Log message #4193619

# At Username Text
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:24 neon1024 I need gmp, sodium and intl
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:24 neon1024 Anyone know where I can find package names for PHP extension for Debian Fastly?
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:23 aivaras.godliauskas Hi @neon1024 Fun fact im useing n3on as my nic
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:23 felix.robaglia I'd be curious how ! I'm an intern and have a lot to learn @aivaras.godliauskas ^^ How can I say it directly in the table ?
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:23 neon1024 Morning all :wave:
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:23 aivaras.godliauskas or you can try and use some kind of soft delete for example https://github.com/UseMuffin/Trash
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:23 neon1024 I quite like creating my own query and passing it to the Paginator :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:22 aivaras.godliauskas if you want to do it right way you can add this condition in table itself, where realiation is defined
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:22 admad no. read up about custom finders on manul
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:22 felix.robaglia Like a method i'll put in my AppController admad?
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:22 felix.robaglia Wow, thanks a lot, I must be blind then cause it has to be in the doc ! Ty guys !
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:22 admad also a cleaner way would be to make a custom finder for that
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:21 admad or use `conditions` like that :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:21 aivaras.godliauskas @felix.robaglia you can go ``` $this->paginate = [ 'contain' => ['Contracts'=>[ 'conditions'=>['delete IS'=>null] ] ] ]; ``` i believe
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:21 admad @felix.robaglia `['contain' => ['Contracts' => function ($q) { $q->where(...)}]`
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:19 felix.robaglia But I would like to only get contracts that have NULL in their 'deleted' column. I'm sorry if that's a dumb question or anything, but I did read the doc and i'm still stuck ! Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:19 felix.robaglia ``` $this->paginate = [ 'contain' => ['Contracts'] ]; ```
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:19 felix.robaglia Hello, I'm discovering hasMany relations and i'm stuck on something I guess is really easy. I have a clients table, and it hasMany contracts. So I use this piece of code to retrieve contracts in my Clients Controller :
# Jul 17th 2019, 07:18 maymeow After i run i18n extract on plugin i have problem with `The "_cake_core_" cache configuration does not exists.` what now?
# Jul 17th 2019, 01:38 niel45 I'm gguessing that would depend on what you are using as the Authenticator. If you have used your own User class you would reset the password via that I'm guessing. I have not implemented it yet myself.
# Jul 17th 2019, 01:06 geoff anybody here have experience with the new authentication plugin? i'm having a hard time finding any instructions on how to reset a user's password. i'm sure it's simple, and i'm missing something very easy and i'll feel _very_ dumb once somebody explains it to me... any tips?
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:52 maymeow ill try
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:45 challgren @maymeow for testing I would set at least 1 migration to be a break point and see if -t 0 does all of them or to the first break point
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:44 maymeow yes i know but in this db is everything created only via Migrations
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:43 niel45 rollback only works for table you have created via Migrations. Any thing existing before that isn't touched.
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:41 maymeow ill try what said @ricksaccous... i think `bin/cake migrations rollback -t 0` will work for me
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:41 maymeow yes @niel45... something like `php artisan migrate:refresh` in laravel. When i post changes to app they will go to CI and are deployed to review
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:40 niel45 if so, there is a method from Phinx that will check for a table exiting. I've used it for exactly that
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:38 niel45 @maymeow, are you asking how to drop tables if they exist, before creating them in a migration?
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:37 challgren Couldn’t you write a shell to truncate the tables for you? and then run all the migrations?
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:37 maymeow wrong writen ansver but yes i need run all migrations to create clean tables ...
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:34 ricksaccous that would essentially delete all your db tables though
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:34 ricksaccous then you could run them again, but that's only if everyone on your team properly made rollbacks
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:33 ricksaccous like bin/cake migrations rollback -t 0
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:33 ricksaccous i mean supposedly you'd be able to rollback everything
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:33 ricksaccous are you having fk issues when you run migrations?
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:32 ricksaccous @maymeow what do you mean?
# Jul 16th 2019, 19:32 maymeow How can i run clean migrations? (without need to delete database tables manually)
# Jul 16th 2019, 18:07 maxxstyle06 help him guys!
# Jul 16th 2019, 18:07 maxxstyle06 I cannot help xD
# Jul 16th 2019, 17:54 itmpls Why does scope not seem to work at all? Am I doing it wrong? I have a similar row with the same company_id but it doesn't throw any validation error. If I remove the scope array then it properly shows it.