Log message #4174623

# At Username Text
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:41 neon1024 @devito What is it you’re trying to do? Sounds like an X Y problem
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:05 devito aww
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:04 jeremyharris it does not
# Jan 22nd 2019, 16:04 devito hello everyone.Maybe an odd question but here it goes. Does a Entity have access to the Table behavior configurations array?
# Jan 22nd 2019, 15:08 gareth.ellis and i've had to copy paste most of the super method :,)
# Jan 22nd 2019, 15:07 gareth.ellis This seems to work... but it's gross
# Jan 22nd 2019, 15:07 slackebot1 <gareth.ellis>
# Jan 22nd 2019, 15:00 gareth.ellis cake 2 has "scopes"
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:59 neon1024 Isn’t that what the logging groups were for? Perhaps that was a cake 3 feature
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:56 gareth.ellis also things like 403 errors, I'd like to log them but not have them in the main error log
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:55 gareth.ellis and if a third party service goes down, this creates a lot of noise in the main error.log file
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:55 gareth.ellis e.g. HTTP calls
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:55 gareth.ellis in various places in the app we log caught errors
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:55 gareth.ellis added a public method `logException(Throwable $e)`
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:54 neon1024 You’d want to make sure they were configured to be logged and not turned off in the php settings then I guess
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:54 gareth.ellis i've got an extended version of the default exception handler `AppErrorHandler`
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:54 neon1024 Not quite sure where you’d hook the exception handler in cake 2 though, it’s been a while
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:54 gareth.ellis logging, not rendering
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:54 neon1024 I don’t see why not @gareth.ellis would just need to write an exception renderer to do that
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:48 gareth.ellis Anyone have any idea if you can configure Cake 2 to log exceptions to different streams depending on the type?
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:38 neon1024 :point_up: Difference between empty and null ;)
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:37 neon1024 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C7ojxbSVAAEX9Bt.jpg
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:37 jhall well that's true @neon1024 haha
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:37 ricksaccous based on type
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:36 ricksaccous in 3.7 allowWhateverEmpty
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:36 neon1024 NULL and ‘’ are not integers ;)
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:36 jhall oh weird
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:36 ricksaccous @jhall yeah you pretty much have to specify allowEmpty()
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:36 neon1024 Yep
# Jan 22nd 2019, 14:36 jhall oh so adding a rule as isInteger also assumes you want it to be required?
# Jan 22nd 2019, 13:25 madbbb Hello! What is the best way to use language param in router? I would like to accept /de/posts/1 urls with en language by default
# Jan 22nd 2019, 10:27 neon1024 Perhaps someone in the future can change it :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jan 22nd 2019, 10:27 neon1024 That’ll be @markstory who’ll wake up in about 2h 30m
# Jan 22nd 2019, 10:22 thomas.meier I just put it here in hope it will hit the person in charge: The lastest release notification has a typo in the title. Probably copy-paste from the old version, maybe someone up to fix it? https://bakery.cakephp.org/2019/01/21/cakephp_373_released.html
# Jan 22nd 2019, 10:02 neon1024 Personally I would not recommend using Fallback routing in your project
# Jan 22nd 2019, 10:02 neon1024 Automatic routing will only exist if you include the FallbackRoutes
# Jan 22nd 2019, 10:02 neon1024 fingoweb, That’s exactly how routing works
# Jan 22nd 2019, 10:01 neon1024 @spriz I think it’s still `CHAR(32)`
# Jan 22nd 2019, 10:01 neon1024 Morning all
# Jan 22nd 2019, 09:59 fingoweb hey, I have a question, I need some redirect module. Is it possible in Cake to auto redirect from auto routes (/controller/action) to predefined routes (defined by $routes->connect) if exists?
# Jan 22nd 2019, 09:57 spriz Or `VARBINARY` :P