Log message #4186980

# At Username Text
# May 20th 2019, 18:30 admad @manthan.budheliya show your type class
# May 20th 2019, 17:58 manthan.budheliya cakephp version is 3.7
# May 20th 2019, 17:58 manthan.budheliya is there anybody who have some idea?
# May 20th 2019, 17:57 manthan.budheliya Hello friends, I have created a custom data type as I wanted to add 2 way encryption to some of my fields. The problem is toPHP function is working but toDatabase function is not calling from any of the possible way.
# May 20th 2019, 17:21 admad need to update to latest release of Search plugin for that
# May 20th 2019, 17:20 admad you can use callback for newly added "beforeProcess" option to unobfuscate the id in filter argument yourself
# May 20th 2019, 16:31 welo.lamacchia I have FooTable hasMany BarTable, I add ->value('foo_id') to SearchManager behavior and load list of BarTable records with HASHED ID
# May 20th 2019, 16:29 welo.lamacchia is there a way to use Muffin/Obfuscate plugin with Friends Of Cake Search Plugin ? I cant perform query when i search for foreign_key hashed id
# May 20th 2019, 15:36 inoas there is some array_values somewhere grml
# May 20th 2019, 15:36 inoas ah stupid indexes
# May 20th 2019, 15:15 inoas well min_runtime_length_in_month
# May 20th 2019, 15:15 inoas for <?= $this->Form->control(sprintf('codes.%s._joinData.max_runtime_length_in_month', $i)
# May 20th 2019, 15:15 inoas errors ['codes' => [0 => ['_joinData' => ['min_runtime_length_in_month' => ['greaterThanOrEqual' => ...
# May 20th 2019, 15:14 inoas '_joinData' => ['min_runtime_length_in_month' => ['greaterThanOrEqual' => ...
# May 20th 2019, 15:14 inoas admad now things do work however validation errors do not map into formhelper
# May 20th 2019, 15:04 dwms understood?
# May 20th 2019, 15:04 dwms is sum of the sum
# May 20th 2019, 15:03 dwms but when I do sum this subquery is returning me null
# May 20th 2019, 15:02 dwms returning null
# May 20th 2019, 15:02 dwms $query->select([ 'valor_baixa_normal' => $query->func()->sum('(' . $baixa_select1 . ')') ]);
# May 20th 2019, 15:01 neon1024 Well as it’s a calculated field it will not be marshalled into a float because the schema doesn’t define the data type
# May 20th 2019, 15:01 dwms because I actually do this
# May 20th 2019, 15:01 dwms should return in float
# May 20th 2019, 15:01 dwms eu preciso que o resultado venha em float
# May 20th 2019, 14:57 neon1024 `(float) $baixa_select1`
# May 20th 2019, 14:57 neon1024 Sure
# May 20th 2019, 14:56 dwms help me
# May 20th 2019, 14:56 dwms neon1024
# May 20th 2019, 14:48 dwms should return in float
# May 20th 2019, 14:48 dwms only the result is returned in string
# May 20th 2019, 14:47 dwms $query->select([ 'valor_baixa_normal' => $baixa_select1 ]);
# May 20th 2019, 14:47 dwms $baixa_select1 = $this->Caixa->find() ->select([ 'valor_baixa' => $this->Caixa->find()->func()->sum('Caixa.valor_baixa'), ]) ->where(function (QueryExpression $exp, Query $q) { return $exp->equalFields('Titulo.id', 'Caixa.titulo_id'); }) ->where([ 'Caixa.ativo' =>
# May 20th 2019, 14:46 dwms I use a subquery in my select
# May 20th 2019, 14:45 neon1024 How can we help? You didn’t ask a question.
# May 20th 2019, 14:43 dwms alone?
# May 20th 2019, 14:42 dwms help me
# May 20th 2019, 14:40 neon1024 Well I can see the BakeView::render method is getting the right file
# May 20th 2019, 14:21 neon1024 Would explain why it’s falling back to core templates
# May 20th 2019, 14:20 neon1024 Might be something to investigate I guess
# May 20th 2019, 14:20 neon1024 > Exception: Return value of Cake\View\View::getTemplatePath() must be of the type string, null returned in [/Users/davidyell/Sites/CakePHP4/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/View/View.php, line 414]
# May 20th 2019, 14:10 neon1024 Just trying to find out where it builds the theme at the moment