Log message #4204794

# At Username Text
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:46 rochasmarcelo my login action method is empty
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:46 daniel.upshaw Wait you removed the whole pliugin?
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:46 rochasmarcelo I removed the users plugin and got this
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:45 rochasmarcelo https://www.loom.com/share/8e936d70e22c4bd58439b8c5c7df963d
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:45 daniel.upshaw :yum:
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:44 daniel.upshaw I'll try that in my hosts file
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:44 rochasmarcelo https://dc.usersdemo
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:44 rochasmarcelo no I'm using http://dc.usersdemo
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:44 daniel.upshaw Did you unlock Fields? And are you using the Cookie / Remember Me checkbox in your login form?
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:42 daniel.upshaw I'll try purging vendor as well
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:42 daniel.upshaw How come deleting messages is disabled btw?
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:42 daniel.upshaw Out of context
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:42 daniel.upshaw Whoops, please ignore that
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:42 josbeir thanks @admad @neon1024
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:42 daniel.upshaw Whoops
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:41 slackebot <daniel.upshaw>
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:41 daniel.upshaw Shit
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:41 daniel.upshaw Are you using `localhost` as your hostname?
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:41 luizcmarin @ricksaccous It hides the input field. appears only the message
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:41 ricksaccous @luizcmarin look at the tags in the cakephp github repository and edit your composer.json
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:41 daniel.upshaw Hmmm, it actually didn't though
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:40 luizcmarin I am starting to program with cake. I am making my first steps with a single table. So if I can use version 4, no problem. Could I use version 4 to develop slowly? How do I install it? (* As far as I know, version 4 won't be long, so I can follow it slowly ... because fibromyalgia doesn't really let me run ...)
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:40 admad yeah 2.x is taggged off develop branch
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:40 neon1024 Or at least, my bake them in this project is ;)
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:40 neon1024 @josbeir I’m using `"friendsofcake/bootstrap-ui": "2.0.0-beta-4"`
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:40 admad if you want bs4 for cake 3 use the dev branch
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:39 admad @josbeir `cake-4-bs-4` is for cake 4
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:39 rochasmarcelo it should work
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:38 daniel.upshaw I was using `bin/cake server` yesterday :zany_face:
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:38 daniel.upshaw Setting up
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:38 ricksaccous @luizcmarin the user can just get rid of whatever he wrote and retype it
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:38 daniel.upshaw That's what I'm trying now too
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:38 rochasmarcelo using a docker env
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:37 ricksaccous @luizcmarin that's a standard browser feature, if you make field type="password" it doesn't show the password you are typing in
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:37 daniel.upshaw That error is really darn vague though, it was clearing failing POST validation on my end
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:35 daniel.upshaw Sh%t -- that is probably exactly the reason
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:34 daniel.upshaw Ah huh, interesting! I will tinker with that as well... are you using `bin/cake server`? Docker? Vagrant? Etc?
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:33 rochasmarcelo But in my tests the issue is related to https vs http
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:33 rochasmarcelo by vendor cleanup I mean 'rm -rf vendor/'
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:32 daniel.upshaw So you were working on it before, what version of Cake did you have in your `composer.json` at the time?
# Sep 20th 2019, 13:28 josbeir readme of 3 links to develop but cake-4-bs-4 seems to have newer commit s