Log message #4193446

# At Username Text
# Jul 16th 2019, 11:17 neon1024 I mean, I can use `php -a`, but I thought that the console worked for basic php stuff also
# Jul 16th 2019, 11:16 neon1024 ..and it’ll just quit immediately to command line
# Jul 16th 2019, 11:16 neon1024 Then try something like `echo 'Hello';`
# Jul 16th 2019, 11:16 neon1024 `bin/cake console`
# Jul 16th 2019, 11:16 neon1024 Does anyone elses console not work any more?
# Jul 16th 2019, 11:02 neon1024 Looks like it’ll be random each time the fixture is inserted though
# Jul 16th 2019, 11:01 neon1024 Oh, cool
# Jul 16th 2019, 10:58 admad @neon1024 https://github.com/gourmet/faker
# Jul 16th 2019, 10:45 neon1024 I guess it’s hard to know the right field to match faker
# Jul 16th 2019, 10:44 neon1024 I should do that :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 16th 2019, 10:44 neon1024 Just a bake theme?
# Jul 16th 2019, 10:43 neon1024 How easy is it to plop Faker into the bake for Fixtures?
# Jul 16th 2019, 10:19 neon1024 I have a `deleted_date` field and bake was populating it with a datetime, so my code thought it was deleted
# Jul 16th 2019, 10:18 neon1024 Ah, I found it!
# Jul 16th 2019, 10:17 neon1024 I’ve loaded the fixtures, and checked that the id’s are correct
# Jul 16th 2019, 10:17 neon1024 Anyone have any ideas why my Rules are failing with controller integration tests
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:41 graziel ```protected function _getBodyAsString() { if (!$this->_response) { $this->fail('No response set, cannot assert content.'); } return (string)$this->_response->getBody(); }```
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:41 graziel its exactly whats in its body ```
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:40 neon1024 @graziel Awesome, that’s a bit better, although I prefer to see it’s coming from the response
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:39 graziel @neon1024 its in tests? there is also `$this->_getBodyAsString()`
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:39 neon1024 `'_existsIn' => string(25) "This value does not exist"`
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:39 neon1024 When doing integration tests, my data rules are failing, and I can’t figure out why
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:37 neon1024 I’m with @dereuromark on this one, it’s a bad choice in the PSR interface
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:36 neon1024 I did
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:36 graziel @neon1024 just cast it to string `(string)$this->_response->getBody();`
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:28 neon1024 `"result": false` seems I have bigger fish to fry this morning! ;)
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:28 neon1024 Ah well :man-shrugging:
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:27 neon1024 I don’t like code which doesn’t describe it’s functionality
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:26 dereuromark also see my old PR for docs: https://github.com/cakephp/docs/pull/5956
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:25 dereuromark i know :slightly_smiling_face: i complained about this a while ago. The apparently documented (string) cast is enough they say.
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:24 neon1024 `var_dump($this->_response->getBody()->__toString());` seems to be the way, which is horrible
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:23 neon1024 There isn’t a clear method for ‘getting the response as human readable string’
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:23 dereuromark ah, actually `bin/cake i18n extract --plugin Queue` does put it into the plugins src/Locale folder :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:23 neon1024 I’m constantly confused by the Response class returning a StreamInterface as a body
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:07 neon1024 With the `IntegrationTestTrait`, how do I set headers for the `post()` method? I don’t see a way
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:05 neon1024 Yes, bake. Migrations? I’m not even migrating :face_palm:
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:05 neon1024 @admad Would you like me to open an issue on cakephp/migrations about the data types for fixtures? Or is that a bake issue?
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:03 neon1024 We certainly don’t have any international projects, I’ve done one I think in my time here
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:03 dereuromark I feel like there is some tooling missing here to make life easier for this kind of thing. But yeah, most backends are kind of default english only anyway
# Jul 16th 2019, 09:00 neon1024 @dereuromark I don’t, but then I’m English and we’re a bit narrow minded on the whole localisation thing
# Jul 16th 2019, 08:57 dereuromark Do people ship their plugins with a default po(t) file? If so, do they do some extraction automation on it regurarly?