Log message #4186889

# At Username Text
# May 20th 2019, 10:18 ishan Hello, can anyone know how to pass default configurations array in initialize method when using other components in another component.
# May 20th 2019, 10:09 neon1024 Is there a way to validate my twig template?
# May 20th 2019, 09:58 neon1024 Can anyone think why my 4.0.0-alpha1 bake theme won’t use my `view.twig` template? It does add, edit and index just fine
# May 20th 2019, 09:37 kgb.acct.personal Thanks :doge:
# May 20th 2019, 09:34 neon1024 https://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/behaviors/containable.html
# May 20th 2019, 09:34 neon1024 Oh sorry, you add the behaviour to the model
# May 20th 2019, 09:31 kgb.acct.personal > Ah. So it's what enables `contain` in model. I mean, in Cake 2
# May 20th 2019, 09:31 neon1024 https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/orm/query-builder.html#loading-associations
# May 20th 2019, 09:30 kgb.acct.personal I think I have to re-read the doc
# May 20th 2019, 09:30 kgb.acct.personal Wut
# May 20th 2019, 09:29 neon1024 No need to ‘enable’ it
# May 20th 2019, 09:26 kgb.acct.personal Thanks neon
# May 20th 2019, 09:26 kgb.acct.personal Ah. So it's what enables `contain` in model.
# May 20th 2019, 09:20 neon1024 `$ExamplesTable->find()->contain(['Tutorials'])`
# May 20th 2019, 09:20 neon1024 If you’re using Cake 3, then `contain()` is an ORM method in the Query class
# May 20th 2019, 09:19 kgb.acct.personal It's built-in on Cake 3, but not on Cake 2? So I may have to define it?
# May 20th 2019, 09:18 neon1024 It’s so helpful, it was included in the core for Cake 3
# May 20th 2019, 09:17 neon1024 @kgb.acct.personal For Cake 2? Yes, it’s very helpful
# May 20th 2019, 09:15 kgb.acct.personal ELI5: What is ContainableBehavior? Is it really necessary?
# May 20th 2019, 07:31 dereuromark of course, in the Backend if you run a 3.x version. otherwise just run it with -v and log the output into a file. > log.txt
# May 20th 2019, 06:36 nils @dereuromark regarding the Queue-plugin, is it possible to check if the worker is running? I added the crontab settings as in the documentations, but the jobs haven't been triggered.
# May 20th 2019, 04:40 admad @maymeow using a middleware or Controller:: afterFilter () callback
# May 19th 2019, 20:55 waan can't open webset in xammp
# May 19th 2019, 20:40 maymeow how can i modify header on each response? (i need add header of each response)
# May 19th 2019, 11:51 ndm I did things manually for quite some time, but with larger navigations, things started to become really annoying, so I took the time to create a plugin for it: https://github.com/icings/menu
# May 19th 2019, 02:21 gonnbe1106 Thanks @waspinator I will try everything. I am gonna report the result here later.
# May 19th 2019, 02:19 waspinator if that works, then there is an issue with your cakephp configuration, or php connector. otherwise its something to do with mysql
# May 19th 2019, 02:18 waspinator try connecting to your mysql using https://www.sequelpro.com/
# May 19th 2019, 02:12 gonnbe1106 I did. I can log in mySQL as root from terminal, and wrote on Datasources, but nothing has chanaged.
# May 19th 2019, 02:08 waspinator okay, so try root as the user
# May 19th 2019, 02:08 slackebot <gonnbe1106>
# May 19th 2019, 02:07 waspinator after clicking on `cake_youtube_db` there should be a `Privileges` tab. make sure your user is listed there
# May 19th 2019, 02:06 gonnbe1106 User name is root and i did not touch password of this, so it might be root. I try to change this password as root. However I think it will be the same..
# May 19th 2019, 02:04 slackebot <gonnbe1106>
# May 19th 2019, 01:59 waspinator can you log into myphpadmin using those credentials? and do you see `cake_youtube_db` listed in the tree?
# May 19th 2019, 01:58 waspinator have you created your database?
# May 19th 2019, 01:58 waspinator hmm, it looks like MAMP might actually use 8889
# May 19th 2019, 01:55 gonnbe1106 yes...
# May 19th 2019, 01:54 waspinator same error?
# May 19th 2019, 01:53 gonnbe1106 I did, but it did not work.....
# May 19th 2019, 01:51 waspinator 3306 is the default mysql port