Log message #4198622

# At Username Text
# Aug 19th 2019, 11:01 slackebot !tias
# Aug 19th 2019, 11:01 slackebot Command sent from Slack by neon1024:
# Aug 19th 2019, 11:01 neon1024 Why not write the query and benchmark it against the ORM
# Aug 19th 2019, 11:01 neon1024 I’d set fire to the place and find something new
# Aug 19th 2019, 11:00 conehead As some Id's are UUIDs and some are ints
# Aug 19th 2019, 11:00 conehead No, and I cannot :(
# Aug 19th 2019, 10:59 neon1024 Do you have the correct indexes setup in your database?
# Aug 19th 2019, 10:45 conehead Is using joins/explicit sql commands notably faster than using `contains`? Got rougly 2000 entries and each entry has 2 `hasOne` associations. I need all associations at the same time, so pagination is not an option. Was just wondering if I could speed it up
# Aug 19th 2019, 10:35 dereuromark Thats documented: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/routing.html#matching-specific-http-methods
# Aug 19th 2019, 10:34 neon1024 Wow, when you create a route with a `->setMethod` you have to delcare the `_method` key in your Html links!
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:37 dereuromark Thad said: Feel free to use, share and contribute.
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:36 dereuromark For core adoption usually more than 70% would need to find them useful enough :slightly_smiling_face: Which is not often the case here, especially around opinionated topics.
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:36 dereuromark yeah, those are opt-in fully, as such no one is required to have them. Thus a plugin.
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:33 spriz this is another neat one I've stumbled upon https://github.com/dereuromark/executionorder
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:32 spriz Just nice that we have access to them, but we should some kind of "New plugin on the awesome-cakephp" list announcements :)
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:31 spriz I guess those changed are quite opinionated :) Nice way to have a "safe heaven"/playground
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:30 neon1024 How come these kinds of enhancements don’t make it into the core? You seem to add lots of quality of life updates through plugins, when you’re in the core team
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:29 neon1024 Very clever @dereuromark
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:26 dereuromark @neon1024 I am using Illuminator to autocreate entity const to use in code instead of magic strings: https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-ide-helper/blob/master/docs/Illuminator.md Autocomplete on available fields mainly. Also a bit faster to type, but especially easier to see "usage" and make refactoring if necessary.
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:23 dereuromark otherwise copy and paste would be also easy to do probably based on the diff.
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:22 dereuromark Test helper already uses bake to generate missing classes, it could easily give a bake diff preview of what would change, and based on that maybe inject that if approved via single click.
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:22 neon1024 @dereuromark Not too sure where it would fit either :slightly_smiling_face:
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:21 neon1024 Especially as my spec I’ve been given, includes flow charts!
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:21 dereuromark @neon1024 But maybe it would fit better in as part of https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-test-helper ? As the ide helper probably should stick to IDE relevant enhancements, and not re-doing bake (partially).
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:21 neon1024 I like the definition of transition though, that’s what I was looking for. To control how states move
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:20 neon1024 Yeah it might be. Sounds very complex
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:19 spriz Ah, @neon1024 is this what you were looking for Friday https://github.com/spryker/cakephp-statemachine?
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:18 neon1024 What is Illuminator?
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:16 neon1024 @dereuromark Not sure I’d be able to do that! :bow:
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:16 neon1024 Thanks @spriz
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:16 alexdd55976 ok.. cake4 has a twig error message thrwoing out on `bake model all`
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:13 alexdd55976 wasn't there a `bake All All` command?
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:11 alexdd55976 @conehead htanks.. i have a different php.ini for cli ... totally forgot that
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:10 spriz @neon1024 maybe you can tweak https://github.com/josegonzalez/cakephp-version/ into the associations thingy?
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:08 conehead even with `php -m`?
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:08 conehead Check your php.ini file if required extensions are enabled
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:08 alexdd55976 mysqli mysqlpdo.. all there
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:06 dereuromark @neon1024 Sounds like a job for IdeHelper Illuminator tasks. You can add it.
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:06 alexdd55976 xamp
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:06 conehead What is your php server?
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:06 alexdd55976 i know