Log message #4198605

# At Username Text
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:29 neon1024 Very clever @dereuromark
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:26 dereuromark @neon1024 I am using Illuminator to autocreate entity const to use in code instead of magic strings: https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-ide-helper/blob/master/docs/Illuminator.md Autocomplete on available fields mainly. Also a bit faster to type, but especially easier to see "usage" and make refactoring if necessary.
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:23 dereuromark otherwise copy and paste would be also easy to do probably based on the diff.
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:22 dereuromark Test helper already uses bake to generate missing classes, it could easily give a bake diff preview of what would change, and based on that maybe inject that if approved via single click.
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:22 neon1024 @dereuromark Not too sure where it would fit either :slightly_smiling_face:
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:21 neon1024 Especially as my spec I’ve been given, includes flow charts!
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:21 dereuromark @neon1024 But maybe it would fit better in as part of https://github.com/dereuromark/cakephp-test-helper ? As the ide helper probably should stick to IDE relevant enhancements, and not re-doing bake (partially).
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:21 neon1024 I like the definition of transition though, that’s what I was looking for. To control how states move
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:20 neon1024 Yeah it might be. Sounds very complex
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:19 spriz Ah, @neon1024 is this what you were looking for Friday https://github.com/spryker/cakephp-statemachine?
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:18 neon1024 What is Illuminator?
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:16 neon1024 @dereuromark Not sure I’d be able to do that! :bow:
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:16 neon1024 Thanks @spriz
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:16 alexdd55976 ok.. cake4 has a twig error message thrwoing out on `bake model all`
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:13 alexdd55976 wasn't there a `bake All All` command?
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:11 alexdd55976 @conehead htanks.. i have a different php.ini for cli ... totally forgot that
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:10 spriz @neon1024 maybe you can tweak https://github.com/josegonzalez/cakephp-version/ into the associations thingy?
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:08 conehead even with `php -m`?
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:08 conehead Check your php.ini file if required extensions are enabled
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:08 alexdd55976 mysqli mysqlpdo.. all there
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:06 dereuromark @neon1024 Sounds like a job for IdeHelper Illuminator tasks. You can add it.
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:06 alexdd55976 xamp
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:06 conehead What is your php server?
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:06 alexdd55976 i know
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:06 conehead It is not a cake error
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:05 conehead Check phpinfo
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:04 alexdd55976 and let me just mention *i hate windows*
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:04 alexdd55976 where is that message coming from
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:04 alexdd55976 i had this issue on just calling the site... which i had fix
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:03 slackebot [Cake\Database\Exception\MissingExtensionException] Database driver Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql cannot be used due to a missing PHP extension or unmet dependency in C:\webroot\next-gen\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Database\Connection.php on line 179 Exception Attributes: array ( 'driver' => 'Cake\\Database\\Driver\\Mysql', )```
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:03 alexdd55976 ```C:\webroot\next-gen\bin>php cake.php bake all cake.phpBake All --------------------------------------------------------------- Possible model names based on your database: Exception: Database driver Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql cannot be used due to a missing PHP extension or unmet dependency in [C:\webroot\next-gen\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Database\Connection.php, line 179] 2019-08-19 09:01:41 Error:
# Aug 19th 2019, 09:03 alexdd55976 need some help in setting up cake
# Aug 19th 2019, 08:09 neon1024 Probably use PHP Tokenizer or similar
# Aug 19th 2019, 08:09 neon1024 Re-baking can lose validation and stuff
# Aug 19th 2019, 08:09 neon1024 Anyone have a plugin which uses bake to add new fields to models automatically when the schema changes?
# Aug 19th 2019, 08:09 kasunwijesekara @conehead let me check and get back to you.
# Aug 19th 2019, 08:05 neon1024 Or do people just use Duplicatable and set a version?
# Aug 19th 2019, 08:05 neon1024 Anyone know of a plugin for versioning entities with associations?
# Aug 19th 2019, 07:58 neon1024 Morning all :wave:
# Aug 19th 2019, 07:36 conehead @kasunwijesekara Is the mysql db accessible at all? Can you connect from your local pc via `mysql` to it? Usually you do not have to set up anything in the controller
# Aug 19th 2019, 07:33 alexdd55976 @admad thanks a lot