Log message #4183512

# At Username Text
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:12 hollistergraham123 In the time stamp behavior their is this example `class OrdersTable extends Table { public function initialize(array $config) { $this->addBehavior(‘Timestamp’, [ ‘events’ => [ ‘Model.beforeSave’ => [ ‘created_at’ => ‘new’, ‘updated_at’ => ‘always’, ], ‘Orders.completed’ => [
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:11 admad @xavier981 because we only wanted to keep classes with autoloading within src folder
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:09 xavier981 why i have separated templates folder of src ?
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:07 neon1024 @xavier981 Be sure to send in your feedback to the core team :slightly_smiling_face:
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:06 xavier981 @neon1024 It's work Thx
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:06 martin ah I was cleaning it by myself, but it worked :slightly_smiling_face:
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:05 neon1024 `bin/cake cache clear_all` perhaps
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:05 neon1024 Then I’d agree with @hollistergraham123 perhaps it’s just some cached routes. If you’re using newer Cake routing can be cached
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:04 Martin` checked it, it is the lastest version
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:04 neon1024 Perhaps your DebugKit is out of date? Did you try `composer outdated -D` ?
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:04 neon1024 If you’re using `addPlugin` you shouldn’t need to worry about ‘routing’ option, as it’s handled internally
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:03 dereuromark The current inflector is here: https://sandbox.dereuromark.de/sandbox/inflector
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:03 Martin` last one
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:03 neon1024 @martin How are you loading the plugin? Are you using `Plugin::load()` or `$this->addPlugin()` ?
# Apr 17th 2019, 11:01 hollistergraham123 I had that issue and just deleted the sqlite database by deleting the tmp folder and then when I refreshed the page it worked again
# Apr 17th 2019, 10:58 martin :S
# Apr 17th 2019, 10:58 martin DebugKitController could not be found.
# Apr 17th 2019, 10:58 martin My debugkit does not work anymore, it is missing the debugkit controller. how can this happen? I tried adding the ‘routing’ => true to the loadplugin but that also not changes it
# Apr 17th 2019, 10:57 hollistergraham123 First off AWESOME! Did not know that existed
# Apr 17th 2019, 10:57 neon1024 Equipment is both singular and plural!
# Apr 17th 2019, 10:57 neon1024 Give it a try at https://inflector.cakephp.org/
# Apr 17th 2019, 10:56 hollistergraham123 singular*
# Apr 17th 2019, 10:56 hollistergraham123 I have a question about the inflector class for cakephp naming convention. If I have a table that the plural and single of the word is the same i.e Equipment do I just need to tack an s on the end for simplicity
# Apr 17th 2019, 10:48 neon1024 Morning @dakota :wave:
# Apr 17th 2019, 10:48 neon1024 If I recall
# Apr 17th 2019, 10:47 neon1024 @xavier981 `composer create-project cakephp/app:4.x-dev`
# Apr 17th 2019, 10:34 dakota What error?
# Apr 17th 2019, 10:00 xavier981 my composer command : composer create-project cakephp/cakephp cake4 4.0.0-alpha1
# Apr 17th 2019, 09:59 xavier981 Hi, i want to try the cake v4, but when i try to install it with composer i have some error
# Apr 17th 2019, 09:31 dereuromark even if they might be belongsTo (and seem singular then), the attribute on the entitiy will be singular automatically here :slightly_smiling_face:
# Apr 17th 2019, 09:31 dereuromark Relations are close to the table names, so always plural as well.
# Apr 17th 2019, 09:29 slackebot `hasMany` to that same table (happened with an Opencart database), the aliases won't conflict.
# Apr 17th 2019, 09:29 mehov Hey guys, I have a best-practices question (please let me know if this is not a good place to ask these) Defining a belongsTo in a table class. Should I name it in plural or singular? I.e. `$this->belongsTo('Article')` or`$this->belongsTo('Articles')`? [Docs](https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/intro/conventions.html) say table class names have to be plural, but this is not really a table class though. My logic is if I later need to add a
# Apr 17th 2019, 09:26 dereuromark Stop it neon, you know better..
# Apr 17th 2019, 09:24 neon1024 Also @dereuromark do remember that not everyone knows all your websites, blogs and plugins. Being helpful isn’t spoonfeeding, especially in a support channel. Careful you don’t come across as condescending or arrogant :slightly_smiling_face:
# Apr 17th 2019, 09:23 dereuromark feel free to add some sandbox examples for this specific lib
# Apr 17th 2019, 09:23 neon1024 I’m going to use Selectize, so need to do some processing anyway :slightly_smiling_face:
# Apr 17th 2019, 09:22 thuyhyvg How to call back API using cakephp 2.x ?
# Apr 17th 2019, 09:10 dereuromark actually # Spoonfeeding : https://sandbox.dereuromark.de/sandbox/tags/select
# Apr 17th 2019, 09:08 dereuromark 4.x is basically a cleanup from 3.x, no functionally relevant changes to this.
# Apr 17th 2019, 09:08 dereuromark This has nothing to do with 4.x