Log message #4174005

# At Username Text
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:09 neon1024 If it provides any shells, yes
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:09 jhall yeah
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:09 neon1024 Do you mean a CLI command?
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:08 jhall yeah
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:08 jhall okay and then I should be able to access this plugin in a Command?
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:08 neon1024 ..and obviously open a ticket for the plugin author to ask for Cake 3.6+ support
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:08 neon1024 If it’s an older one you might try loading it with `Plugin::load()` in `bootstrap.php`, although this might generate a deprecation warning
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:08 neon1024 https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/plugins.html#loading-a-plugin
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:07 jhall ok
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:07 neon1024 I *think* you can sidestep it, but I can’t recall quite how
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:07 jhall ok
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:07 neon1024 The newer plugin system uses a Plugin file
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:07 jhall so I can't use the plugin
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:07 jhall ah
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:06 neon1024 So that might be because the plugin has not been updated for CakePHP 3.7, which is looking for a Plugin class
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:06 slackebot1 <jhall>
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:05 neon1024 Can you show us the error
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:05 jhall okay my next issue is I am getting a plugin class not found
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:03 neon1024 You will still need to use `$this->addPlugin()` in your Application.php, the plugin documentation should give you the relevant details. Such as if it needs routing or bootstrapping
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:03 jhall ah
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:03 neon1024 The /plugins folder is for your own application specific plugins
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:03 jhall oh so then I access it as a vendor and not use plugin load
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:02 neon1024 @jhall If you install a plugin using composer, it will go into /vendors
# Jan 17th 2019, 17:01 jhall If I install a plugin using composer, shouldn't it add the necessary files to the plugins folder? When I installed this plugin, it claimed it was successful but I see nothing in my plugins directory,
# Jan 17th 2019, 16:41 ricksaccous UltimateController.php
# Jan 17th 2019, 16:40 neon1024 Yeah! It’s just got AllTheThingsController
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:55 admad Does your `Controller` folder contain only one controller?
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:31 neon1024 Does it only contain the one command then?
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:27 rrd564 :slightly_smiling_face:
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:27 rrd564 yep
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:27 jhall yep
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:27 rrd564 and there is no "s" at the end
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:27 jhall and singular
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:27 jhall ah yep you're right
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:26 rrd564 however it starts with capital C
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:26 jhall oh sweet thanks
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:26 rrd564 @jhall just create it and that is all
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:26 jhall I noticed my application does not contain a src/commands directory. Can I simply create it myself or is there some sorta backing I need to do to set that up?
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:16 david thank you so much @admad, it works fine
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:09 admad Create `I18nTable` and set connection in that too
# Jan 17th 2019, 15:03 david that table doesn't exists in my current database. Is no way to specify CakePHP to find that table in the new database?