Log message #4174672

# At Username Text
# Jan 22nd 2019, 19:30 ricksaccous etc
# Jan 22nd 2019, 19:30 ricksaccous are your fields named correctly?
# Jan 22nd 2019, 19:29 ricksaccous are you passing the entity to your form?
# Jan 22nd 2019, 19:29 ricksaccous @jhall do you have your data formatted like usual?
# Jan 22nd 2019, 19:10 jhall It's not applying my changes to the database but the save returns success
# Jan 22nd 2019, 19:09 jhall $deliveryType = $this->DeliveryTypes->patchEntity($deliveryType, $this->request->getData());
# Jan 22nd 2019, 19:09 jhall @ricksaccous can I not patch entity like usual?
# Jan 22nd 2019, 19:00 ricksaccous ;)
# Jan 22nd 2019, 19:00 jhall oh okay let me test that
# Jan 22nd 2019, 18:59 ricksaccous then you can get it via $this->getRequest()->getData()
# Jan 22nd 2019, 18:59 ricksaccous $form.serialize();
# Jan 22nd 2019, 18:59 ricksaccous @jhall you can serialize the whole form
# Jan 22nd 2019, 18:51 jhall If I am posting serialized form data how do I access it on the controller action side?
# Jan 22nd 2019, 17:41 ashish_onmobile anybody has any clue?
# Jan 22nd 2019, 17:41 ashish_onmobile I am getting above error for hitting one of my server with https
# Jan 22nd 2019, 17:41 ashish_onmobile cURL Error (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate in vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Http/Client/Adapter/Curl.php
# Jan 22nd 2019, 17:00 neon1024 :rabbit2:
# Jan 22nd 2019, 17:00 neon1024 ..then we drift into configuration value objects which validate the config ;)
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:59 neon1024 :man-shrugging:
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:59 neon1024 ..and an exception if a table has been configured and the behaviour isn’t attached
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:59 neon1024 Then you could throw a nice `\Devito\MissingConfigException` when it’s called on a Table which isn’t configured
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:59 neon1024 So there’s three ways for you at least :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:58 slackebot1 <neon1024>
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:58 devito yeah
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:57 neon1024 Depends how you feel on the setup, might be nicer to have a single place with all the config
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:57 neon1024 Or setup global config in one go and consume it from app.php
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:55 devito I was also thinking of a table const aswell but im trying not to load in the table if I dont have to.
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:55 devito ill try it both ways and see which is better.
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:53 neon1024 Just like the Registry class does
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:53 neon1024 You could still write to global config, and key using the table class alias
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:52 ricksaccous cool
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:52 devito im making a trait that handels all the functionality on the entity level for the behaviro so I can try it out in there.
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:51 neon1024 But I would probably wrap that somewhere for nice syntactic sugar in the entity
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:50 neon1024 `$entity->getSource()->behaviors()->get('devito')->getConfig()`
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:50 devito yeah
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:49 neon1024 `$entity->getSource()`
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:49 ricksaccous even then i don't know how you'd infer the correct field
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:49 ricksaccous i wonder if the entity has a method to get all the columns
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:48 neon1024 Then you might have no choice but to access the table
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:48 devito table a can call the column foo and table b can call it bar which would be specified in the overlaoded behavior configs
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:48 neon1024 Then write it into your behvaiour config `$this->setConfig('userField', \Cake\Core\Configure::read('devito.userField'))`