Log message #4193314

# At Username Text
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:43 daniel.upshaw But this is your custom
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:43 daniel.upshaw Ah
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:43 daniel.upshaw `By default CakePHP nests checkboxes created via control() and radio buttons created by both control() and radio() within label elements.`
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:42 daniel.upshaw https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/views/helpers/form.html#moving-checkboxes-radios-outside-of-a-label
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:42 daniel.upshaw For `control()`
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:42 daniel.upshaw By default it's supposed to use `nestingLabel`
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:41 daniel.upshaw I wonder if that controls what uses nestingLabel
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:40 ricksaccous yes
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:40 daniel.upshaw That's in `Cake\View\FormHelper`
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:40 slackebot ['Textarea'], 'datetime' => ['DateTime', 'select'], '_default' => ['Basic'], ];```
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:40 daniel.upshaw ``` /** * Default widgets * * @var array */ protected $_defaultWidgets = [ 'button' => ['Button'], 'checkbox' => ['Checkbox'], 'file' => ['File'], 'label' => ['Label'], 'nestingLabel' => ['NestingLabel'], 'multicheckbox' => ['MultiCheckbox', 'nestingLabel'], 'radio' => ['Radio', 'nestingLabel'], 'select' => ['SelectBox'], 'textarea' =>
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:40 ricksaccous and for regular checkboxes not using my widget it uses nestingLabel
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:40 ricksaccous there's magic in formhelper that decides which label widget/template it uses
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:40 daniel.upshaw Hrm
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:39 daniel.upshaw Oh
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:39 ricksaccous and i don't know how to specify that
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:39 daniel.upshaw Why not keep everything "toggleWidget"
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:39 ricksaccous but i want the control to use nestingLabel
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:39 ricksaccous it uses 'label'
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:39 daniel.upshaw Hmmm
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:39 ricksaccous except the stupid label
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:39 daniel.upshaw ``` $templates->add( [ 'inputContainer' => $templates->get('toggleWidget'), 'checkbox' => $templates->get('toggleWidgetCheckbox'), 'nestingLabel' => $templates->get('nestingLabelToggleWidget') ] );```
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:39 ricksaccous and they are being used
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:39 ricksaccous yes, with the templates predefined
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:38 daniel.upshaw Nice
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:38 daniel.upshaw Oooh I see you're making a custom type
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:38 ricksaccous and i can't put a hidden field there
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:38 ricksaccous it's using the actual "label" widget/template
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:38 ricksaccous no, the problem is my widget is not using the correct template/widget for label
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:37 daniel.upshaw But when you specify it in each control, it works?
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:37 daniel.upshaw Is the problem that it changes everywhere?
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:37 daniel.upshaw So when you change it
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:36 ricksaccous you can't stick hidden inputs in there though
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:36 daniel.upshaw ``` // Input group wrapper for checkboxes created via control(). 'checkboxFormGroup' => '{{label}}',```
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:36 daniel.upshaw Do you have that in there?
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:36 daniel.upshaw ``` // Wrapper container for checkboxes. 'checkboxWrapper' => '<div class="checkbox">{{label}}</div>',```
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:35 ricksaccous give it a try yourself on your cake installation and see
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:35 ricksaccous yeah, but it does use it for checkboxes
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:34 daniel.upshaw Doesn't seem to mention checkbox there
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:34 daniel.upshaw ``` // Label element used for radio and multi-checkbox inputs. 'nestingLabel' => '<label{{attrs}}>{{hidden}}{{input}}{{text}}</label>',```
# Jul 15th 2019, 18:34 ricksaccous it's the easiest way for now