23rd 2019, 06:40 conehead I would guess this is part of the label
# Sep 23rd 2019, 06:37 jotpe I have a custom app_form.php with custom templates
# Sep 23rd 2019, 06:37 jotpe But how do I need so check if a field is required?
# Sep 23rd 2019, 06:36 conehead https://api.cakephp.org/3.8/class-Cake.View.Helper.FormHelper.html#%24_defaultConfig
# Sep 23rd 2019, 06:36 conehead https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/views/helpers/form.html#customizing-the-templates-formhelper-uses
# Sep 23rd 2019, 06:35 conehead @jotpe create a default template and set it in appview
# Sep 23rd 2019, 06:25 jotpe How can I change the templates of FormHelper so that the Labels of required Controls get a hint htat it's required? E.g. `<label>E-Mail <strong>*</strong></label>`
# Sep 23rd 2019, 06:18 jotpe @valerij.bancer I had the same issue when migrating from 2.x to 3.x and ended up doing something like this https://www.dereuromark.de/2010/06/24/static-enums-or-semihardcoded-attributes/ but in Entities with a trait.
# Sep 23rd 2019, 06:15 jotpe Morning
# Sep 23rd 2019, 05:17 javier.villanueva morning all
# Sep 23rd 2019, 04:40 conehead Good morning guys
# Sep 22nd 2019, 20:55 admad nucc11: https://github.com/cakephp/app/blob/master/config/bootstrap.php#L47
# Sep 22nd 2019, 19:20 nucc11 it appears that the development server doesn't automatically load the contents of .env file, or am i missing something?
# Sep 22nd 2019, 18:16 c.wichmann Ä
# Sep 22nd 2019, 16:43 valerij.bancer I wish we would not use cake 2.x at all
# Sep 22nd 2019, 16:38 admad no one's forcing you to use CakePHP or if someone is take it up with them :slightly_smiling_face:
# Sep 22nd 2019, 16:34 valerij.bancer what should projects with enum data types do? migrate to another framework?
# Sep 22nd 2019, 16:31 admad "no and probably never will be"
# Sep 22nd 2019, 16:25 valerij.bancer I mean MySQL data type `enum`. cakedc/enum seems to be something different
# Sep 22nd 2019, 16:23 admad no and probably never will be. There are plugin's to emulate enums though, like cakedc/enum
# Sep 22nd 2019, 16:21 valerij.bancer is there any support of enum data type in 3.x?
# Sep 22nd 2019, 15:21 nucc1 doesn't look like there's a way to allow-all, so go ahead without the Authentication component.
# Sep 22nd 2019, 15:06 admad the 2 components are not dependent on each other