Log message #4174512

# At Username Text
# Jan 21st 2019, 16:09 ricksaccous let me see
# Jan 21st 2019, 16:09 ricksaccous if you are not sure at a given time if it will be an object or not
# Jan 21st 2019, 16:09 jhall ok
# Jan 21st 2019, 16:09 a.didier basic php function but it give lots of details
# Jan 21st 2019, 16:08 jhall oh maybe
# Jan 21st 2019, 16:08 a.didier var_dump() ?
# Jan 21st 2019, 16:07 jhall if I want to see if something is an entity
# Jan 21st 2019, 16:07 jhall Is there anything built into cake to check the type of the object or is it just using basic php functions to do so?
# Jan 21st 2019, 15:18 ricksaccous cool, ye let me know if it doesn't work for you
# Jan 21st 2019, 15:16 a.didier looks good i'll test this
# Jan 21st 2019, 15:16 a.didier thx
# Jan 21st 2019, 15:16 a.didier nah i didn't look more than that, lot of stuff to do between the now and the moment i asked XD
# Jan 21st 2019, 14:44 ricksaccous i have that somewhere but at work now and can't grab it easily
# Jan 21st 2019, 14:44 ricksaccous unless you wanted the whole docker-compose
# Jan 21st 2019, 14:43 ricksaccous you probably found antoehr one by now though
# Jan 21st 2019, 14:43 ricksaccous lol
# Jan 21st 2019, 14:42 ricksaccous @a.didier https://github.com/Modicrumb/dockerfiles/blob/master/Dockerfile just change the php version there and tell me if it works, thanks in advance for being my test dummy
# Jan 21st 2019, 13:50 a.didier Cake 2.10.14 or less but with the support of PHP7.3
# Jan 21st 2019, 13:49 a.didier Hello everyone :wave: Does someone have a good dockerfile for a Cake 2.10.14 with PHP7.3 ?
# Jan 21st 2019, 12:31 spriz I feel like the other thing should work now that is’a accessible
# Jan 21st 2019, 12:30 spriz yurp :P Weird thing though :thinking_face:
# Jan 21st 2019, 12:30 neon1024 Guess that’s why! ;)
# Jan 21st 2019, 12:30 neon1024 I did wonder why I always used `$entity->set('thingies', $newEntity)`
# Jan 21st 2019, 12:26 spriz A little adjustment and it seem to work. Can’t just put it into the newEntity argument it seems :thihnk
# Jan 21st 2019, 12:22 neon1024 Yeah, I reckon that might work
# Jan 21st 2019, 12:16 spriz you mean like that @neon1024?
# Jan 21st 2019, 12:16 spriz https://gist.github.com/Spriz/9b76bcfc07785d578e3c2b8df2581753
# Jan 21st 2019, 12:08 neon1024 You could make a Company entity and assign that?
# Jan 21st 2019, 12:05 spriz Is there some smarter way to do this? Without enabling mass assignment for the `id` field?
# Jan 21st 2019, 12:05 slackebot1 I wouldn’t like that in all other actions :thinking_face:
# Jan 21st 2019, 12:05 spriz I have a question about the ORM/Marshaller with relations - I hope someone can enlighten me. Whenever I want to save an entity with a relation to an existing BelongsTo entity, but change some data on the BelongsTo I end up making 2 different `patchEntity` because I cannot make this work: https://gist.github.com/Spriz/f6ab3d56219092957cfcef76e28e43a4 for it to work, the `'id'` needs to be mass assignable for the `companies_vendor` entity, but
# Jan 21st 2019, 10:56 yamcomnet this is the exact solution. no worries
# Jan 21st 2019, 10:54 neon1024 I knew if I asked, I’d find it. `typeMap()`, was expecting `getTypeMap()` or `getTypes()`
# Jan 21st 2019, 10:53 neon1024 Anyone know if I can get the typemap from the schema? I can see the `$_typeMap` but no accessor method. I’d rather get that property, than get the columns and foreach them calling `getType` on each one
# Jan 21st 2019, 10:49 yamcomnet anyone has good strategy to implement ajax pagination? closest i got to clean solution was https://discourse.cakephp.org/t/how-to-do-ajax-pagination-in-cakephp-3-x/1018/5
# Jan 21st 2019, 10:38 josbeir gives more headaches in the end
# Jan 21st 2019, 10:38 josbeir never liked encryption on the db lvl
# Jan 21st 2019, 10:38 josbeir would also go for that
# Jan 21st 2019, 10:38 josbeir yup
# Jan 21st 2019, 10:38 neon1024 Plus it keeps the encryption in the application, rather than in the database
# Jan 21st 2019, 10:38 neon1024 Yeah, this is the first time I’ve had to tackle it, so figured a custom data type would be easiest and most obvious