Log message #4186941

# At Username Text
# May 20th 2019, 14:20 neon1024 > Exception: Return value of Cake\View\View::getTemplatePath() must be of the type string, null returned in [/Users/davidyell/Sites/CakePHP4/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/View/View.php, line 414]
# May 20th 2019, 14:10 neon1024 Just trying to find out where it builds the theme at the moment
# May 20th 2019, 14:10 neon1024 Doing that currently
# May 20th 2019, 14:03 josbeir have you digged into the bake code to see whats happening and why it is not happening for you
# May 20th 2019, 13:50 neon1024 No doubt, I bet it’s something simple which I’ve been staring at for hours and just didn’t see
# May 20th 2019, 13:46 berarma No prob. Sometimes I get caught in the obvious things.
# May 20th 2019, 13:45 neon1024 I’m going to try and implement some more verbose output from the shell to get an idea of how it works
# May 20th 2019, 13:44 neon1024 Thanks, I appreciate the input, but I’ve so far invested about 3 hours into it, so I’ve covered most of them
# May 20th 2019, 13:44 berarma I'm just recalling usual problems that could be the cause
# May 20th 2019, 13:43 neon1024 :man-shrugging:
# May 20th 2019, 13:43 berarma of the file
# May 20th 2019, 13:43 neon1024 `view.twig` ?
# May 20th 2019, 13:43 neon1024 Name of what?
# May 20th 2019, 13:43 berarma Some weird character in the name?
# May 20th 2019, 13:43 neon1024 …and it’ll write add, edit and index, with the correct templates
# May 20th 2019, 13:42 neon1024 Plus, you can use `bin/cake bake templates --prefix Admin Questions`
# May 20th 2019, 13:42 neon1024 Not case, as the file is written correctly
# May 20th 2019, 13:42 neon1024 So, not file permission as the file is written
# May 20th 2019, 13:41 berarma @neon1024 file permissions or case?
# May 20th 2019, 13:21 neon1024 That makes me feel a bit better about not being able to find out then :slightly_smiling_face:
# May 20th 2019, 13:16 admad @neon1024 i can't think of a reason either why it would have problem only with "view"
# May 20th 2019, 13:02 neon1024 I just haven’t looked into the bake plugin in great detail so am unsure where to look or even start debugging
# May 20th 2019, 13:02 neon1024 @admad Ahok good point. I’ve added that to the ticket. I wondered if it was the ‘view’ word overlapping with a variable or something
# May 20th 2019, 12:58 dereuromark on save?
# May 20th 2019, 12:55 inoas to not be required to filter all request data
# May 20th 2019, 12:55 inoas Is there a way to treat '' as NULL per column
# May 20th 2019, 12:46 inoas and then some request data wiping
# May 20th 2019, 12:46 inoas hm the hack I am looking for is something like <?= $this->Form->control(sprintf('codes.%s._createJoin', $i), as a checkbox
# May 20th 2019, 12:37 inoas good pointer - thanks
# May 20th 2019, 12:35 admad There are test cases for saving extra field in join table using _joinData
# May 20th 2019, 12:29 inoas but then it must not be id but foreign_key_id? or is it the primary key of the other side table (aka codes id => id)?
# May 20th 2019, 12:28 inoas I will try again
# May 20th 2019, 12:28 inoas yeah I have tried but it will try to validate/save the record then
# May 20th 2019, 12:26 admad you can't combine ._ids with ._joinData records. You need to create array like `[0 => [id => x, _joinData => [weight => 100], 1 => [id => y, _joinData => [..]]]`
# May 20th 2019, 12:23 inoas I don'T want to create habtm records, just link them and add join data while doing so
# May 20th 2019, 12:22 inoas codes._ids + codes.0._joinData.weight = 100
# May 20th 2019, 12:22 inoas what's the correct way to add has and belongs to many checkboxes alongside join table data
# May 20th 2019, 12:19 k4t Router::parse
# May 20th 2019, 12:19 k4t ok, found it
# May 20th 2019, 12:16 k4t is it possible to "deconstruct" url string to array which contain controller name, action, params etc. ?
# May 20th 2019, 12:04 admad @neon1024 "It does add, edit and index just fine" That's a vital piece of info which you havent mentioned in the ticket