Log message #4186693

# At Username Text
# May 16th 2019, 18:14 cnizzardini n/m this is middleware now, had to remove from routes
# May 16th 2019, 18:13 elb98rm100 @dereuromark This has fixed it. Took me a while to work out, but it's done. Thanks for the info.
# May 16th 2019, 18:13 cnizzardini in cake 3.7
# May 16th 2019, 18:13 cnizzardini public function beforeFilter(Event $event) { $this->getEventManager()->off($this->Csrf); }
# May 16th 2019, 18:13 cnizzardini I have attempted disabling, but problem persists
# May 16th 2019, 18:12 cnizzardini 1) Receive\Test\TestCase\Controller\InntopiaControllerTest::testIndexHotelBookingRuleNotifRQ Possibly related to Cake\Http\Exception\InvalidCsrfTokenException: "Missing CSRF token cookie"
# May 16th 2019, 18:12 cnizzardini Keep getting CSRF error in unit tests:
# May 16th 2019, 17:58 niel45 damn, I was hoping 4.0 would be my next upgrade :-(
# May 16th 2019, 17:53 dereuromark but yeah, patchEntity() afterwards + saveOrFail() and it should be done
# May 16th 2019, 17:53 dereuromark 3.8 will become just more strict here and throw exception if save didnt work: https://github.com/cakephp/docs/blob/3.next/en/appendices/3-8-migration-guide.rst#behavior-changes
# May 16th 2019, 17:52 dereuromark shouldnt findOrCreate() already auto-persist itself?
# May 16th 2019, 17:50 elb98rm100 Can kick elb98rm, that's me before I dropped off my vpn!
# May 16th 2019, 17:48 niel45 wouldn't findOrCreate followed by patchEntity achieve the same?
# May 16th 2019, 17:48 ricksaccous it has findOrCreate but that's not the same thing
# May 16th 2019, 17:46 waspinator cake doesn't have an `update_or_create()` style method does it?
# May 16th 2019, 17:43 niel45 solved it, until Cake created a new file with the wrong creds ;-)
# May 16th 2019, 17:42 niel45 I had similar problems with logs, in the end I did chown -r me:www-data ./
# May 16th 2019, 17:41 niel45 ooops only r I mean
# May 16th 2019, 17:41 elb98rm Good spot, never was good at linux!
# May 16th 2019, 17:41 elb98rm Gotcha: I'm going to try and resolve that now.
# May 16th 2019, 17:40 niel45 you might be setting 777, but that's not what your permissions show as on that issue. Only x for any
# May 16th 2019, 17:37 dereuromark You can even ->orderAsc() ;)
# May 16th 2019, 17:37 elb98rm Sure, but with permissions as 777, all users should be able to edit and change those files, correct?
# May 16th 2019, 17:36 elb98rm Sorry: afk'd for a second!
# May 16th 2019, 17:36 this.impetus But also I discovered how to achieve my ends; turns out I wanted `find( 'list')->order(['column'=>'ASC']);`
# May 16th 2019, 17:36 elb98rm Yeah, the folder exists.
# May 16th 2019, 17:36 dereuromark use fluent Interface. way easier.
# May 16th 2019, 17:35 this.impetus @dereuromark sorry. 3.7
# May 16th 2019, 17:34 dereuromark interesting, in 3.x assoc the key is not order but sort..
# May 16th 2019, 17:33 dereuromark @this.impetus always state the cake version. order should work
# May 16th 2019, 17:29 dereuromark also your user might be www-data maybe?
# May 16th 2019, 17:28 dereuromark does the folder exist? logs itself?
# May 16th 2019, 17:26 elb98rm https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56173590/cake-failed-to-open-stream-permissions
# May 16th 2019, 17:25 elb98rm Evening all. Have been pulling my hair out about this problem. Some SO reputation available:
# May 16th 2019, 17:19 this.impetus Guys I'm sure I'm being obtuse here, but after 10 mins in the docs I can't figure out how to order a `Model->find('all')` query alphabetically; I assume it's something like `Model->find('all', ['order'=>?'])` but my guesses aren't working lol.
# May 16th 2019, 17:02 cnizzardini not the funnest thing i'll be cleaning up all day
# May 16th 2019, 17:01 cnizzardini Nevermind i see 'OR' => [['view_count' => 2], ['view_count' => 3]],
# May 16th 2019, 16:58 cnizzardini For 3.7 deprecation notices such as "Deprecated Error: Query::orWhere() is deprecated as it creates hard to predict SQL based on the current query state. Use `Query::where()` instead." is the idea to switch over to QueryExpressions? Is there a less verbose way of resolving all these deprecation warnings?
# May 16th 2019, 16:32 massimoi eg: https://ebike.bikesquare.eu/pages/app and https://ebike.bikesquare.eu/eng/pages/app (which are static pages). All other models and pages that use __() translations work fine!, I was wandering if it had to do with the way I load the translation in the PagesController, maybe I have to add something to let the cache engine recongize the language?
# May 16th 2019, 16:30 massimoi thankx @dereuromark, this project is in cake2.x (that's why i was relying on the internal Cache helper!) Is there any trick/hack I can use to fix (everything works but not multilanguage in production... really strange!)
# May 16th 2019, 16:28 dereuromark @massimoi check out https://github.com/FriendsOfCake/awesome-cakephp#caching maybe you can add things you find useful. for now it is full page caching.