Log message #4188772

# At Username Text
# Jun 7th 2019, 08:59 challgren @liaogz82 yes because you are using functions that have been deprecated
# Jun 7th 2019, 08:59 liaogz82 has error() been depreciated?
# Jun 7th 2019, 08:58 liaogz82 is this normal?
# Jun 7th 2019, 08:58 jotpe <?php $this->Form->setTemplates(['submitContainer' => '<div class="options main active">{{content}}</div>']); ?> <?= $this->Form->submit('Login'); ?>
# Jun 7th 2019, 08:58 liaogz82 I get this in cakephp `errors() is deprecated. Use setError()/getError()`
# Jun 7th 2019, 08:58 jotpe Right now i have
# Jun 7th 2019, 08:58 jotpe Hey. Can I set the template directly in the creation of a form element?
# Jun 7th 2019, 08:44 k4t May I ask why CakePHP HTTP client use PHP streams instead of e.g. CURL?
# Jun 7th 2019, 08:43 ondrej.nedvidek yep, thanks Mark .. that is what I meant ..
# Jun 7th 2019, 08:22 dereuromark or it is default not null, which would also require some input here.
# Jun 7th 2019, 08:21 dereuromark i think he means the literal field in the DB, probably he has requirePresence activated too eagerly.
# Jun 7th 2019, 08:19 conehead I don't really get what you mean. DisplayField is only used for outputting data?
# Jun 7th 2019, 08:15 ondrej.nedvidek Table displayField. When set the field is required, but for my case I generate it in beforeSave. Any idea how to disable validator for this field? Nedvajz has many questions today, ha ? 8)
# Jun 7th 2019, 07:07 conehead cakephp will handle it
# Jun 7th 2019, 07:07 conehead @liaogz82 Just save the date-time object
# Jun 7th 2019, 07:01 liaogz82 how does one save time for cakephp?
# Jun 7th 2019, 06:53 ondrej.nedvidek Anyone who is interested: `$this->Crud->action()->saveOptions(['validate' => 'admin']);`
# Jun 7th 2019, 06:24 ondrej.nedvidek Does anyone know how to set 'validate' to different set of rules in CRUD validate: https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/validation.html#using-a-different-validation-set CRUD: https://crud.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
# Jun 7th 2019, 05:38 conehead Hm I don't really get it. I am trying to keep the `_joinData`. It says `[dirty] => [_joinData => true]`, but there were no changes and the `[original] => ['_joinData']` and the `['_joinData'] is equals. Because of this, the joinData is created a second time
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:51 conehead Hm anyone got an idea how to keep `through` data? Do I actually NEED the `through` table or is it optional?
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:45 conehead Guess it should be `Asia/Malaysia`
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:44 liaogz82 or should it be `Asia/Malaysia`?
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:43 liaogz82 can I set it as `GMT+8`??
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:38 niel45 defaults to UTC IIRC
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:38 niel45 default timezone can be set in your app.php
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:36 liaogz82 ok how do you set the timezone in cakephp?
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:30 conehead And just make sure you get no errors with the timezone
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:29 conehead And save it as DateTime
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:29 conehead I am not an expert, but right now, in ```beforeMarshal()``` I would check if it is a valid timestamp and convert it to DateTime
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:28 liaogz82 `"date_of_birth":1555862400000`
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:28 liaogz82 well customer requirement is the data send over is in miliseconds
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:27 conehead Or an int?
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:27 conehead Why would you? As a string?
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:27 liaogz82 check with you guys, how do you save date time in milliseconds in cakephp?
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:21 liaogz82 oh god no! I go and add it in now
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:17 conehead Did you add the `associated` key? ``` $entity = $articles->newEntity($this->request->getData(), [ 'associated' => [ 'Tags', 'Comments' => ['associated' => ['Users']] ] ]); ```
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:13 liaogz82 this part, should I change `worker_section_type` to `WorkerSectionType`??
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:12 slackebot "worker_overtime": [{ "code":"5S", "description":"AUDIT 5S", "amount":"1000", "remark":"PAJAK(5S)" }] } ```
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:12 liaogz82 ``` "worker_section_type":{ "section_id":1, "worker_gaji": [{ "code":"PM_3U", "description":"MI 3 UDANG", "amount":"20", "remark":"PAJAK(1 BAG)" }], "worker_tambahan": [{ "code":"FULL_2U", "description":"F/HARIAN >100 BAGS 2 UDG", "amount":"10", "remark":"PAJAK(BAG)" }],
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:11 liaogz82 but it does have many to many relationships
# Jun 7th 2019, 04:11 liaogz82 no I just save one, not many