Log message #4186893

# At Username Text
# May 20th 2019, 10:32 neon1024 I’m reading the TemplateCommand class
# May 20th 2019, 10:31 neon1024 Hey @dereuromark any chance you could point me in the right direction for this? I’m looking for the right bit in the source, but I’m not sure where to look really https://github.com/cakephp/bake/issues/549
# May 20th 2019, 10:20 dereuromark sure, whats the issue using the callback for it?
# May 20th 2019, 10:20 welo.lamacchia everyone know if is possible to change entity field in after save ?
# May 20th 2019, 10:18 ishan Hello, can anyone know how to pass default configurations array in initialize method when using other components in another component.
# May 20th 2019, 10:09 neon1024 Is there a way to validate my twig template?
# May 20th 2019, 09:58 neon1024 Can anyone think why my 4.0.0-alpha1 bake theme won’t use my `view.twig` template? It does add, edit and index just fine
# May 20th 2019, 09:37 kgb.acct.personal Thanks :doge:
# May 20th 2019, 09:34 neon1024 https://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/behaviors/containable.html
# May 20th 2019, 09:34 neon1024 Oh sorry, you add the behaviour to the model
# May 20th 2019, 09:31 kgb.acct.personal > Ah. So it's what enables `contain` in model. I mean, in Cake 2
# May 20th 2019, 09:31 neon1024 https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/query-builder.html#loading-associations
# May 20th 2019, 09:30 kgb.acct.personal I think I have to re-read the doc
# May 20th 2019, 09:30 kgb.acct.personal Wut
# May 20th 2019, 09:29 neon1024 No need to ‘enable’ it
# May 20th 2019, 09:26 kgb.acct.personal Thanks neon
# May 20th 2019, 09:26 kgb.acct.personal Ah. So it's what enables `contain` in model.
# May 20th 2019, 09:20 neon1024 `$ExamplesTable->find()->contain(['Tutorials'])`
# May 20th 2019, 09:20 neon1024 If you’re using Cake 3, then `contain()` is an ORM method in the Query class
# May 20th 2019, 09:19 kgb.acct.personal It's built-in on Cake 3, but not on Cake 2? So I may have to define it?
# May 20th 2019, 09:18 neon1024 It’s so helpful, it was included in the core for Cake 3
# May 20th 2019, 09:17 neon1024 @kgb.acct.personal For Cake 2? Yes, it’s very helpful
# May 20th 2019, 09:15 kgb.acct.personal ELI5: What is ContainableBehavior? Is it really necessary?
# May 20th 2019, 07:31 dereuromark of course, in the Backend if you run a 3.x version. otherwise just run it with -v and log the output into a file. > log.txt
# May 20th 2019, 06:36 nils @dereuromark regarding the Queue-plugin, is it possible to check if the worker is running? I added the crontab settings as in the documentations, but the jobs haven't been triggered.
# May 20th 2019, 04:40 admad @maymeow using a middleware or Controller:: afterFilter () callback
# May 19th 2019, 20:55 waan can't open webset in xammp
# May 19th 2019, 20:40 maymeow how can i modify header on each response? (i need add header of each response)
# May 19th 2019, 11:51 ndm I did things manually for quite some time, but with larger navigations, things started to become really annoying, so I took the time to create a plugin for it: https://github.com/icings/menu
# May 19th 2019, 02:21 gonnbe1106 Thanks @waspinator I will try everything. I am gonna report the result here later.
# May 19th 2019, 02:19 waspinator if that works, then there is an issue with your cakephp configuration, or php connector. otherwise its something to do with mysql
# May 19th 2019, 02:18 waspinator try connecting to your mysql using https://www.sequelpro.com/
# May 19th 2019, 02:12 gonnbe1106 I did. I can log in mySQL as root from terminal, and wrote on Datasources, but nothing has chanaged.
# May 19th 2019, 02:08 waspinator okay, so try root as the user
# May 19th 2019, 02:08 slackebot <gonnbe1106>
# May 19th 2019, 02:07 waspinator after clicking on `cake_youtube_db` there should be a `Privileges` tab. make sure your user is listed there
# May 19th 2019, 02:06 gonnbe1106 User name is root and i did not touch password of this, so it might be root. I try to change this password as root. However I think it will be the same..
# May 19th 2019, 02:04 slackebot <gonnbe1106>
# May 19th 2019, 01:59 waspinator can you log into myphpadmin using those credentials? and do you see `cake_youtube_db` listed in the tree?
# May 19th 2019, 01:58 waspinator have you created your database?
# May 19th 2019, 01:58 waspinator hmm, it looks like MAMP might actually use 8889